The Capital of Seborga (Small Village in Italy).

Seborga is located near Provincial Road 57 in Imperia-Italy. The nearest motorway access is at the Bordighera exit on the A10 highway. The nearest railway station is also in Bordighera, on the Ventimiglia-Genoa line.

The Seborga is a small village in Northern Italy with one peculiarity and historically reckon with the dream of being independent. The Seborga village was said to  claims for independence as at  early in 1960s, The independence debate which was led by Giorgio Carbone, the head of the village of that time, began promoting the idea that Seborga should retain its historic independence.

Giorgio Carbone convince the people of Seborga of the  arguments to gain independence and they elected him as their head of state, with the title Giorgio I, Prince of Seborga.

After its historic independence, Seborga formed its flag, a national anthem, a small volunteer defense army and its own currency (Seborga luigino  which is only valid within the village). The Seborgans pay taxes and vote in local and national Italian elections. Public health, telecommunications, school services and all public services are provided by the Italian State.

The Capital of Seborga

There’s no information conveying the capital of Seborca but according to online records the capital of Seborga is (Seborga). This may probably because Seborga is small town in the region of Liguria in northwest Italy. It is also questionable to ask how can a country have its capital in another country? Although Seborga, after the declaration of independence, has become quite famous.

The historic town centre has been restored and is considered one of the most beautiful and well-preserved villages in Italy. The good thing is the there is no tension between the “Principality” of Seborga and the Italian government.

The Government of Seborga

Adopted from Principato di  Seborga, on 23 April 1995, “Seborga is a Free and Sovereign Principality, governed by democratic norms”. The form of government is the elective constitutional monarchy.

The head of state and government is the Princess, who is elected by the people of Seborga for a term of seven years and can be re-elected.
The Crown Council, which is the Princess’s cabinet, holds executive power. It is led by the Princess herself and is made up of 9 Councilors, 4 of them chosen by the Princess already in the candidacy phase and 5 elected by the Seborgans.

It proposes amendments to the General Statutes, laws, regulations and international conventions. In the event of the Princess’s vacation, it is collegially entrusted with the temporary government of the Principality, as provided for by art. 31 of the Regulation.

The constitution then provides for an institution called Council of Priors, which is made up of citizens born, baptized and resident in Seborga with at least one living parent and child.

The Council of Priors holds legislative power, being called upon to approve the laws, the amendments to the General Statutes, the Regulation and the budget of the Principality. It can also be consulted by the Princess with regard to international relations.

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