Why Education is Not Always the Key to Success

Is there any answer to the question why education is not always the key to success, at least, in this present world? Well, there may be. The popular belief is that education is the key to success. Yes, there are very pointable evidences to corroborate this truth. Education has no doubt contributed immensely to the development and growth of the society starting from the individuals.

Many a family who have invested in the education of their kids is reaping the bountiful harvest of the investment (the ROI of their good decision). The same goes for the government who try to empower and maximize the offered opportunities through funded scholarships for its citizens.

Education has done a lot of renovations, rebuilding, rebranding, reparation, and of course a lot of revamping of different sectors in the society through initiatives, innovations, and tested and trusted ideas. Hence, nothing may seem to counter the standing fact that education is the key to success.

Contrarily, the truth is that education cannot be the sole key to overall success as there abound several proofs of individuals or societies who had and are still succeeding without the influence of formal education (if this is the right term). Of course, it is. Formal education or modern education as we know it has only covered some certain aspects of human lives. It has not yet provided answers to several other parts which only by men’s intuitive knowledge and design can see the light of day.

  • Education is Limited in Dispensing Ideas

Although education teaches certain things, yet much of the curriculum are specific and biasedly focused on a certain subject or topic.  Teachers are only allowed to use certain books in English classes have to teach certain topics in history and it leaves little room for creative thinking or spirited debates. Religion, sexuality, different cultures, government, psychology, theology, and philosophy are topics that education so far has not taught so well. People do not get to explore different ideas and talk with people about different views without feeling threatened or defensive with education.

  • Education Does Not Give Room For Counterculture

School allows for very limited thinking and does its best to suppress conflict.  But by not teaching students how to talk about their differences in opinion without feeling threatened, students instead choose to put down ideas that were different than theirs because in school, teachers are made to believe they have the highest knowledge and their knowledge alone is the highest. This is also one of the reasons why education is not always the key to success.

  • Education Never Make Rich

In fact, many of the world’s richest men are not necessarily professors, academic scholars, or doctors. Rather, they are those who took a further step beyond the classroom to do something different from what is taught. This means education does not necessarily teach you what to do to make it in real life situations.

  • Education Is Not Equal To Skills

Most people go on to experience life, broaden their own horizons, and become much more opened minded and educated through their various encounters in life. Skilled individuals today did not get most of their skills through education. Life skills like making chairs, building houses, sewing clothes, coding, etc. are not learnt in schools, you will have to learn them outside the walls of school. This makes another one of the why education is not always the key to success.

  • Education Makes Not Intelligent

You can be very intelligent without school. The problem is kids love learning until they are put into the systematic factory that is called school. Kids do not really makes anyone intelligent. What education does is make you believe you are just a poodle that knows nothing and must learn what others see as inapplicable trash compulsorily. But a mind that thinks outside the box is the mind that is truly intelligent and this is what the school as bohemian, that is, someone who is unconventional and unacceptable.

  • Education Mostly Imparts Impracticable Knowledge

Imagine you have been in school for years and you are not anywhere close to learning things you have ever dreamt to become or anything close to the job that has always been your passion. Surprisingly, education may regard your passion as something that is nonsensical or stupid or unfit. Meanwhile, these are things that are capable of not only changing lives but also capable of motivating sanity in the society.

  • Education Wastes Talent

Education neglects talents and focuses on its own selfish campaign of cramming.  many students who have become talented stars today recount how they had to contend with that selfishness in order to have their way. You can imagine how many talents that have been wasted in the name of education. Some lecturers sexually harass their female students (which may have a negative implication on the life of the student), many students indulge in acts such as hooliganism, gangsterism, cultism and other devilish acts, all in the name of school.

  • Education Wastes Time

What could be easily accomplished within a short period of time will be delayed for a very long period just to acquire a certificate. A lot of technicians, fashion designers, photographers learn what they know today within months unlike those who go to school spending a lifetime just to know how to define a noun. Often, you find yourselves in classes with no application to your daily lives, or even to the curriculum. It is one of the 10 reasons why education is not oftentimes the key to success.

  • Education Relies On Outdated Information

Education as found in schools and colleges relies heavily on outdated knowledge that are not updated to be in synch with the current demands on reality. This is why many youths find education boring. Many fathers of civilization had to drop out of schools just to concentrate on the major needs and concerns of their modern periods and times. This too is one important reason among the 10 reasons why education is not important.

  • Education Fuels Arrogance

Very painful that this is one of the reasons why education is not always the key to success. It is said that arrogance goes before a fall. Many individuals believe that once they are educated, they are somehow better than those who have skills in the society. This anomaly actually makes them blind to other possibilities and gainful enterprise.

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