Best Caregiver School to Get Training and Certification in Nigeria

The demand for professional caregivers in Nigeria is on the rise, driven by an aging population and the increasing prevalence of chronic illnesses and disabilities. Caregivers play a vital role in providing support and care to individuals who need assistance with daily activities, ensuring their wellbeing and improving their quality of life. For those looking to enter this rewarding field, obtaining proper training and certification in the best caregiving school  is essential.

In Nigeria, several institutions offer comprehensive caregiver training programs that equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this profession. These programs cover a range of topics, from basic caregiving techniques to specialized care for conditions such as dementia and chronic illnesses. The right training not only enhances the caregiver’s competency but also provides a recognized certification that can open doors to numerous job opportunities.

This article highlights some of the best caregiver schools in Nigeria where you can receive topnotch training and certification. Whether you are just starting out or looking to advance your career in caregiving, these institutions provide the education and credentials necessary to succeed in this fulfilling profession.

1. Florence Academy of Caregivers

Location: Lagos

Florence Academy of Caregivers is renowned for its comprehensive training programs tailored to meet the needs of aspiring caregivers. Located in Lagos, this academy focuses on equipping students with the essential skills required to provide high-quality care to older people, disabled, and those with chronic illnesses.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiver Training: This course covers fundamental caregiving skills, including personal hygiene, mobility assistance, and basic health monitoring.
  • Advanced Caregiver Training: Building on the basic course, this program delves deeper into specialized care techniques, emergency response, and patient communication.
  • Specialized Courses in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care: These courses provide indepth training on managing and caring for individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s, emphasizing patient safety and emotional support.


Upon completion of the courses, students receive a certification recognized by various healthcare institutions in Nigeria. This certification validates their training and enhances their employability in the caregiving sector.

Why Choose Florence Academy:
  • Experienced Instructors: The academy boasts a team of experienced instructors with practical caregiving experience, ensuring students receive quality education.
  • Modern Facilities: Florence Academy offers stateoftheart training facilities that provide Hands-on learning experiences.
  • Job Placement Support: The academy has a strong network with healthcare providers, assisting graduates in securing job placements.

2. Royal Care Givers Academy

Location: Abuja

Royal Care Givers Academy is a prestigious institution dedicated to training caregivers to meet international standards. Located in the capital city, Abuja, the academy offers a range of courses designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for both local and international caregiving roles.

Courses Offered:
  • Comprehensive Caregiver Training: This extensive program covers all aspects of caregiving, from basic care techniques to advanced medical support.
  • Pediatric Care: Focused on caring for children, this course teaches students the specifics of pediatric care, including managing childhood illnesses and providing emotional support.
  • Home Health Aide Training: This course prepares students to offer inhome care, emphasizing personal care, household tasks, and companionship for patients.


Graduates receive a certificate of completion, widely recognized in the healthcare sector. This certification enhances their credibility and opens up various employment opportunities in hospitals, nursing homes, and private residences.

Why Choose Royal Care Givers Academy:
  • International Standards: The curriculum is aligned with global caregiving standards, ensuring graduates are wellprepared for diverse caregiving environments.
  • Internship Opportunities: The academy provides opportunities for internships, allowing students to gain practical experience in realworld settings.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: With experienced tutors and a supportive atmosphere, students receive personalized attention to help them succeed.

Royal Care Givers Academy is an excellent choice for those seeking highquality training that prepares them for a career in caregiving, both in Nigeria and internationally.

Florence Academy of Caregivers stands out for its commitment to providing thorough and practical training, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a career in caregiving.

3. Care Training Services Limited

Location: Port Harcourt

Care Training Services Limited is a reputable institution located in Port Harcourt, dedicated to providing specialized training for caregivers. The academy focuses on delivering practical skills and theoretical knowledge essential for effective caregiving. Their comprehensive training programs ensure that graduates are wellequipped to handle various caregiving scenarios.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiving: This course introduces students to fundamental caregiving skills, including personal care, mobility assistance, and basic health monitoring.
  • Advanced Caregiving: Designed for those seeking to deepen their caregiving expertise, this program covers advanced care techniques, patient communication, and emergency response.
  • First Aid and Emergency Care: This specialized course trains students in first aid and emergency procedures, preparing them to handle urgent medical situations effectively.


Upon successful completion of the courses, students receive a certificate that is recognized by healthcare institutions across Nigeria. This certification validates their training and enhances their employability in the caregiving field.

Why Choose Care Training Services Limited:
  • Hands-on Training: The academy places a strong emphasis on practical skills, ensuring students gain realworld experience during their training.
  • Experienced Trainers: The instructors are seasoned professionals with extensive backgrounds in healthcare and caregiving, providing students with valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Career Guidance: Care Training Services Limited offers comprehensive support and career guidance to help graduates find suitable employment opportunities.

Care Training Services Limited is a top choice for those seeking practical and thorough caregiver training in Port Harcourt. With its emphasis on Hands-on learning and experienced instructors, the academy prepares students to excel in their caregiving careers.

4. Nigerian Red Cross Society Training School

Location: Multiple locations nationwide

The Nigerian Red Cross Society Training School is known for its rigorous and extensive training programs for caregivers. With multiple locations across Nigeria, the school provides accessible and highquality training to aspiring caregivers. The institution is recognized for its strong emphasis on community service and emergency response, making it a wellrounded choice for those seeking a comprehensive caregiving education.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic First Aid and Emergency Response: This course covers essential first aid techniques and emergency response skills, preparing students to handle various medical emergencies.
  • Caregiving Essentials: Focused on fundamental caregiving skills, this course includes training in personal care, mobility assistance, and health monitoring.
  • Specialized Care for Chronic Illnesses: This course provides indepth training on managing and caring for individuals with chronic illnesses, emphasizing patient safety and comfort.


Graduates receive a certificate from the Nigerian Red Cross, a highly respected credential in the healthcare industry. This certification is recognized by healthcare providers and enhances the employability of graduates.

Why Choose Nigerian Red Cross Society Training School:
  • Strong Emphasis on Emergency Care: The school’s training programs include extensive first aid and emergency care components, ensuring students are wellprepared for urgent situations.
  • National Recognition: The Nigerian Red Cross certificate is widely recognized and respected, providing graduates with a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Community Service Opportunities: Students have the chance to participate in community service projects, gaining practical experience and contributing to their communities.

The Nigerian Red Cross Society Training School offers a robust and wellrounded training program for caregivers, making it an excellent choice for those who wish to gain comprehensive skills and certification in this field.

5. Lagos State College of Health Technology

Location: Lagos

Lagos State College of Health Technology is a prestigious institution that offers a wide range of healthcare training programs, including comprehensive caregiver training. Known for its rigorous academic standards and practical training approach, the college provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the caregiving profession.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiver Training: This course covers essential caregiving skills such as personal hygiene, patient mobility, and basic health monitoring.
  • Community Health Care: Focused on public health, this course trains students to provide care within community settings, addressing common health issues and promoting overall wellbeing.
  • Geriatric Care: This specialized course trains students to care for older people, emphasizing age specific health concerns, patient safety, and emotional support.


Upon completion of the courses, students receive a certification accredited by the Lagos State Ministry of Health. This certification is recognized by healthcare institutions and enhances the graduates’ employment prospects.

Why Choose Lagos State College of Health Technology:
  • GovernmentRecognized Certification: The certification from this college is accredited by the Lagos State Ministry of Health, ensuring its credibility and recognition in the healthcare sector.
  • Modern Training Facilities: The college boasts stateoftheart facilities, providing students with Hands-on training and practical experience.
  • Experienced Faculty: The faculty comprises experienced healthcare professionals who provide quality education and mentorship to students.
  • Strong Emphasis on Practical Training: The curriculum includes extensive practical sessions, ensuring students are well-prepared for real-world caregiving scenarios.

Lagos State College of Health Technology is an excellent choice for those seeking a reputable and comprehensive training program in caregiving. With its government recognized certification and emphasis on practical training, the college prepares students to meet the demands of the caregiving profession effectively.

6. St. Mary’s School of Health Technology

Location: Abia State

St. Mary’s School of Health Technology is dedicated to training healthcare professionals, including caregivers. The school focuses on delivering comprehensive education and practical experience to prepare students for various caregiving roles.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiving Training: This course covers essential skills like personal care, hygiene, and basic health monitoring.
  • Palliative Care: Focused on providing care to patients with serious illnesses, emphasizing pain management and emotional support.
  • Community Health Care: Training students to provide care within community settings, addressing public health issues.


Students receive a certification accredited by the relevant health authorities, enhancing their employability.

Why Choose St. Mary’s:
  • Experienced Faculty: The school boasts a team of experienced healthcare professionals.
  • Practical Training: Emphasis on Hands-on training in realworld settings.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Broad range of courses addressing different aspects of caregiving.

7. Tianjin School of Health Sciences

Location: Enugu

Tianjin School of Health Sciences provides extensive training programs for aspiring caregivers, focusing on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic and Advanced Caregiving: Courses designed to cover fundamental and advanced caregiving skills.
  • Specialized Geriatric Care: Training on caring for older people, addressing age specific health concerns.
  • First Aid and Emergency Response: Equipping students with essential first aid and emergency care skills.


Graduates receive a certificate recognized by healthcare institutions in Nigeria.

Why Choose Tianjin School of Health Sciences:
  • Modern Facilities: Equipped with stateoftheart training facilities.
  • Experienced Instructors: Faculty with extensive practical caregiving experience.
  • Job Placement Assistance: Support in finding employment postgraduation.

8. Health and Care Professional Academy

Location: Ibadan                                                                                                          

Health and Care Professional Academy is committed to providing topnotch training for caregivers, ensuring they are wellprepared for various caregiving roles.

Courses Offered:

  • Comprehensive Caregiving Training: Covering all aspects of caregiving from basic to advanced.
  • Home Health Aide Training: Focus on providing care within home settings.
  • Pediatric Care: Training on caring for children with specific health needs.
Why Choose Health and Care Professional Academy:
  • Extensive Curriculum: Comprehensive courses that cover a wide range of caregiving aspects.
  • Practical Experience: Opportunities for Hands-on training and internships.
  • Supportive Learning Environment: Focused on providing personalized attention to students.

9. Ancel Caregiver Training Institute

Location: Kano

Ancel Caregiver Training Institute offers specialized training programs for caregivers, focusing on practical skills and theoretical knowledge.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiver Training: Introduction to essential caregiving skills.
  • Advanced Caregiving Techniques: Indepth training on advanced care techniques and patient communication.
  • Emergency Care and First Aid: Training on handling medical emergencies and providing first aid.


Graduates receive a certification recognized by healthcare institutions across Nigeria.

Why Choose Ancel Caregiver Training Institute
  • Experienced Trainers: Faculty with practical experience in the caregiving field.
  • Hands-on Training: Emphasis on practical skills and realworld experience.
  • Career Support: Guidance and support in finding employment opportunities.

10. Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital Caregiver Training Program

Location: Kano

Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital offers a caregiver training program aimed at providing comprehensive education and practical skills for aspiring caregivers.

Courses Offered:
  • Basic Caregiving: Fundamental caregiving skills and patient care.
  • Specialized Care for Chronic Illnesses: Training on managing chronic illnesses and providing specialized care.
  • Community Health Care: Focus on providing care within community settings and addressing public health issues.


Students receive a certification recognized by healthcare authorities and institutions.

Why Choose Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital:
  • Reputable Institution: Known for high standards in healthcare training.
  • Experienced Instructors: Faculty with extensive experience in caregiving and healthcare.
  • Practical Training: Emphasis on Hands-on experience and practical skills.

These  schools provide excellent options for obtaining caregiver training and certification in Nigeria, ensuring that you are well-prepared for a successful career in caregiving.

Read also: List of School of Nursing in Nigeria Without Jamb 

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