10 Things to Look Out for When Choosing Student Accommodation

As a student looking for the most conducive room for yourself, there are some 10 things to look out for when choosing student accommodation. Basically, having these 10 things are not necessarily for your own selfish comfort but majorly as firelighters to sole academic objectives for excellence.

The truth is that if any student dreams to get or achieve this academic excellence, there are some things that he or she must pay a very good attention to. Here are few of them that might help you:

1. Start Your Search Early

Finding suitable accommodation takes time, so it’s crucial to start your search early. We recommend beginning your research at least six months before the start of the academic year. This will give you ample time to research and find the best accommodation that suits your needs.

2. Determine Your Budget

Before you start searching, it’s essential to determine your budget. Consider how much you can afford to spend on accommodation. You need to consider the cost of rent, utilities, food, and other expenses. Setting a budget will help you narrow down your search and find a hostel that fits your financial constraints.

3. Research the Location

When choosing a location for your student housing, there are some factors that need to be considered. These factors include proximity to your campus, public transportation options, and local amenities. Living closer to campus can save you time and money on transportation costs. Additionally, having access to amenities like supermarkets, restaurants, and cafes can make your life easier and more convenient.

4. Consider the Type of Accommodation

There are various types of student housing available. This includes dormitories, apartments, shared housing, and homestays. Each option has its pros and cons, so it’s essential to consider what suits your preferences and lifestyle. Dormitories offer a more social atmosphere, while apartments provide more privacy. Evaluate your needs and make an informed decision.

5. Check for Safety and Security Measures

Safety and security should be top priorities when choosing student housing. Research the crime rate in the area and look for properties that have security measures in place. The measures should include CCTV cameras, secure entrances, and locks on doors and windows. It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and choose a secure living environment.

6. Read Reviews and Seek Feedback

Before finalizing your decision, take the time to read reviews from former or current tenants. These reviews can provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of a particular accommodation. Additionally, consider joining online forums and social media groups related to student accommodation. This will help you to gather feedback and recommendations from other students.

7. Check for Amenities

Check if the accommodation offers essential amenities such as Wi-Fi, laundry facilities, and kitchen appliances. Having these amenities provided can save you money and time on additional expenses. Additionally, consider other facilities like study areas, communal spaces, gyms, and recreational areas, as they can contribute to your overall living experience.

8. Negotiate the Terms of the Lease

When negotiating the terms of your lease, consider your needs and budget. Negotiate aspects such as the rent, the length of the lease, and the deposit. It’s crucial to carefully read the lease agreement before signing. This is it, to avoid any surprises or misunderstandings later. Understand the terms and conditions and make sure they align with your expectations.

9. Ask Questions and Seek Clarifications

During the viewing or negotiation process, don’t hesitate to ask questions to gain a better understanding of the property. Inquire about the property’s maintenance schedule, the landlord’s policies, and any additional fees or charges. Asking the right questions will help you make an informed decision and avoid any potential issues in the future.

10. Be Prepared to Act Quickly

Student housing is in high demand, and properties can be rented out quickly. Once you find the perfect accommodation, be prepared to act swiftly. Have all the necessary documents ready, such as proof of income and identification, to secure the accommodation promptly. Being prepared will increase your chances of securing your preferred living arrangement.

Types of Accommodation Often Preferred By Students

While you have known some very good tips about what and what not to look out for in your search for the best room or accommodation for you, the types of accommodation often rented by students are highlighted and briefly explained below:

  • Parent Purchase Houses

Parents are buying a house or apartment and acting as landlords for a group of students, including their child, which has been gaining popularity in recent years. It can be a great way to save money, but it’s important to think about the consequences. If you’re a friend of the landlord’s kid and, for some reason, you get into a fight with them. It can damage your relationship with the landlord.

  • Built-to-Rent

A build-to-rent project is a big residential development, usually a high-rise apartment block. All the units are owned and run by one company to be rented out for a short or long time. BTR developments are designed with the sole intention of appealing to the rental market, offering amenities and features that are conducive to long-term tenancy.

According to a survey conducted by the National Student Accommodation Survey 2023, 46% of students said that they rented from private landlords. Moreover, this year, students preferred living with parents or guardians.

  • On-Campus Accommodations

If you choose to stay on campus, you’ll be able to meet a lot of people, and you’ll be closer to your college. Although you won’t have as much freedom to pick your room, this is a popular choice for first-year students. On-campus accommodation is usually reserved for one academic year.

These are the largest and most popular options among students. Private residences are typically owned and operated by landlords as privately rented properties. Private residences provide more flexibility in terms of dates and also allow you to select your location and room type more easily. Private residences are not student-only, so you may find yourself sharing a house with a mix of both students and professionals.

  • Purpose-built Student Accommodation

PBSAs are high-rise student accommodation buildings. They are well-known for their high-quality amenities, such as in-house gymnasiums, games rooms and study areas, as well as standard common rooms. You will also have plenty of freedom to select the type of room and the dates for which you wish to rent it.

  • HMO

A house of multiple occupation (HMO) is a residential building where at least three people live together, forming a household. The people who live in an HMO are not members of a single household. They may be independent individuals or members of a group living together in the same building. HMOs have regulations and licensing in place to protect the health and safety of their residents.

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