Code To Check Your MTN Phone Number Easily.

The code to check your MTN phone number easily are not sometime easy to catch and appears somewhat confusing as the reasons may abound as to why and how. Well, many a customer of the popular telecommunication brand and network provider, MTN, do not really have knowledge of checking their codes and even those with the knowledge have probably forget. So we are creating a platform here through this article whereby you can easily have access to knowing the code to check your MTN MSISDN on you cellphone at just a click.

Code To Check Your MTN Phone Number Easily.

Sometimes, you are just stuck in the middle of something that makes you require the need to get your phone number. You might forget or it would just slip through your mind. One easy way to do this is to look yourself up on a people search site; for instance, if you type in the name Lorie Lucas, it shows all that person’s phone numbers – so you can look up your own number this way. In order not to wander too long we have gathered some of the simplest ways by which you can find your number on your phone without having to rack too long and sweat so much are these listed below:

1. Customer Service

Visiting MTN website in case you do not have their customer care line will be the first step to take to finding your number. If you find it, then call Customer Care line and ask what your phone number is.

2. The USSD for MSISDN

It is advised to use the MTN USSD; it is the surest code to check your MTN phone number easily. Just type the code *123*1*1# and then boom! Your MTN phone number will be shown on your screen.

Another surest code to check your MTN phone number easily is *663#. After inputting it on your phone, you will see the phone number on the display.

3. Call your Available Friends’ Phone Number

If you have airtime on your account, this is another finest code to check your MTN phone number easily. Just call your friend or anyone closest to you, and there your phone number appears on the person’s phone screen.

4. Use the MTN Call Back Service

MTN offers the Call Me Back feature on you sim as long as it is on your phone. You can type *133# and follow the directory where you will have to input the phone number of the person you are sending it to. Before long, the person will get text message which will therefore contain your phone number. The service is free of charge.

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