Courses Offered in LASU Epe Campus and Requirements.

Courses Offered in LASU Epe Campus and Requirements,  LASU Degree Programmes Epe Campus. The LASU Programme in Epe Campus duration is Four [4] year degree programme: The four [4] year Degree Programme is designed for candidates with NCE/ND Merit/Upper Credit grade and above. While the Five [5] year degree programme: The five [5] year Degree Programme is designed for candidates with WASC/SSCE/TC II and NCE who fall short of entry qualification for the four [4] year Sandwich Degree Programme.

Courses Offered in LASU Epe Campus and Requirements.

B.SC [ED], B.A [ED] and B.ED: four [4] and five [5] year’s sandwich degree programmes in the following courses:

  • Political Science Education
  • Business Education
  • English Education.
  • Early Childhood and Primary Education
  • Guidance and Counseling Education.
  • Health Education
  • Computer Science Education 

To gain admission to LASU Campus in Epe to study the above courses, you must have the following subjects:

  • English Major: Credit Pass in Literature in English, English Language at ’O’ Level or its equivalent.
  • Health Education; Political Science Major: Credit Pass in English Language and Mathematics, with three other subjects including Biology /Health Science at “O” Level or its equivalent.
  • Health Education Major: (i) A Credit Pass in English Language and Credit Pass in Mathematics (ii) Holders of Staff Registered Nurse and Midwifery Certificates, Environmental Health, Diploma from School of Health Technology Plus five (5) “O” Level Credit Passes to include English Language and Mathematics are also eligible.
  • LASU accepts any other Arts/Social Sciences subject in lieu of Yoruba.
  • Diploma in Health Education, Environmental Health, Physical Education, Social Work, Health Administration, Certificate in coaching, Advanced Diploma in Sports from Nigerian Institute for Sports with at least overall grades of Merit Plus 5 “O” Level Credit /TC II Merit Passes to include English Language and Mathematics are also acceptable for Health Education.

LASU Epe Admission Requirements.

  • Five [5] ‘0’ Level Credit or TCII Merit Passes at not more than two [2] sittings, and two [2] of the subjects at ‘A’ Level or NCE Merit Passes in relevant areas.
  • A University/Polytechnic two [2] -year Diploma Certificate in the relevant area obtained at not less than Merit level.
  • Credit Pass in English Language and Mathematics is compulsory for all courses.

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  1. Angwe-Asen

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