How To Read and Improve Your Learning Skills.

Read and Improve Your Learning Skills …. Reading is fun and can be done anywhere.



Therefore, the following steps would better able your reading attitude if you wish to improve your learning skills.

How To Read and Improve Your Learning Skills.

1. Set Goals For Your Reading

Write down what information you want to gather in your reading, i.e., “I want to find out the chronological order of the 8 factors leading to the uprising.”

2. Pay Attention To What you’re Reading

Simply stated, if you do not actively attend to the reading, the information will not “get in.”  A good way is to generate questions from the text while you are reading.

3. Stay Creative

Develop some mental pictures, mnemonics, and associations to help rehearse material as you gather it.

4. Practice Recalling Information

Practice recalling information silently, in writing, aloud, using pictures, standing in line, brushing your teeth, etc.

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