How to Apply for Canon Student Development Program 2022.

Canon Student Development Program 2022 for University Students worldwide will help you advance your career and take the next step to becoming a pro photographer.


  • 100 entrants will be selected and mentored remotely by industry professionals in relation to their portfolio;
  • 30 of those 100 entrants (as judged by an independent panel) will be selected to attend a 5 day workshop prior to attending the Visa pour l’image festival; and
  • 5 of the 30 participants will be selected to: attend the Hamburg Portfolio review, receive a €2k grant and Canon product.

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The Programme will comprise three separate modules

  • Module 1: Virtual Portfolio Preparation Mentorships
    100 admitted Participants will be partnered with a professional mentor between 6th June – 8th July to support and refine their portfolio. Each Participant will be granted up to three one hour sessions. All sessions will be conducted virtually.
  • Module 2: Workshop
    Following the concusion of module 1, 30 Participants will be selected in July to attend a 5 day workshop taking place between 25th – 29th August 2022 in the days preceeding the 2022 edition of the Visa pour l’image Festival (“Festival”) held in Perpignan (F). During the workshop Participants will attend dedicated lectures, take part in group portfolio reviews, practical sessions, get access to exhibitions at the Festival and benefit from networking opportunities with representatives from the Imaging and Media industry.
  • Module 3: Hamburg Portfolio Review
    5 Participants will be selected in August and receive a 3 day trip to Hamburg (G) and granted a place at the Hamburg Portfolio Review taking place between 16th – 18th September 2022. During the event Participants will take part in portfolio reviews, showcase their work in a dedicated exhibition, attend additional meetings with industry professionals, and be supported for a further 6 months with longer term mentorships and receive a €2k grant and up to €9k worth of Canon product. All Participants will be introduced to relevant local country Canon organisation

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How to Apply for Canon Student Development Program 2022.

Application is very easy, before you apply read and understand the application requirements below:

  • Be aged 18 and over at the date April 29th, 2022;
  • Must have started or completed an education programme during the academic year 2021-2022, or be engaged in internships by agencies or magazines within the same period; or be nominated/endorsed by professionals from the photographic industry
  • The programme is open to eligible participants residing in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
  • The official language of the programme is English and participants will need an adequate proficiency to take part.
  • Your portfolio can contain up to 20 images from one story, plus a description of your project, image captions and a personal bio.
  • The entry deadline is 29 April 2022. 100 participants will be accepted onto the Canon Student Development Programme and notified by 16 May 2022. ID is required for entry.

To enter, fill in the form below and submit your portfolio. You must be at least 18 on 29 April 2022 and a university student or intern at an agency or magazine, for the academic year of 2021 to 2022.

10 places are available for participants nominated by the industry, regardless of where they are in their education journey. These entries will require a letter of endorsement to qualify.

Visit the Official Webpage to Apply

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