10 Countries That Have Highest Demand for Teachers Right Now

I will be listing the 10 countries that have highest demand for teachers right now in the world. Teaching abroad is an amazing opportunity to explore the world and to have a life-changing experience overseas. However, the most difficult part about teaching is deciding where in the world to go and grow as the intelligent teacher that you are! There are so many unique countries out there, making the decision about where to go extremely difficult.

The following countries were categorized by what makes them stand out as great options for teaching abroad. While everyone’s perfect fit will depend on their goals and interests, we hope to provide insight into what makes each of these destinations unique and appealing. After all, it can be hard to choose with so many opportunities out there.

Right below here are the 10 countries that have highest demand for teachers right now and from any of them you have the free leave to pick the one that is best or that seems best to you. Meanwhile all of it are fine and economically convenient for you as an international teacher.

1. Spain

Spain has always been a popular choice for teachers and is still Europe’s leading country for international schools. Most of Spain’s coastal cities have a good range of schools, as does the capital, Madrid.

The benefits of teaching in Spain include a warm climate, a rich culture, and great food! There is also the chance to travel through mainland Europe during weekends and holidays. For UK teachers, home is easily and quickly accessible. The teaching wage typically doesn’t allow for much money to be saved, however, so it’s not a great option if this is your main aim.

2. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan may not be the obvious destination for teachers wanting to work overseas but it has many excellent one and two-year contracts available. These would appeal most to teachers wanting the chance to explore a different and exciting country, and to advance their teaching skills in the process. Kazakhstan’s education system is still developing, so teachers can make a real difference here.

Living in Kazakhstan is a fascinating experience and you will be close enough to travel easily to some other very unique countries such as Mongolia, Russia, Uzbekistan and China. This is also a place to come if you want to earn and save money, as many of the packages available are generous.

3. China

The demand for English-speaking international education in China is still growing, and more and more international bilingual schools are being set up for local Chinese families. Most major cities in China now have these schools so there are many opportunities available for teachers. Many teaching jobs in China also offer benefits, such as free accommodation, or paid flights. It’s possible to live quite comfortably and still have money left over to travel

China is an amazing place to live and work as an expat. There are endless facets of Chinese culture to explore and experience as well as a multitude of different regions and cities to travel to. China is truly one of the best places to teach abroad!

4. UAE

There are many, many options in the UAE for teachers interested in teaching in the Middle East. There is a wide selection of different types of international schools there, working with a range of curricula.

The expat population in the UAE is vibrant and large (and outnumbers the local Emiratis), so English is very commonly spoken. Teachers who want to save money have many opportunities; the salaries are tax-free and packages often include accommodation. There are some exceptional international schools, particularly in Dubai, that offer very good benefits for experienced English-speaking teachers.

5. Malaysia

Malaysia is expanding significantly as a country for international schooling. The country’s infrastructure and communications are excellent, making it an easy place to live. The expat community is large and supportive and while it’s not a place to get rich as a teacher, you can certainly live a comfortable and interesting life.

The country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur has a great range of schools, and is a city that is both modern and traditional. The Malaysian people are friendly and the food is fantastic. The country has wonderful lush rainforests, is a great place for exploring, and also is easy access to many other countries in South East Asia, particularly Singapore.

6. Thailand

Teachers can enjoy a great lifestyle in Thailand. There’s a wide variety of exceptional international schools, offering excellent salary and benefits packages. The weather is sunny and warm and there are lots of interesting places to visit; from historical temples, to beautiful scenery and beaches, to the excitement and cultural metropolis of Bangkok. It’s also a great location from which to travel, with easy access to other places in South-East Asia, such as the Philippines.

7. Mexico

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The number of international schools in Latin America is increasing, especially in Mexico, which remains one of the most popular destinations. The country is known for its vibrant culture and fiestas, natural beauty, and its world-renowned cuisine.

You’ll currently find most international schools in Mexico City and Cancun, with very limited selection elsewhere. These cities are both great bases to travel from, with opportunities to see other parts of Mexico at the weekends, or South and Central America during holidays.

For those who do work here, it’s a great chance to experience an incredibly diverse country with some brilliant tourist attractions and, while the salaries aren’t high, the cost of living is very low.

8. Vietnam

Vietnam is one of Asia’s largest and fastest growing nations. It’s a beautiful and fascinating country with white sandy beaches, great weather, warm and welcoming locals, and lively culture. The cost of living is relatively low, and generally, the salaries are good, so you can expect to live well if you move here.

There are good international school teaching opportunities in the bustling cities of Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. The international school market is growing here, so more jobs are appearing for qualified teachers.

9. Qatar

Qatar offers good, lucrative teaching opportunities. Many local families want their children to be educated at the international schools because of their high standards. Demand for places is high in the schools, which means demand for experience and qualified teachers is high too. In addition, there’s a brand-new city, called Lusail, with many international schools. Opportunities are extensive, with tax-free salaries and often very good benefits.

10. South Korea

South Korea offers teachers a great, vibrant culture, and a comfortable quality of life. The packages are generous and attractive, and often include airfare and accommodation. There are many opportunities here, as the demand for qualified English-speaking teachers is high. Education is really valued in the country and students are very eager to learn.

Travel opportunities are also impressive, with easy access to China, South-East Asia, and Australia. Because of the country’s proximity to North Korea, people often assume that the country isn’t safe, but this isn’t the case; it’s an incredibly safe country to live and work.

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