Concept of Consumer Education and its Importance

Concept of consumer education: Consumer education is the process of assisting people to acquire the correct information and understanding that will help them make wise decisions when purchasing goods and services.

It is the field that enlighten consumers on what, where, when, how, and how much to buy and use what they have bought.

The aim of consumer education is to guide consumers to acquire knowledge and skills, link them to appropriate behavior for safe consumer life. Consumer education also has an aspect as an activity of fostering people capable of coming forward to play a key role in society and contribute to its growth.

How Can Consumers Determine “Goods to Buy”?

Consumers are individuals who make use of the goods, services and gift of nature to satisfy their needs and enhance their general wellbeing. To determine the type of goods to buy, consumers must know:

What to buy: Consumers should buy those products that are of good quality and which meet their needs and priorities. Consumers are advised to conduct market survey to get vital information about the products they intend to buy. They should decide on the particular brand. Brand names is the popular name by which a product is known in the market. Some brand names are very popular due to the quality, cost or effectiveness of the product.

How much to buy: Consumers are advised to buy only the quantity that they  In determining this, they must give consideration to factors such as money and storage space available. This helps to prevent spoilage and wastage.

Where to buy: Goods can be purchased in retail shops, supermarkets, open markets, cooperative stores, company showrooms, authorized dealers or wholesale markets.

When to buy: Some goods can be bought in large quantity when they are in season and be preserved against their off season periods. Other goods can be bought when they are on sales and the consumer can get discount sales.

How to buy: Goods can be bought either in cash or  Goods bought with cash are relatively cheaper than those purchased on credit. Consumers may save and buy at the original price by paying cash. Whether cash or credit buying, consumers are advised to ask for guarantee and warranty cards along with the receipt.

How to use: Learn about the proper use of all products you are purchasing. Always read and understand the instructions or user manuals that come with each product before  Consumers can also ask for a demonstration of usage.

Importance of Consumer Education

  • Consumer education offers the consumer full information of marketing conditions like various sources of purchasing a particular commodity, from where to get cheap and best  The shops that provide additional facilities and the latest products. All these information enables him/her in taking right decisions regarding shopping.
  • Familiarizes the consumer with various standards of standardization and their markings
  • Familiarizes the consumer with various acts enacted by the government from to time.  This helps the consumer in getting satisfaction by proper utilization of his money and leads to better living and standard.
  • Familiarizes the consumer with problems which he/she faces while making This education inculcates the logical viewpoint in him.
  • Consumer education ensures that companies are held accountable by government agencies and the consumers that use their products and services.
  • Helps consumers understand their rights and become active participants in the buying process.
  • Provides the public with information it needs on goods and services.
  • Motivates consumers to provide feedback that can be used to improve the quality of products and  services.
  • Helps a person in making proper purchase, enables the consumer in making the right selections.
  • Keeps economy moving as it holds companies accountable for what they sell.
  • Makes people aware of the quality of goods and services they are purchasing.
  • Give consumers control over their purchases.

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