CRS International Development Fellowship Program 2020.

CRS International Development Fellowship Program 2020 prepares dedicated global citizens to pursue a career in international relief & development work. CRS empowers Fellows to hone their skills and gain practical field experience while contributing to impactful work.

Each Fellow works alongside experienced CRS staff to address critical issues facing developing countries today. CRS invites applicants of diverse backgrounds who are committed to our agency mission and strategy to join the global team.

About CRS International Development Fellowship Program

Catholic Relief Services’ International Development Fellows Program – CRS- is a unique 12-month professional development opportunity, designed to prepare Fellows for success in a range of onward positions with CRS. By completing this training program, Fellows are competitive candidates for a wide range of positions with CRS. The Fellowship is centered upon skill building in the following four areas:

Project Management

Activity planning & implementation Monitoring, evaluation, accountability & learning Resource/budget management

Project Design/Proposal Development

  • Research, assessments, analysis
  • Participatory design
  • Results framework & theory of change
  • Technical and cost applications


  • Project planning & implementation
  • Capacity strengthening
  • Partnership reflection & assessment

Systems & Operations

  • Supply chain and logistics
  • Human Resources
  • Finance
  • Risk & compliance
  • Safety & security

Skills Required For CRS International Development Fellowship Program:

  • Strong interpersonal skills; able to cultivate strong relationships while working with a wide range of individuals in and outside the agency
  • Effective communicator; able to develop tailored and influential messaging for varied audiences
  • Proactive; willing and able to take on additional responsibility, challenge assumptions and facilitate change
  • Results driven; able to set and achieve ambitious goals and instill confidence
  • Strategic thinker; able to formulate guiding questions, leverage resources and find creative solutions
  • Discerning; able to maintain focus and provide good judgment amidst complexity and uncertainty
  • Develops others; able to listen, coach and mentor
  • Agile; able to operate effectively in a   stressful, fast changing environment      where security could change unexpectedly
  • Aligned; able to support and champion the   mission, vision, and values of CRS
  • Motivated; interest in a career in   development or emergency relief
  • Flexible; willing to work in various regions and developing countries around the world

CRS International Development Fellowship Program Qualifications:

  • Graduate degree in field relevant and applicable to international development (e.g. Agriculture, Health, Engineering, Business, Public Administration, Finance, Supply Chain)
  • Fluency in English with strong oral and written communication skills
  • Professional proficiency in a second language (preference given to major languages spoken where CRS works)
  • At least six months of work or volunteer experience in a developing country (or 5+ years living in a developing country)
  • Able and willing to be based in locations with tropical and infectious diseases and limited access to medical facilities.

Apply Now 

Application Deadline:

November 1st 2020

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