What is the Advantage of Using PyCharm?

The rarely asked tech question is what is the advantage of using PyCharm? PyCharm is an integrated development environment used for programming in Python.

It provides code analysis, a graphical debugger, an integrated unit tester, integration with version control systems, and supports web development with Django. PyCharm is developed by the Czech company JetBrains.

PyCharm is considered to be one of the most integrated Python IDEs, offering a range of modules and tools which make coding a lot faster and easier for programmers.

One of the reasons for its popularity is the credentials of its developer, Jetbrains, a Czech who is renowned for creating some of the most popular Java and Javascript IDEs.

It offers support for both Python 2 (2.7) and Python 3 (3.5 and above) versions and can be used on a multitude of platforms including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

PyCharm is the most popular IDE used for coding in Python, which happens to be the most popular programming language. If you’re a programmer who’s been studying Python, you’ll want to know more about what is PyCharm and how it helps with Python development.

What is the Advantage of Using PyCharm?

With answers to what is the advantage of using PyCharm? We must get to understand its uses and functions as this will give us clarity. PyCharm can be used for code analysis, debugging, and testing, among other things. It is particularly useful for web creation using web application frameworks like Django and Flask.

Python plugins can be built by programmers using various APIs. It also allows programmers to access a range of databases without integrating with other tools.

While designed specifically for programming with Python, it can also be used to create HTML, CSS, and Javascript files. It also comes with a great user interface that can be modified based on applications using plugins.

Advantages of PyCharm

Below are the advantages of PyCharm:

  • Remote Hosts and Virtual Machines

PyCharm offers an integrated SHH terminal, docker and vagrant integration, and remote interpreters which help developers run, debug, test and deploy applications virtually.

  • Smart Editor

PyCharm offers a smart code editor which improves the readability of code using a variety of color schemes and error highlighting. It also has a smart code completion feature.

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  • Refactoring

PyCharm’s refactoring feature helps improve the structure of a program without negatively affecting its performance. Users can quickly and efficiently make changes to both local and global variables. They can also use the extract method to split extended classes and functions.

It also has a variety of other features like introducing constants or variables, pull up, pull down, and rename.

  • Data Science and Machine Learning

PyCharm supports various libraries, including Matplotlib and SciPy, which help with data science and machine learning projects.

  • Google App Engine

It is a cloud computing platform used for developing and hosting web applications. It even offers automatic scaling.

  • Multi-technology Development

Python developers can also use PyCharm for creating web applications. As such, the Python IDE provides support for popular web technologies, including CoffeeScript, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript. Additionally, it also includes support for Cython, template languages, and SQL.

Live editing is also available in PyCharm, i.e., developers can create/modify a web page while pushing it live simultaneously.

  • Web Development

PyCharm supports popular web technologies like CoffeeScript, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and TypeScript. By offering live editing, developers can modify a web page and push it live simultaneously to follow changes on a live browser.

  • Navigation

Developers can debug the entire source further by inspecting it in lens mode. They can also use code navigation to locate various elements or variables instantly.

  • Support for Popular Web Frameworks

PyCharm lets programmers use popular Python web frameworks like Django, Flask, Pyramid and web2py in their Python projects.

There are several other PyCharm features like code generation, file templates, and import assistance, that make it extremely attractive to software developers looking to code using Python.

  • Integration Tools

PyCharm provides support for a variety of integration tools which include:

  1. Anaconda: A distribution of Python geared towards scientific computing
  2. IPython: An interactive Python command terminal
  3. Kite: An AI-driven autocomplete plugin
  4. Pylint: A bug and quality checker
  5. Pytest: A test writing framework
  6. WakaTime: A dashboard with automatic time tracking and productivity metrics

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