List of Country That Uses Code 852

The list of country that uses code 852 is Hong Kong. Telephone numbers in Hong Kong are mostly eight-digit. Fixed land line numbers start with 2 or 3, mobile (cellular) phone numbers with 5, 6, 7 or 9, pager numbers with 7 and forwarding service with 8. Since the end of 1989, there have been no area codes within Hong Kong.

The international call prefix varies depending on IDD provider, however 001 works on all phone lines and uses the IDD service provided by the same carrier as the telephone line that 001 call is dialed from. During the years of telephone monopoly, the International call prefix was 106 (through 1980s) and then 001. Calls from Hong Kong to Macau and mainland China are international, and include that regions’ country code:

  • Macau +853
  • Mainland China +86 (area code)

Other Telephone Area Codes Within and Around Hong Kong are:

  • +852-2
  • +852-31
  • +852-32
  • +852-33
  • +852-34
  • +852-35
  • +852-36
  • +852-37
  • +852-38
  • +852-39
  • +852-313
  • +852-343
  • +852-345
  • +852-353
  • +852-363

Note: The international dialing code for Hong Kong is +852. You must enter this number if you are calling from another country. Type of electrical sockets in Hong Kong is G,D 230 V and 50 Hz.

How To Call Hong Kong

Country Code Guide is your one-stop shop for making international calls from anywhere in the world. Here’s how to call Hong Kong:

  1. Dial the exit code for your country. This is usually 00 or 011.
  2. Dial the country code for Hong Kong, which is +852.
  3. Dial the area code for the city you’re calling in Hong Kong.
  4. Dial the local phone number.

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