Benefits of Brain Drain in Nigerian Economy

There are lots of benefits of brain drain in Nigerian economy that maybe we, as a populace, or the Nigerian government is not paying attention to. The fact is, if we pay attention to some of the upsides of something as much as we care about its downsides, due efficiency will be installed and then focus of leadership will be more than precise!

From time, people love to migrate for reasons which are far beyond many of the negative causes we ascribe to the truth. Even when human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location, it can be motivated by the need for more learning or exposure, any of which can better professions and in turn push the country forward when returned.

Persons moving from their home due to forced displacement (such as a natural disaster or civil disturbance) may be described as displaced persons or, if remaining in the home country, internally-displaced persons.

A person who seeks refuge in another country can, if the reason for leaving the home country is political, religious, or another form of persecution, make a formal application to that country where refuge is sought and is then usually described as an asylum seeker. If this application is successful, this person’s legal status becomes refugee.

Benefits of Brain Drain in Nigerian Economy

Let us dissect some of the benefits of brain drain in Nigerian economy which you are not readily familiar with:

1. Improve the Economy 

When highly skilled individuals migrate to other countries, they are paid high wages as compensation for brain gain in the host country. These individuals often send remittances back home, which can provide financial support to their families and communities.

Thus, their remittances stimulate local economies and create job opportunities in various sectors. It is not uncommon in southern Nigeria, as data shows one out of every six households receives money from a relative living abroad.

2. Poverty Reduction

Remittances from skilled Nigerians living abroad can contribute to poverty reduction. They provide financial support to families and communities, improve their standard of living and access to basic necessities such as healthcare, education, and housing.

3. Security Consciousness

While brain drain may result in a temporary loss of skilled individuals, it can also contribute to developing a diaspora community that can support efforts to address insecurity challenges. Also, the diaspora communities contribute to capacity-building efforts by sharing knowledge, expertise, and best practices to enhance local capabilities in addressing security concerns.

Skilled Nigerians abroad can advocate for their home country, raising awareness, mobilizing resources, and building networks to support initiatives to address insecurity.

Read Also: Causes and Consequences of Migration in Africa

4. Employment Opportunities

Skilled Nigerians who gain valuable experience abroad may return with new skills and knowledge—brain exchange—which can be applied in local industries, creating more employment opportunities.

The knowledge and expertise that skilled Nigerians gain abroad can be utilized to develop innovative solutions to address poverty-related challenges in Nigeria, such as through entrepreneurship and social enterprise initiatives.

5. Improved Education

Undoubtedly, one of the benefits of brain drain in Nigerian economy is the fact that it posits that the possibility of migration encourages investment in education because of the potential high returns abroad from educated migrants. Arguably, brain drain can thus eventually increase income equality through educated citizens in the country of origin.

6. Technological Advancements

Another on the list of the benefits of brain drain in Nigerian economy is also that it helps improve on the technological knowledge of the country. It also expands the IT of the citizens. This is following the exposure which the ones who have travelled have gained by virtue of their exposure.

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