KWASU School Fees and Cut Off Mark

For parents and students searching for a reputable institution in Nigeria, Kwara State University (KWASU) stands out as an excellent choice. Situated in Malete, Kwara State, KWASU is known for its commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and research. Established in 2009, this university has rapidly grown to become a hub of learning and development, attracting students from various parts of Nigeria and beyond. With a diverse range of programs and a serene learning environment, KWASU provides a unique educational experience tailored to the needs of modern students. Whether you are a parent seeking the best for your child’s future or a student aiming to further your education, understanding the school fees and cut off marks is crucial for your planning and decision-making process. Let’s delve into the specifics of KWASU’s financial requirements and academic benchmarks to help you make an informed choice.

List of Courses Offered at KWASU

Kwara State University (KWASU) is renowned for its wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. These courses span various faculties, offering students diverse academic pathways and career opportunities. Below is a detailed list of courses offered at KWASU, organized by faculty:

Faculty of Agriculture
  • Agricultural Economics and Extension
  • Agronomy
  • Animal Production
  • Crop Production
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Home Economics
Faculty of Arts
  • Arabic Language and Literature
  • Christian Religious Studies
  • English and Literary Studies
  • History and International Studies
  • Islamic Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Performing Arts
  • Yoruba Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
  • Business Education
  • Early Childhood and Primary Education
  • Educational Management
  • Guidance and Counselling
  • Human Kinetics and Health Education
  • Library and Information Science
  • Special Education
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Food Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Material Science and Engineering
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
  • Architecture
  • Building Technology
  • Estate Management
  • Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Humanities, Management, and Social Sciences
  • Accounting
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Economics
  • Mass Communication
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Sociology
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Marketing
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Library and Information Science
  • Information Technology
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Geology and Mineral Science
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Microbiology
  • Physics
  • Plant and Environmental Biology
  • Statistics
  • Zoology

KWASU Cut Off Mark

Kwara State University (KWASU) sets specific cut off marks for its various programs to ensure that admitted students meet the academic standards required for success in their chosen fields. The cut off mark is the minimum score a candidate must achieve in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) to be considered for admission into the university. Below is a detailed breakdown of the cut off marks for different departments for the 2023/2024 academic session:

Faculty of Agriculture

  • Agricultural Economics and Extension: 180
  • Animal Production: 180
  • Crop Production: 180
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture: 180
  • Food Science and Technology: 190

Faculty of Arts

  • English and Literary Studies: 190
  • History and International Studies: 190
  • Linguistics: 180
  • Performing Arts: 180
  • Languages and Linguistics: 180

Faculty of Education

  • Business Education: 180
  • Early Childhood and Primary Education: 180
  • Educational Management: 180
  • Human Kinetics and Health Education: 180
  • Special Education: 180

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

  • Civil Engineering: 200
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering: 200
  • Food Engineering: 190
  • Mechanical Engineering: 200
  • Material Science and Engineering: 190

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

  • Architecture: 190
  • Building Technology: 180
  • Estate Management: 180
  • Urban and Regional Planning: 180

Faculty of Humanities, Management, and Social Sciences

  • Accounting: 190
  • Banking and Finance: 190
  • Business Administration: 190
  • Economics: 190
  • Mass Communication: 190
  • Political Science: 190
  • Public Administration: 190
  • Sociology: 180

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

  • Computer Science: 200
  • Library and Information Science: 180
  • Information Technology: 190

Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences

  • Biochemistry: 190
  • Chemistry: 180
  • Geology and Mineral Science: 190
  • Mathematics: 180
  • Microbiology: 190
  • Physics: 180
  • Statistics: 180
  • Plant and Environmental Biology: 180

Notes on KWASU Cut Off Marks

  • General Cut Off Mark: KWASU’s general cut off mark for most courses is set at 180. However, some departments, especially those in engineering, sciences, and certain arts and social sciences programs, have higher cut off marks due to the competitive nature and higher academic demands of these courses.
  • Departmental Cut Off Marks: Specific departments set higher cut off marks based on the volume of applications and the academic requirements of the program. For example, Engineering and Computer Science typically have higher cut off marks (200), reflecting their rigorous curriculum and the competitive nature of these fields.
  • MeritBased Admission: Admission into KWASU is primarily meritbased. Candidates who score higher in the UTME and meet the specific cut off marks for their chosen departments have a better chance of being admitted.
  • PostUTME Screening: In addition to meeting the UTME cut off marks, candidates must also participate in the KWASU PostUTME screening exercise. Performance in this screening further determines eligibility for admission. The screening typically involves a written test and may include an oral interview, depending on the department.
  • Catchment Area Policy: KWASU, like many Nigerian universities, may give special consideration to candidates from its catchment area (Kwara State) in line with its admission policies. This does not lower the cut off marks but can influence the final selection process.
  • Change of Course: Candidates who do not meet the cut off marks for their initial chosen course but meet the general cut off mark may be considered for other courses with lower cut off marks. This flexibility allows students to still gain admission to the university, albeit in a different program.
  • Review of Cut Off Marks: The cut off marks are subject to annual review by the university’s admission committee. Changes in national education policies, university resources, and application trends can influence these reviews. Prospective students are advised to stay updated by regularly checking the official KWASU website or contacting the admissions office.

Importance of Cut Off Marks

Understanding the cut off marks is crucial for prospective students in making informed decisions about their university applications. It helps in:

  • Setting Realistic Goals: Knowing the cut off marks for different departments allows students to set achievable targets in their UTME preparations.
  • Planning Ahead: Students can plan their study schedules and focus on areas that will help them meet or exceed the required scores.
  • Course Selection: Being aware of the cut off marks helps students choose courses that align with their academic strengths and career aspirations.
  • Admission Chances: Meeting or exceeding the cut off marks significantly increases the chances of gaining admission into the desired program.

KWASU School Fees

Kwara State University (KWASU) offers a range of programs, and the tuition fees vary based on the course of study, level of study, and the student’s residency status (whether they are indigenes of Kwara State or nonindigenes). Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the school fees for the 2023/2024 academic session:

Undergraduate Fees

1. Indigenes of Kwara State:

  • Fresh Students: ₦99,500 per session
  • Returning Students: ₦99,500 per session

Indigenes of Kwara State benefit from a subsidized fee structure, reflecting the university’s commitment to supporting local students. This fee covers tuition and other associated costs, ensuring that education is accessible to students from Kwara State.

2. NonIndigenes:

  •     Fresh Students: ₦200,000 per session
  •     Returning Students: ₦190,000 per session

Nonindigenes, those students who are not from Kwara State, have a different fee structure. This differentiation helps the university manage its resources and provide quality education while supporting the local community. The slightly reduced fee for returning students acknowledges their ongoing commitment to the institution.

Additional Fees

Aside from the tuition fees, there are additional charges that students must pay. These include:

1. Acceptance Fee: ₦35,000 (onetime payment for fresh students)

This fee confirms a student’s intention to enroll at KWASU and is payable upon acceptance of the admission offer. It is a critical step in securing a place at the university.

2. Hostel Accommodation:
  • Standard Room: ₦35,000 per session
  • Executive Room: ₦50,000 per session

Hostel accommodation fees are for students who choose to live on campus. The availability of different room types allows students to select options based on their budget and preference. Staying on campus can provide a more immersive university experience, with easy access to academic and recreational facilities.

3. Laboratory/Workshop Fees:
  • Science based Programs: ₦10,000 per session
  • Engineering based Programs: ₦15,000 per session

These fees are essential for maintaining and updating laboratory and workshop equipment. Students enrolled in science and engineering programs require extensive use of these facilities for practical learning and research activities. The fees ensure that the university can continue to offer cutting-edge resources and hands-on experience.

4. ICT Fees: ₦5,000 per session

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) fees support the university’s digital infrastructure, including internet access, online learning platforms, and other technological resources. In today’s digital age, these resources are indispensable for students’ academic success.

5. Medical Fees: ₦5,000 per session

This fee provides students with access to medical services on campus, ensuring their health and wellbeing are adequately catered for. It covers basic medical consultations, emergency care, and other health services available at the university’s health center.

6. Library Fees: ₦2,000 per session

Library fees contribute to the maintenance and expansion of the university’s library resources, including books, journals, and digital media. A well-equipped library is crucial for academic research and learning, providing students with access to a wide range of knowledge.

7. Sports Fees: ₦2,000 per session

Sports fees support the university’s sports facilities and programs. Engaging in sports and physical activities is an integral part of university life, promoting health, teamwork, and school spirit. The fee ensures the availability of quality sports equipment and organized sports events.

Payment Options

KWASU provides flexible payment options to ease the financial burden on students and their families. The fees can be paid in two installments:

  • First Installment: 60% of the total fees at the beginning of the first semester
  • Second Installment: 40% of the total fees at the beginning of the second semester

These payment options offer flexibility, making it more manageable for families to spread the financial commitment over the academic year. It is advisable for students and parents to plan accordingly to meet these deadlines and ensure uninterrupted academic progress.


Kwara State University (KWASU) offers a wide array of accredited courses across diverse faculties, ensuring students have ample opportunities to pursue their academic and career aspirations. Understanding the detailed school fees, departmental cut off marks, and flexible payment options is essential for prospective students and families planning for higher education.

KWASU’s commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and student support makes it a preferred choice for many. By choosing KWASU, students invest in a university that prioritizes quality education and personal growth. Join the KWASU community and embark on a journey towards a successful academic and professional future.

Read Also: Unilag School Fees and Cut Off Mark 


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