WETECH WILE Innovative Entrepreneurs Program 2020 – How To Apply.

WETECH WILE Innovative Entrepreneurs Program is a leadership and support program initiated by the WETECH organization, an innovation center supporting women in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Technology.


WETECH WILE mission is to identify, train, scale up high potential women entrepreneurs, and attract investment and development opportunities for female entrepreneurship, via Technology.”

The focus of this 1st edition is a constructive post COVID-19 response.

Program Objective 


Identify women entrepreneurs and leaders with high impact projects.


Support women entrepreneurs in the development of their activities.


Equipping women entrepreneurs through different types of support.


Access to new markets and business platforms at the regional level.

Profiles sought

Woman aged 21 to 35, founder or co-founder of an innovative project or a company with high potential.

Target countries

Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mauritius, Madagascar, DRC, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Chad, Togo.

Business areas

The call for projects is open to all fields of activity. Only the relevance of the project matters.

The program is deployed in these 3 phases  :


A network of experts and mentors available to support the selected participants.


Free material and technical resources made available to selected projects.


Publication of a free E-Book, serving as a Kit for African women entrepreneurs.

How To Apply For WETECH WILE Innovative Entrepreneurs 

Are you a dynamic woman entrepreneur moving the lines in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mauritius, Madagascar, DRC, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Chad, Togo? If Yes! Apply below:

Click Here To Apply

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