The 12 Essential Things To Know Before Applying For Job.

Things To Know Before Applying For Job – Hunting for a job can be an arduous task especially in time of rejection. To avoid been rejected, it is always better to make a good first impression of yourself at first instance.

Things To Know Before Applying For Job

The way your application or cover letter is been written and sent would make the hiring manager or recruiter want to give you a chance to read your resume and check out know what you can offer the company.

When you’ve just started the job hunt, it can be tempting to immediately get to blasting out resumes and hitting “apply” to a bunch of online listings, but you might be missing out on a key part of the job search preparation.

When you’re in the process of applying for a job, attention to detail is critical- Things To Know Before Applying For Job is essential.

Getting a few things in place before you start sending applications out can help set you up for success. That’s why we’ve collected some key things to think about and do at the very start of your job search to make sure that it ends with an offer in hand.

Things To Know Before Applying For Job

Things To Know Before Applying For Job

Below are the 12 essential things to know before applying for job in any organization:

1. Make Your CV Authentic:

As a job seeker, it is appropriate and definitely necessary you have all the right things needed for a job, right from sending out your applications and up to when you are called for the interview that is if you are eventually shortlisted. Your CV must be authentic.

Some of the right things to have always have on hand are mostly copies of your documents and credentials which may include; your school certificate or results, your resume or CV, application letters, and any other documents which may be specified in the job advert.

You should always make sure you update your resume according to the job position you are applying for, if you intend to apply for a social media manager position, you have to highlight your skills as a social media professional in your resume.

You can’t use one resume for all your job applications. Have all your things arranged and be well prepared even before sending out applications.

2. Fulfil Reference Section:

Reference section involve you providing a referee. Referees as they are known are necessary when filling out job applications and it is always important to get people who are professionals or have years of working experience in the related field you may be applying for or people who you are close with and knows at least a little about you.

As referees are people who can vouch for you or are supposed to say good things concerning you, it is good to input names and details of people who you are close with not someone you know from afar, so whenever they are called on your behalf for a job, they would be ready to sing your praises. The maximum number of referees requested is always three, but this may be changed if necessary or as seen fit by the employer.

3. Make Research About The Company Before Applying:

it is always important to research and know even if it’s a little about the company and the position you are applying for.

The internet has made it so easy that all the information you need is online and can always be accessed at any time.

Checking the background of the company you are applying for not only puts you on a good stance as that of a diligent prospective employee but also helps you to know if the company is not a scam and you are in the right place and dealing with the right people.

4. Study Past Interview Questions:

it is not good to wait until the interview call before you start preparing for it.

Right after sending out your application, you should commence the practice of interview questions of the related job you want to take on.

Doing this before the interview call would help you to be relaxed and well prepared when the interview comes.

It would also boost your confidence level. Even if by chance, you were not shortlisted for that particular job interview, you would already have an idea of how the questions may be asked if given a chance and this will propel you into sending more job applications till you are selected.

5. Write Out Your Cover Letter:

a cover letter can be said to be your main pointer into getting your resume noticed or discarded.

A good cover letter always should consist of your previous work experience, why you are applying for the job role, what are your objectives and above all, a cover letter must be free of all grammatical errors.

You can’t have the hiring manager reading a cover letter filled with errors of a supposed job seeker, this is definitely a total turn off.

Your cover letter should also not be too long or too short, make it as clarified as you can stating all that is necessary and also address it properly either by using the name of the hiring manager if you are conversant with it or just make use of hiring manager.

6. Ensure Your Interview Outfit Is Ready:

This may not look necessary but it is very important to get an outfit ready once your application is sent.

There are some workplaces that like their employees to always be dressed in corporate outfits such as the bank and some other workplaces believe their employees should be stylish in their outfits, an example is a fashion company.

It is then important to find out how the company functions and how its employees are dressed for you to appear ready to work and also make a good first impression.

Also work on your presentation skills such as your posture, gestures, and attitude during the course of your interview.

7.  Communication Skills:

Communication is a very important skill,  you have to develop this skill.

You can always do this by practicing either in front of people or a mirror. Doing this will definitely boost your confidence and reduce your nervousness when in front of recruiters.

You can also read books concerning job interviews and practice your answers too, all of these would make you look fit and ready for the job in front of the hiring managers if offered.

8.  Internet And Computer Skills:

As we are in the jet age, it is important to be able to make good use of the internet and the computer with basic programs.

Even if your job is not graphics or the media, it is still necessary to develop your knowledge in this aspect.

Most job advert makes it necessary to ask their intending applicants to be computer literate.

As a job seeker, you should learn the use of basic programs on the computer such as; the MS office, mailings and also how to use the internet as it may be required and used to test your efficiency during interviews.

9. Update Your Social Media Profiles:

most job vacancies make it necessary to ask it’s applicants to put in their social media profiles and these profiles are always checked and screened.

Therefore, as a job applicant, it is important to always update your social media profiles and place them in mind what you share or use your media pages for.

Your social media presence is important and recruiters keep an eye on it these days to screen their applicants.

10. Make Good Use Of SWOT Analysis:

SWOT stands for, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Employers make use of the SWOT analysis in comparing their applicants.

So before you get to the front of your employer you can make use of this to analyze yourself, point out your strengths and weaknesses too, and find a way to tackle them. Doing this would give you an insight on how to work and present yourself.

11. Be Disciplined:

Prepare to be punctual when called for an interview. This means you have to know the exact location of the company and calculate the time you might take to get there while keeping in mind probable traffic delays.

Don’t take the chance; it is so embarrassing to have your interviewers wait for you.

12. Work On Your Online Reputation

People tend to think that their personal social media accounts would have little or nothing to do with whether they could get a job or not. The opposite could be true.

Some employers would ask for your social media credentials and go through your timeline to check your online interactions. “What you post or share can tell what kind of person you are, we are usually curious to know the personalities of prospective employees,” says Mrs Rono.

So there you go, you might want to delete some of the nasty stuff on your timeline

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