List of Courses Offered in Eden University Lusaka, Zambia

Courses offered in Eden University Lusaka, Zambia: Eden University, formerly known as Eden Institute, is a private institution of higher education located in Lusaka Zambia. It is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church and has made notable humanitarian contributions to the less privileged in Zambia.

Eden University offered number of courses. The mandate of the institute as legally registered under the name willows academy, is to provide Technical Education and Vocational Training at Certificate, Diploma and advanced Diploma level. The institute was registered with TEVETA and accredited to City and Guilds.  The official website is:

The full list of courses offered in Eden University Lusaka, Zambia include:

Eden University Masters Programs

  1. Master of Arts in Conflict and Peace Building
  2. Master of Arts In Development Studies
  3. Master of Arts In Public Administration
  4. Master of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance
  5. Master of Education in Civic Education
  6. Master of Education in Early Childhood Development
  7. Master of Education in English with Literature
  8. Master of Education in Geography
  9. Master of Education in History
  10. Master of Education in Mathematics
  11. Master of Education in Religious Studies
  12. Master of Education in Zambian Languages
  13. Master of Education Management
  14. Master of Guidance and Counseling
  15. Master of Science in Applied Entrepreneurship
  16. Master of Science in Data Analytics
  17. Master of Science in Hospitality and Tourism
  18. Master of Science in Strategic Management
  19. Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
  20. Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship
  21. Master of Business Administration in Human Resource Management
  22. Master of Business Administration
  23. Master of Public Health

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 Eden University Bachelor Degree Programs

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Music
  2. Bachelor of Commerce in Education
  3. Bachelor of Education in Primary Education
  4. Bachelor of ICT with Education
  5. Bachelor of Science in Biology Education
  6. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Education
  7. Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
  8. Bachelor of Science in Consumer Science and Home Economics
  9. Bachelor of Science in Physics Education
  10. Bachelor of Science in Registered Nursing
  11. Bachelor of Science in Technical Education
  12. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education

Eden University Diploma Programs

  1. Diploma in Clinical Medicine
  2. Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching
  3. Diploma in Environmental Health
  4. Diploma in Pharmacy
  5. Diploma in Registered Nursing
  6. Diploma in Teaching Methodology
  7. Diploma Primary Teaching
  8. Diploma Secondary Teaching

Eden University Certificate Short Courses

  1. Certificate in Agri-Business for SMEs
  2. Certificate in Applied Entrepreneurship
  3. Certificate in Applied ICT Course
  4. Certificate in Book Keeping and Acoounting for SMEs
  5. Certificate in Business Software Application
  6. Certificate in Climate Change
  7. Certificate in Fire Investigations
  8. Certificate in Food safety and hygiene
  9. Certificate in Forensic Investigations
  10. Certificate in Front Office Operations
  11. Certificate in Governance Budgeting Analysis and Advocacy
  12. Certificate in Micro Finance Management
  13. Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation
  14. Certificate in Network Fundamentals
  15. Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
  16. Certificate in Organisational Mangement and leadership
  17. Certificate in Professional Computer Courses
  18. Certificate in Project Management
  19. Certificate in Public Social Accoutability
  20. Certificate in Record Managment
  21. Certificate in Rural Finance
  22. Certificate in Sanitation laws
  23. Certificate in Social Media Managment and Strategy
  24. Certificate in Web Application
  25. Certificate in Customer Service
  26. Certificate in Web designing

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