Careers You Can Realistically Begin After 50

Starting a career at 50 might come with its own set of considerations, but it’s definitely doable and can be incredibly rewarding. Identify your strengths, skills, and what you’re truly passionate about. This will help you choose a career that aligns with your abilities and interests.

Depending on the career path you choose, you might need to acquire new skills. This could involve taking courses, attending workshops, or even going back to school. Embrace the learning process—it’s never too late to learn something new. Leveraging your existing network and build new connections. Networking is crucial at any age but can be particularly beneficial when making a career change later in life.

Having a mentor can provide guidance and support as you navigate a new career path. Look for someone who has experience in the field you’re interested in. Be open to possibilities and embrace the idea that your career journey may take unexpected turns. Flexibility and adaptability are valuable traits. If diving straight into a full-time role feels overwhelming, consider starting with part-time or freelance work. It allows you to ease into the new career while maintaining flexibility. You are also going to need support from friends and family when you’re considering transforming yourself—and your job. Tell them what you want to do, and ask for their assistance. They might be able to provide you advice on how to write a strong cover letter that is tailored to older job seekers or connect you with people they know who can help you network. As you navigate these unfamiliar seas and discover a profession you love, it could even be as straightforward as offering emotional support.

You can start a lot of careers when you’re 50, in many cases. Utilizing your knowledge, experience, and potentially picking up new ones is the key.

Here are some some options to think about:

  • Consulting:

Use your years of expertise to offer consulting services in your field. Many industries value the insights that come with experience. Many organizations are in need of your expertise when it comes to decision making.

  • Entrepreneurship:

Start your own business based on a passion or skill you possess. This could be anything from a small online business to a consultancy.

  • Freelancing:

If you have specific skills, such as writing, graphic design, programming, or marketing, consider freelancing. Online platforms provide opportunities for freelancers of all ages. For instance, technical writing is adaptable, so you can work in various sectors, including marketing and customer service. You might also help researchers and institutions write grants and proposals. You won’t need a degree in writing to do this. Instead, you’ll need strong communication skills and the capacity to clarify complex information so that ordinary people can understand it.

  • Health and Wellness:

Medical assistants aid physicians in maintaining the efficient operation of healthcare facilities. Updating patient records, prepping patients and examination rooms, aiding physicians, and completing front-desk tasks will be your daily duties. You may be asked to take patients’ medical histories and keep track of their vital signs. You can work in doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other medical settings. Depending on the state where you plan to work, you may be required to obtain certificates through an accredited medical assistant program.

Explore careers in health and wellness, such as becoming a fitness trainer, nutritionist, or wellness coach. People are increasingly prioritizing health, and your life experience can be an asset.

  • Education and Training:

Consider a career in education or training. You could become a teacher, trainer, or even work in educational administration. This can done from the comfort of your home.

  • Nonprofit Work:

If you’re passionate about a cause, consider working for a nonprofit organization. Many nonprofits value the skills and dedication of older professionals. You would be able to impact lives and give back to the society in your own little way.

  • Real Estate:

Real estate agent is one of the best jobs to retrain for at 50. These agents work with real estate brokers and help their clients buy, sell, and rent properties. If helping families find their dream homes is something that excites you, and you are personable and great at communicating with others, this might be a great option for your new career at 50. Real estate offers various opportunities, such as becoming a real estate agent, property manager, or even investing in properties.

  • Tech Industry:

Don’t shy away from the tech industry. Many tech roles require problem-solving skills and creativity, which you likely developed over the years. For instance, you will create and maintain websites when you work as a web developer. You’ll be in charge of a site’s technical aspects, including its performance and capacity, as well as monitoring website traffic. You will also be responsible for the look and functionality of the website. You will make your clients’ visions a reality by working with the design team.

  • Creative Arts:

Starting a consulting career at 50 can be a fulfilling and exciting journey. Your years of experience likely mean you have a wealth of knowledge and skills to offer. Pursue a career in the creative arts, such as writing, painting, or music. Your life experiences can bring depth and richness to your artistic endeavors.

  • Counseling or Coaching:

If you enjoy helping others, consider becoming a counselor, life coach, or career coach. Your experiences can provide valuable insights and empathy. This would be of great help to youths and young adults who are struggling with life challenges.


A new career might be started at 50. By the time you are 50, you’ll have a ton of experience and transferrable talents. You must, however, be willing to learn new things. It could be necessary for you to upskill, sign up for a few classes, or even finish a bootcamp in order to acquire the new abilities you require, but it will be worthwhile in the long run.

Yes, it is challenging to change careers and obtain work at the age of 50. However, with the rise of online bootcamps and training institutes, it is not completely impossible. A higher rate of 55 and older workers’ engagement in the labor force is also predicted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics until 2024. Therefore, depending on your career decision, your employment prospects are generally favorable.

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