All You Need Know About Biafran Secret Society

For the sake of history, it becomes imperative that you have all you need know about Biafran secret society. Biafra is the former eastern part of the Nigerian nation that wants to see that they are totally liberated from what they considered as the political shackles of their mother state.

Following the common turmoil which later resulted into civil war, the Biafran society have grown in strength across the world and have, as a result, turned into secret society because the sovereign government of Nigeria has not declared them free to secede from the nation. Hence, the Biafran secret society is still an illegal organization or society.

All You Need Know About Biafran Secret Society

Below is a full-blown information about the Biafran nation; so, keep you head down and have all you need know about Biafran secret society within easy grasp:

The Biafran secret society is a nationalist separatist group in Nigeria that aims to restore the Republic of Biafra, a country which seceded from Nigeria prior to the Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970) and later rejoined Nigeria after its defeat by the Nigerian military.

Since 2021, IPOB and other Biafran separatist groups have been fighting a low-level guerilla conflict in southeastern Nigeria against the Nigerian government. The group was founded in 2012 by Nnamdi Kanu, a British Nigerian political activist known for his advocacy of the contemporary Biafran independence movement.

Terrorist Secret Society: Biafra

It was deemed a terrorist organization by the Nigerian government in 2017 under the Nigerian Terrorism Act. As of May 2022, the United Kingdom started denying asylum to members of IPOB who engaged in human rights abuses, though the U.K. government clarified that IPOB had not been designated as a terrorist organization.

Biafran secret society has always criticized the Nigerian federal government for poor investment, political alienation, inequitable resource distribution, ethnic marginalization, and heavy military presence, extrajudicial killings in the South-Eastern, South-Central and parts of North-Central regions of the country.

The organization rose to prominence in the mid-2010s and is now the largest Biafran independence organization by membership. In recent years, it has gained significant media attention for becoming a frequent target of political crackdowns by the Nigerian government. It also has numerous sites and communication channels serving as the only trusted social apparatus educating and inculcating first hand information and news to its members.

Radio Biafra and Nnamdi Kanu

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra is Nnamdi Kanu who is a dual British and Nigerian citizen. He created the Biafran secret society after he initially gained fame from his broadcasts on Radio Biafra, which was established in 2009. This was a radio station from London that broadcast messages that called for “freedom of Biafrans” and criticized corruption in the government of Nigeria.

Radio Biafra catalyzed Kanu’s rise to the public scene, as he was previously an unknown figure. Kanu was arrested by the Nigerian security forces on 19 October 2015, on charges of “sedition, ethnic incitement and treasonable felony.”

Biafran Secret Groups

IPOB emerged to continue the movement that had been championed by MASSOB. MASSOB was formed in 1999 by its national leader Ralph Uwazuruike. However, the organization was severely weakened due to alleged state repression and disagreement within the group about leadership. MASSOB accused Uwazuruike of associating himself with “mainstream Nigerian politics” instead of furthering the cause of Biafra.

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