How To Pass WAEC Exam in First Sitting: Secret Hacks to Pass WEAC.

How to pass WAEC Exam is one of the major question WAEC candidate face periodically. It is no doubt  that WAEC is now a major factor for gaining admission into your desired university to study your preferred course in any university in West Africa.

However is essential for students to make sure they do every positive thing possible to pass WAEC and gain admission once and for All.  In so doing, It will enable you to leave your current level and face the University admission trend.

In this article we have provided you with all the necessary tips and secret hacks on how to pass WAEC exam, prepare for WAEC and also the procedure to become successful in your examination

How To Pass WAEC Exam in First Sitting

WAEC examination is a national exam administered by West Africa Senior Secondary School Examinations (WASSCE). West African students are eligible to appear in the examination.

Students enrolled in senior secondary school must pass either the WAEC or NECO exam. Admission to the University or Polytechnic in Nigeria requires the SSCE result.

You like to know how to pass WAEC exam and the secret hacks to pass WEAC in first sitting? Are you aiming for an A grade in every subject? This information will guide you about how to pass WAEC exam. To know how to pass WAEC exam in first sitting you must:

1.  Read And Understand

Before you pass any exam in your life, you must make sure you read and understand in other for you to write well. Even the bible said,” study to show yourself approved”.  Once you must have read your books and understands it very well, You stand a chance to make it with flying colors.

2.  Pray about it

For you to make it to the top, you must put in God first. Before you seat for the examination, try all you do in other to put it in the hands of God.

God alone will make you understand whatever you read. Where others failed, you will pass through because God has stepped into your matter. To Pass your WAEC, Put God First and watch how you make it.

3.  Be Courageous

I have seen fear ruin the lives of so many people in the past and recent times. One thing is to read and understand, and it is another to go into the exam hall without fear.

But when you enter the exam hall without fear, but with courage, you will stand a chance to make it with flying colors.

4.  Study The Right Way

The reason why so many people fail their waec is that they fail to study the right way. One of the best ways you can prepare for the examination is by studying with the academic scheme of work. This will guard you properly in other for you not to make any mistake.

5.   Find out time to Pray

Once you must have put God first, read and understand, being courageous, and studying the right way.  You must also be prayerful. Prayers will keep you sacred and ready for the examination.  Prayer works, trust me when I say this. If you will abide by all this, it will be a nice one.

Secret Hacks to Pass WEAC in First Sitting.

Following steps explain the secret hacks to how to pass WEAC exam in first sitting successfully:

  • Understand how WAEC set their questions by getting more exposed to Waec past questions and answers for all subjects. Don’t undermine the use of WAEC syllabus. You can download all WAEC syllabus.
  • Don’t believe the common saying that it is difficult to pass WAEC on your own
  • Spend quality time to study your books and do not fail to ask questions.
  • Get the recommended WAEC textbooks for all your courses.
  • Register in a reliable and trusted WAEC centre.
  • If you don’t understand any difficult course, meet those that do. Learn how to understand difficult WAEC subjects.
  • Develop a strong study habit. There are WAEC study habits that lead to failure. Prepare a WAEC time-table for your personal reading.
  • Improve your writing. Many persons fail WAEC because they have poor writing. Writing is the first thing the WAEC examiner sees.
  • Do not write out of point. Go straight to what you are been asked.
  • Don’t fail to use the right formulas and units in WAEC calculation courses.
  • Work on your speed since there may not be enough time for you in the exam hall.
  • Cross-check each line you write because you may not have time to come back.
  • Ask the WAEC invigilators anything you do not care about.
  • Don’t worry too much about how the WAEC result would be. Write the exam first.
  • Test yourself regularly with standard WAEC questions. This will help you pass WAEC  once and for all.
  • Make sure you remember everything in the hall. 

Other tricks to pass WAEC examination includes:

1. Don’t Fear

When we experience fear, our adrenal glands release adrenaline into the bloodstream. This causes a series of biological reactions in which:

  • Increases blood and oxygen flow to our muscles so we can run faster.
  • Restricts blood flow to other areas such as our stomach
  • Dilates our pupils so we can better see things around us

This is also known as the ‘fight or flight’ mode. In this state, our senses and reflexes become heightened which makes it easy for us to escape real and physical danger.

2. Put  WASSCE / WAEC Examination In Perspective

Don’t act as if you have nothing at stake before the WASSCE / WAEC exams. Think about how best you can optimize your chances of passing the WASSCE every day.

3. Develop A Realistic Study Goals, Prioritize them And Execute

Developing realistic study goals is one thing but developing a plan on how to achieve each goal and executing on the plan is a clearer path to success. 

A plan without execution is the same as reading this guide without acting on what you’ve learned which is the same thing as not reading this content at all.

Developing a study plan is one thing but the ability to prioritize your study plan is most important and one way to make this easier is to set a realistic personal timetable. 

It’s important for your timetable to be realistic so you don‘t end up feeling miserable when you don’t cover the subjects or topics you planned to cover in your study.

 For example, don’t allocate 3 hours to study 5 subjects when you know you’d likely not have enough time or energy to learn anything tangible as opposed to covering 3 subjects deeply and scheduling the rest for the next day.

How Can WAEC Council Improve 

The West African Examination Council has areas it needs to improve on regarding the kinds of test questions it sets on the WASSCE.

Perhaps WAEC can learn from international exam bodies such as the College Board, which gives students access to basic formulas on the test sheet of the SAT Mathematics paper.

This means students don’t have to waste time cramming formulas instead of learning how to solve problems.

In the real world, no one would ask you to recite the quadratic formula (because you can look at your textbook as a reference or perform an internet search) however, you might be asked if you know how to use it to solve a quadratic equation without using a scientific calculator.

Until the WAEC improves the quality of questions it sets on the WASSCE, it’s important to do your best to pass the WASSCE as many other students have done.

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