How To Apply For Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship 2021.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship aim is to, through knowledge, experience and research build capacities that will reduce disaster risks and contribute to better and more targeted public health-based relief following disasters.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship

Objectives Of Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship:

The Master has the following four objectives:

  • To increase the knowledge and understanding of the disaster phenomenon, its different contextual aspects, impacts and public health consequences.
  • To increase the knowledge and understanding of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN-ISDR) and to increase skills and abilities for implementing the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Strategy.
  • To ensure skills and abilities to analyse potential effects of disasters and of the strategies and methods to deliver public health response to avert these effects.
  • To ensure skills and ability to design, implement and evaluate research on disasters.

This Programme is a joint university educational programme organized by the Unit for Research in Emergency and Disaster of the Universidad de Oviedo (Spain), the Centre for Research on Health Care in Disasters of the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) and the Department of Primary Care and Population Health of the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) designed to deliver high quality education and training in the field of Public Health in disaster situations. The Programme is sponsored by the European Union and also involves associated universities and institutions around the world.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship Eligibility:

The EMJMDPHID will propose best-ranked students to be awarded with individual Erasmus Mundus scholarships according to the student selection criteria approved by the EACEA and the Erasmus Mundus programme guidelines. The number of scholarships will be defined on a yearly basis.

The concession of the scholarship will be subjected to the following limitations:

  • Exclusively full-time enrolment.
  • Not being awarded with other EU grants for the same joint course over the length of the course concerned.
  • No more than three of the students with the same nationality.

Two categories are established:  Partner Country students and Programme Country students

To be eligible for the EMJMDPHID master programme the applicant must be holder of a recognized primary degree in areas related to Health, Management and Administration or Social Sciences (a minimum of three years’ study at a university and of a minimum of 180 ECTS, or equivalent according to the regulations in the country of origin and to the European regulations).

The applicant academic record will preferably include studies in the following topics:

  • Basic concepts in public health and epidemiological methods
  • General approaches in public health, health promotion and health systems
  • Principles of statistics
  • General and financial management
  • Environmental health
  • Introduction and basic principles in health sociology, psychology or economics
  • Law and bioethics
  • Special topics in public health and population sciences

Worth of Award

Contribution to travel and installation costs

  • € 1,000 per year per scholarship holder resident of a Programme Country for travel costs.
  • € 2,000 per year for travel costs + € 1,000  for installation costs for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at less than 4.000 km from the EMMC coordinating HEI.
  • € 3,000 per year for travel costs + € 1,000  for installation costs for scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is situated at 4.000 km or more from the EMMC coordinating HEI.

A contribution to installation costs is offered only to students residents of a Partner Country (1000 € for the entire course). It is an incentive to help to cover the additional costs related to the issuing of visas, residence permits, etc. as well as temporary accommodation needs upon arrival in the first Programme hosting HEI.

Contribution to subsistence costs (for both programme and partner country scholarship holders) is €1,000 per month for the entire duration of the EMMC study programme (24 months maximum).

How to Apply For Erasmus Mundus Joint Msc Scholarship:

  • Candidates must fill in the online application that can be accessed at the website and upload all supporting documents in digital form, including the relevant certificates and transcripts of previous studies.
  • No original official documents need to be sent at application. Upon admission to the programme, pre-selected candidates must send in certified hard copies of the supporting documents by recommended mail stamped before the registration deadline. Only complete applications will be assessed.
  • Incomplete applications may be rejected without further notification.
  • Applicants to the EMJMDPHID Master Programme may also apply for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
  • Students must indicate in the on-line application form if they would like to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus Category A or a Category B scholarship, and they should also indicate their eligibility for these scholarships.
  • According to the European Commission’s rules, candidates are not allowed to apply to more than three (3) Erasmus Mundus Programmes during one admissions cycle.
  • EMJMDPHID also accepts students on a self-financing basis who pay their tuition fees and cover living costs from private sources or other scholarships.
  • The academic conditions for admissions are the same for all students regardless of sources of funding; therefore the general conditions of eligibility apply to self-financing students as well.
Click here To Apply

Application Deadline:

The deadline for submitting the application to the EMJMDPHID will be December 31 each year.

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