Benefits and Skills in Distance Learning education Students Wins.  

Benefits and Skills in Distance Learning education:- Many believe if you have not spent your two semesters and years on campus you have not passed through school. To them learning outside the campus is not a real time learning. It is common in this part of the world African and Nigeria to be precise may not favors students that don’t study in campus.

Benefits and Skills in Distance Learning education

Because they believe those who study within the campus have more educational background and culture than the off campus students. Have you study outside the campus? What was your experience in the job market? Did you have experience of stereotype for studying off campus?

However, my aim is not to give answer to the puzzle or situation revolving around students that study outside campus but to critically examine the most interesting benefit and great opportunity a students may acquire when studying off campus or in distance learning education.

For many, distance learning education gives students opportunity to catch up on seasons of their favorite series, have unlimited fun ever knowing very well that they do not have classes, visit one friend after another, or connect with family members and move around the places since no professor is always there to give  assignments and enforce academic policy on them. The hidden truth is that all these perceptions about distance learning education are false and practically a thing of ignorance (Argumentum ad Ignorantiam).

It is high time employers, companies, organization and individuals begin to rethink and see clearly the other attractive side of distance learning education. Today, the pandemic has kick out millions of students out of school globally. Many schools, organization and individuals’ entity now diving into digital platform because of several policies such as, Stay At Home, Social Distancing, No Hand Shake and so on to prevent the spread of the virus.

There is however something else you should know while learning from distance. Distance learning education  to some degree of acceptance is the most flexible way to acquire academic knowledge. It is involves using technology for learning in the comfort of your home. Here I  explained the Benefits and Skills in Distance Learning education . And if you are already a distance learner or you are considering a distance education, this article is essential for you.

Benefits and Skills in Distance Learning education Students Wins

Benefits of distance education

1.  Personal Growth

Knowledge gained through course material is just the beginning of your online learning experience. Distance students gain other important transferable skills, including time management, research, written communication, leadership and experience, utilizing a variety of technology used in education.

2.  Location Independent

One of the most obvious benefits of distance learning it that it can be done from anywhere there is an internet connection. Moving to another town or city can be costly especially if it is a large capital and may not even be an option due to work or family responsibilities. Attending college in another country may also be difficult and costly due to visa restrictions.

3.  Flexible Cost

Virtual courses can provide a higher quality education at a lower cost. Without the enormous overheads of a campus, classrooms, equipment, offices and administration, distance educators can pass these savings on to students.

4.  Access to  Digital Content 

Distance learning colleges can more easily adapt to the needs and realities of changing industry. This is particularly important in the digital sector where change is measured in weeks rather than years. Our video content is recorded fresh after each iteration of our programme. This allows our academic and curriculum lead lecturers to deliver the most up-to-date curriculum.

5.  Online Teams Building

By its nature, a distance learning course brings together a more diverse group of students. This can provide students with exposure to cultural approaches in projects and work that they would not as readily receive in a conventional education environment. All of our participants are highly qualified in their respective fields and bring a wealth of experience to each of our international teams.

 6.  Networking Opportunities

A follow-on effect of this more diverse student body is that is provides networking opportunities outside of what a student could normally expect. Fellow students can become lifelong contacts and friends. As each progresses in their own careers they create an ever more valuable network that very often spans the entire globe.

7.  Flexible Learning

Online learning allows students to study flexibly and balance work and home life. All of our lectures are recorded and available for participants to watch 24/7 online and anywhere they want.

Skills you will learn from distance learning education

1.  Time management

If you ask anyone who works while they are still a student, juggling between the two is never easy, and quite a number of times, there are times when the two clash, and difficult decisions have to be made. This may be at the expense of one or the other, for example, you may have to defer a semester, or slow down or cancel some orders or gigs if they come during the end of semester exams.

In spite of all this, distance learning education will enables you to manage and improve your time management skills. Time is limited for everyone, but some people seem to be able to do it all. These multi-talented multi skilled super humans, do not have an extra five hours a day, they simply prioritize what they want to do within a certain period of time, and get it done. Time management skills are necessary for all areas of life from school to work to having a social life.

2.  Financial responsibility

Making money is wonderful. You now have money to buy things that you want and to go out with your friends more. Money is however not a bottomless pit, and so learning financial responsibility is important.

Distance Learning teaches you  how to manage, save, and invest money at a young age is absolutely necessary. Saving money may at first, seem impossible, mostly because of the temptation to spend money on things you want (and peer pressure) rather than on things you need. Financial responsibility is an often painful and difficult skill that takes time to learn. If it is possible, seek a financial mentor to guide you when you start working and schooling.

3.  Self-builder for Professional Experience.

When many students apply for their first internships, usually the compulsory ones in third year, most of them usually have had no professional work experience.

When searching for a job, you will find that many require at least one or two years’ experience. Experience will not magically fall onto your lap. You have to work to get it, and you have to be open minded while at it. Your first job or internship may not necessarily be what you had in mind, and yes you may struggle at first, but the skills, you will learn are priceless.

Each volunteering or internship opportunity is an opportunity to learn. You will be able to take away several skills that are helpful in any career that you may enter into when you study on a distance learning platform.

4.  Learning about yourself

Imagine you when you’re learning from a distance with the aid of technology, You will learn a lot about yourself. These may include how you work and manage your time, your endurance, level, what you prefer in a work environment, how to deal with stressful situations, and possibly even how to work with technology. There have been many people who have discovered their passion while doing other things. You however, may not likely to discover anything, by staying on campus for years.

5.  Taking Responsibility

A distance learning students most time take their responsibility upon themselves. When they Get a job while studying, it will also teach them taking responsibility. It will help you grow up. After all you are now an adult, and your parents will not be there forever to pamper you.

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