Top 10 Countries With Most Scamming Record In the World.

Countries With Most Scamming Record In the World start with the typical pattern of scam origin as follows: India is known for telephone scams, China for wire transfer scams and Nigeria for email scams.

 Countries With Most Scamming Record

Not all scams originated from those countries, but a hefty percentage do. For example, Americans lose $US1.5 billion to tech-support scams every year, more than 80 percent originated from India, and 51 percent of all e-mail scams still originate from Nigeria.

India has the advantage of English being widely spoken (hence the preference for phone scams), and Nigerians have the advantage of having fairly decent levels of literacy (hence the preference for email scams).

In the recent years, Nigeria, India, and China has always make the list of Countries With Most Scamming Record In the World. The pitfall to this effect is that the activities of these scammers tarnished the international reputations of their countries and honest citizens of those countries sometimes suffer as a result.

For example, sometimes freelancers are denied contracts because of the reputation of their country of origin, especially in the case of Nigeria and India. For many people, the first thought which comes to mind when thinking of Nigeria and India is “scammers,” and this can cast a cloud of suspicion over workers, even where it is not merited.

Perhaps Nigeria and India may one day eradicate widespread scamming within their borders. The government of these countries is working assiduously to stop this wicked act.

Countries With Most Scamming Record In the World:

Our advise is people should endeavor to familiarize themselves with the modus operandi and avenues of approach of each of these scams in order to avoid becoming victims of these despicable scammers. Here’s is the list of the top 10 Countries With Most Scamming Record In the World:

10. Romania

Romania is a well-known hub for phishing, credit card fraud, fraudulent electronic auction bids, and hacking. Credit card, ATM skimming, and internet fraud are among the most common crimes affecting foreigners in Romania.

After the fall of communism, Romania slumped to poverty and corruption. Over years Romania has built a reputation over internet scams that have been successful.

Scammers have been able to dupe innocent people through online dating, phishing and also sale of non-existence products. Romanian internet scam artists use some tried methods to con you, it’s not always A- list but it always works.

9. Philippines

Besides the common romance scams the Philippines have taken it a notch higher, one of the used schemes is called the familiar face where somebody approaches you and claims you look familiar and in the process, they decide to show you around where later you get robbed.

Horse Trading is another way they robe you. You negotiate a price with the driver and during the ride they change shift, where the entrant comes and takes the price almost 10 times the original price.

8. South Africa

A report by UJ Centre for Cyber Security has received during the course of 2015 South Africans were the most affected by banking-related fraud.

This included phishing, visiting spoofed banking websites or receiving false message notifications of bank withdrawals or deposits though most of these cases were reported in Gauteng province.

7. Venezuela

Since its economy plunged into recession, there have been massive cases of scamming ranging from online dating to fake government bonds.

Currently the street value of greenbacks has soared to 7x the government’s rate of VEF6.3 to the dollar. In 2016 alone the consumer prices rose to 800% and the economy had contracted by 18.6%.

This resulted to massive unemployment and also in local stores there were empty shelves. These factors coupled with others led to massive scamming schemes.

6. Indonesia

Indonesian scammers are tech savvy where they are able to con people without knowing. Fraud cases have increased since the year 2000; bank customers have been victimized by syndicates with the use of data-capturing devices illegally installed in bank machines.

5. Pakistan

Military scams have become so common such that many crime fighting organizations are sending an alert. They are not easy to detect, scammers use high ranking officials and pose as military members on online dating sites and social networks and engage in relationships whose only goal is to use peoples images which they will later use to fool other people.

At the moment scammers pose as a soldier, currently deployed in Pakistan and they will find a way to get you to send money to them. Criminals are also installing a virus on your computer where they steal everything in your computer and in the process blackmail you to send them money.

4. Brazil

Brazil is the hub of scammers. It is been discussed how Brazil scams people by posing as beautiful ladies. Pick-pocketing which was more evident in the 2016 Olympics put a bad picture. There are also cases of express kidnappings which happen around foreign currency exchange banks.

Take this Scenario for example;  you are having the time of your life in Brazil. You are walking down the street when suddenly you finding yourself being stopped by the Brazilian police. You ask for the reason, and the officer tells you it’s for having counterfeit bills on you. They check your wallet and pockets and the truth is… you really do have fake bank notes!

How is that possible, how did that happen? This is an organized scam. The street market vendor you just bought souvenirs from five minutes ago gave them to you on purpose, as change. Then he told his friends, who are posing as cops. Now they’re “arresting” you, saying the only way out of this is to give them some cash.

Fake travel deals to Brazil  is also one of the most common travel scams, especially when hot destinations are on everybody’s mind and Brazil’s Rio is top of the list.

Tricksters create great websites for “new” travel agencies offering fantastic last-minute deals for the Rio vacation. Wouldn’t you like to brag to your friends that you went to the Rio de Janeiro for only $350?

Scammers use amazing pictures stolen from the Internet to promote their trap and create fake travel agencies for a month at a time, get hundreds of eager tourists who pay on the spot, and then close down the “business”.

 3. India

The typical pattern 0f  telephone scams originated from India.

India is well-known for scamming taking place on a wide scale (and the Indian male online can be encumbered by certain stereotypes) but India has the advantage of being a genuine tech hub and many legitimate and respectable businesses are based there.

So, it’s a bit of a mixed bag in the case of India’s international reputation.

It’s impossible to visit India and fail to encounter at least one scam or someone trying to scam you. Pretending not to know the Way to Your Hotel is one scam taxi drivers use to rip you off.

They will offer to take you to another hotel where it will be expensive. Importing Gemstones Duty Free is another scam especially in Jaipur area. The scam involves tourists being approached by a gem dealer, who convinces them to buy some worthless gemstones.

You will be asked to import them under their duty free allowance, then sell them on to one of his fictitious willing partners in their home country which will be much more money than they originally paid.

2. China

You have been doing business with a Chinese company for some time and receive an email asking you to send the next wire transfer to a new account number.

After wiring the money you are asked to resend the payment because it never arrived. After rewiring the payment you are again notified that the payment did not arrive and that you should try sending it to another account number.

At which time you become extremely suspicious and discover the email address is slightly different from the company’s real e-mail address and/or the person who has been contacting you left the company a month before.

Chinese are very good at this; they have incorporated technology to scamming unsuspecting masses. College Entrance Scam is one method they scam parents by convincing them that the child can get to college with poor results.

“I Am Your Husband’s Mistress” Scam is another method where they text husbands’ wives with a link to see images of herself (mistress) with her husband, to which wives quickly enter the link and her phone gets infected with a Trojan virus and they retrieve passwords and images which they use to blackmail the family.

Beijing’s Hospital Scalpers is a decade common problem where people earn money by enticing people to obtain medical care at a certain hospital. Initially they tarnish the original hospital’s name and profession hence creating distrust and you will trust them.

They will walk you to their clinic of choice and the staff does many unnecessary expensive tests.

1. Nigeria

Nigeria, on the other hand, is mainly only known abroad as an exporter of oil, if even that, and the infamous scams can be pretty much the only thing known about Nigeria by people far afield.

Additionally, this aspect of the country is often well-publicised with frequent warnings in the media about the latest scam doing the rounds, so scamming tends to be uppermost in the minds of many people in relation to mention of Nigeria, simply because it is the aspect they hear most often about and it is one that frightens them.

However, an increasing number of people have become wise to the ways of scammers, and their priority is to protect themselves and their assets.

Nigeria uses one play book to dupe unsuspecting people. I believe everybody have seen this somewhere whether in email or Facebook messages where they will probably tell you an elaborate fake story about large amounts of money in the central bank or a large amount of inheritance that is difficult for them to access because of their government restrictions or taxes in their country and in the process they ask for your bank details so as to transfer the money to you and in the process they will use your information to steal your funds.

Therefore, while the Nigerian Prince Scam still generates about £700,000 per annum, scammers have had to diversify in order to keep bringing in the cash – hence the invention of other forms of scam such as the romance scam, the tech-support scam, the IRS scam, and the classified and auction scam.

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