10 Jobs You Can Do With Degree in Anthropology

A degree in anthropology opens doors to a multitude of career opportunities across various fields. Anthropology, the study of humans, their societies, cultures, and development, equips graduates with critical thinking, research skills, and a deep understanding of human behavior. Here are ten promising career paths for anthropology graduates:

1. Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Specialist

Cultural Resource Management (CRM) specialists work to protect and manage cultural heritage sites. They conduct archaeological surveys, assess the impact of construction projects on historical sites, and ensure compliance with preservation laws. CRM specialists often collaborate with government agencies, private firms, and non-profit organizations. This role requires a keen understanding of archaeological methods and legislation pertaining to cultural heritage.

2. Museum Curator

Museum curators are responsible for the acquisition, care, and display of museum collections. They organize exhibitions, conduct research, and develop educational programs. Curators often specialize in specific areas such as archaeology, ethnography, or art history. An anthropology degree provides a solid foundation in understanding cultural artifacts and their significance, which is essential for this role.

3. Forensic Anthropologist

Forensic anthropologists work with law enforcement agencies to analyze human remains and assist in criminal investigations. They determine the age, sex, ancestry, and possible cause of death of skeletal remains. Forensic anthropologists also provide crucial evidence in court cases. This career requires a strong background in physical anthropology and osteology, and often additional training in forensic science.

4. Academic Researcher and Professor

A career in academia allows anthropologists to conduct research, publish their findings, and teach the next generation of students. Academic researchers and professors work in universities and colleges, often specializing in cultural, biological, linguistic, or archaeological anthropology. This path typically requires a Ph.D. and involves a combination of teaching, research, and administrative duties.

5. Corporate Anthropologist

Corporate anthropologists apply their understanding of human behavior to improve business practices. They conduct ethnographic research to study consumer behavior, workplace culture, and organizational dynamics. By providing insights into customer needs and employee experiences, corporate anthropologists help companies develop better products, enhance customer satisfaction, and create more effective work environments. This role often involves collaboration with marketing, design, and human resources teams.

6. International Development Consultant

Anthropologists in international development work with NGOs, government agencies, and international organizations to design and implement programs that promote economic and social development. They conduct field research to understand the needs and challenges of communities, develop culturally appropriate interventions, and evaluate the impact of development projects. This career path requires strong research skills and a deep understanding of cultural diversity and development issues.

7. Human Rights Advocate

Human rights advocates work to protect and promote the rights of individuals and communities. They conduct research on human rights abuses, advocate for policy changes, and provide support to marginalized groups. Anthropologists in this field use their expertise in cultural understanding to address issues such as indigenous rights, gender equality, and social justice. This career may involve working with NGOs, international organizations, or government agencies.

8. Public Health Researcher

Public health researchers with an anthropology background study how cultural and social factors influence health and healthcare practices. They conduct qualitative research to understand health behaviors, develop culturally sensitive health interventions, and evaluate public health programs. This role often involves working with communities, healthcare providers, and policy-makers to improve health outcomes. An anthropology degree provides valuable insights into the social determinants of health and the cultural context of healthcare.

9. Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts study consumer preferences and market trends to help businesses make informed decisions. Anthropologists in this role use ethnographic methods to gather data on consumer behavior, analyze market trends, and provide insights into cultural influences on purchasing decisions. This career path requires strong analytical skills and the ability to interpret qualitative data. Market research analysts work in various industries, including retail, technology, and finance.

10. Environmental Anthropologist

Environmental anthropologists study the relationships between humans and their environments. They examine how cultural practices, beliefs, and social structures influence environmental use and conservation. Environmental anthropologists work on issues such as climate change, natural resource management, and sustainable development. This career involves conducting field research, collaborating with environmental organizations, and advocating for policies that promote environmental sustainability.


A degree in anthropology offers a diverse array of career opportunities that span multiple sectors. Whether working in academia, business, public health, or environmental conservation, anthropologists bring valuable insights into human behavior and cultural diversity. Their skills in research, critical thinking, and cultural understanding are highly sought after in today’s globalized world

, making anthropology graduates well-equipped to address complex social issues and contribute to a variety of professional fields. Here’s a deeper look into how each of these careers leverages the unique skills and perspectives provided by an anthropology degree.

Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Specialist

CRM specialists play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage by ensuring that historical and archaeological sites are protected from modern development. Their work involves extensive fieldwork, including surveying and excavating sites, as well as analyzing artifacts to gain insights into past human activities. CRM specialists must navigate legal frameworks, such as the National Historic Preservation Act in the United States, to ensure compliance with preservation regulations. Their expertise helps balance development needs with the preservation of cultural history, making this a dynamic and impactful career choice.

Museum Curator

Museum curators are the gatekeepers of cultural and historical artifacts, responsible for curating exhibits that educate and inspire the public. They meticulously catalog and care for collections, develop thematic exhibitions, and engage in scholarly research to provide context for the items in their care. A curator’s role also extends to community engagement, where they create educational programs and collaborate with local communities to ensure that exhibitions are culturally sensitive and inclusive. This career is ideal for those passionate about sharing knowledge and preserving history for future generations.

Forensic Anthropologist

Forensic anthropologists bring their expertise to the legal field, assisting in the identification of human remains and providing critical information in criminal investigations. They work closely with law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and legal teams to analyze skeletal remains, often using advanced techniques such as DNA analysis and radiographic imaging. Their findings can determine key details about unidentified individuals and the circumstances of their deaths, playing a vital role in solving crimes and bringing closure to families. This career combines scientific rigor with humanitarian efforts, making it both challenging and rewarding.

Academic Researcher and Professor

Academia offers a platform for anthropologists to delve deep into research and share their knowledge through teaching. Professors in anthropology departments conduct fieldwork, publish scholarly articles, and mentor students pursuing degrees in anthropology. They may specialize in subfields like cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, or biological anthropology. The academic path requires a commitment to lifelong learning and a passion for advancing knowledge within the field. Professors often contribute to public discourse on important social issues, making their work influential beyond the classroom.

Corporate Anthropologist

In the corporate world, anthropologists apply their skills to understand consumer behavior and improve organizational culture. By conducting ethnographic research, they gather insights into how people interact with products, brands, and each other within the workplace. This information helps companies design user-friendly products, create effective marketing strategies, and foster positive work environments. Corporate anthropologists often work in sectors like technology, retail, and healthcare, where understanding human behavior is key to success. Their ability to translate cultural insights into business solutions makes them valuable assets to any organization.

International Development Consultant

Anthropologists working in international development contribute to projects aimed at improving living conditions in developing regions. They conduct participatory research to involve local communities in the development process, ensuring that interventions are culturally appropriate and sustainable. Development consultants work on issues such as education, healthcare, and economic development, often in collaboration with international organizations like the United Nations or the World Bank. Their work requires adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and a deep commitment to social justice, making it a fulfilling career for those dedicated to making a global impact.

Human Rights Advocate

Human rights advocates use their anthropological expertise to address and combat social injustices. They document human rights abuses, raise awareness, and advocate for policy changes at local, national, and international levels. Anthropologists in this field work with marginalized communities to amplify their voices and support their struggles for equality and justice. This career involves a combination of research, advocacy, and direct action, often in challenging and politically sensitive environments. Human rights advocates play a crucial role in shaping a more equitable world.

Public Health Researcher

Public health researchers with an anthropology background are uniquely positioned to address health disparities by understanding the cultural contexts of health behaviors. They design and evaluate health interventions that are tailored to specific populations, ensuring that public health initiatives are effective and culturally relevant. Their work spans a range of issues, from infectious diseases to mental health, and often involves collaboration with healthcare providers, policy-makers, and community organizations. By bringing a holistic perspective to public health, anthropologists help improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities.

Market Research Analyst

Market research analysts with anthropological training excel in understanding the cultural dimensions of consumer behavior. They conduct qualitative research, such as focus groups and ethnographic studies, to gain deep insights into what drives consumer decisions. This information is crucial for companies looking to develop products that resonate with their target audiences and create marketing campaigns that effectively communicate their brand message. Anthropologists in this field combine analytical skills with cultural awareness, making them adept at navigating complex market landscapes.

Environmental Anthropologist

Environmental anthropologists explore the intricate relationships between human societies and their environments. They study how cultural practices and social structures influence environmental conservation and resource management. This career involves fieldwork, policy analysis, and advocacy, often focusing on pressing issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development. Environmental anthropologists work with governments, NGOs, and indigenous communities to develop strategies that promote environmental stewardship while respecting cultural traditions. Their work is critical in addressing the global environmental crisis and fostering sustainable practices.


A degree in anthropology offers a versatile foundation for a wide range of careers. From preserving cultural heritage to influencing business strategies and advocating for human rights, anthropologists apply their knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions in diverse fields. Their ability to understand and interpret human behavior and cultural patterns is highly valued across various sectors, making anthropology graduates well-prepared to tackle the complex challenges of the modern world. Whether working in academia, corporate settings, or on the front lines of social justice, anthropologists play a vital role in shaping a more informed and empathetic society.

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