How To Apply For Australian National University Scholarship 2021.

Australian National University Scholarship is worth of $15,000 per annum to domestic and international students for the academic session 2020/2021.

Australian National University Scholarship

The Digital Agriculture Supplementary International Awards is awarded to outstanding students to enable them to pursue a degree in Science, Engineering, or Technology at the Australian National University – Australia. Here’s how to apply;

Eligible Field of Studies: 

Ph.D. degree programme in either the College of Science or the College of Engineering & Computer Science.

Eligible Countries:




Value of Award:



To be eligible, applicants must;

  • be enrolled or enrolling full-time in a program of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Information Science relevant to the Agriculture domain, based in the either the ANU College of Science or the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
  • has demonstrated First class honours (H1), or equivalence; and
  • have signed a Student Agreement with CSIRO, unless otherwise agreed in writing with CSIRO; and
  • must not be in full-time employment
  • should provide evidence of English language ability: IELTS, TOEFL, or other acceptable proof.

How To Apply For Australian National University Scholarship:

 Applicants must take admission in a Ph.D. degree programme at the Australian National University. After getting enrolled, all candidates submit their application via an application form.

 Click Here to Apply

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