How to Take Advantage of Ramadan’s Blessings

In this season of Ramadan, a lot of us probably do not have a grasp of the truth of what it ordinarily entails. We just believe it is a season that should be lived just like every other day. As the month is generally considered ‘a holy month’ by the faithful, it becomes necessary that we also take advantage of what we identify it as Ramadan’s blessings.

What is Ramadan and How is it Understood by Muslims?

Wikipedia describes Ramadan as the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer (salah), reflection, and community. A commemoration of Muhammad’s first revelation, the annual observance of Ramadan is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam and lasts twenty-nine to thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next.

Fasting from dawn to sunset is obligatory (fard) for all adult Muslims who are not acutely or chronically ill, travelling, elderly, breastfeeding, diabetic, pregnant, or menstruating. The predawn meal is referred to as suhur, and the nightly feast that breaks the fast is called iftar.

Fasting in Islam

The act of fasting is meant to remind Muslims of the less fortunate and to reinforce the need to be thankful. As one of the five pillars, or duties, of Islam, fasting during the month of Ramadan is mandatory for all healthy adult Muslims. Children who have not reached puberty, the elderly, those who are physically or mentally incapable of fasting, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and travelers are exempt.

Fasting during Ramadan means abstinence from all food or drink, including water and chewing gum, from dawn to sunset. It is recommended that before sunrise, Muslims eat a prefast meal known as suhur. This meal often resembles breakfast, but in some cultures it may include more dinner-like foods.

After sundown, Muslims break their fast with iftar, a meal which usually starts with dates and water or milk, followed by dinner. Muslims are permitted to snack at night between those two meals, and hydration is encouraged, especially when Ramadan falls during summer.

Several Practices in Ramadan

Simply enough, there are some certain things that the Muslim ummah is expected to do during the holy month of Ramadan, most of those practices are highlighted below:

  • Attend tarawih.
  • Recite the Quran.
  • Perform acts of charity, including Zakat Fitrah.
  • Do zikr and make dua.
  • Seek forgiveness.
  • Learn patience through the practice of fasting.

How to Take Advantage of Ramadan’s Blessings

So as you practice the obligatory and voluntary duties ascribed to Ramadan as a Muslim, there is no denying that you should take advantage of the Ramadan and not live through this season as if it is merely the ordinary day life that you experience.

The truth is, one gets this Ramadan chance once in a year, and as it comes and goes, there are some blessings which it brings with it, especially to those who know the how:

Here is the thing to do as a means to knowing how to take advantage of Ramadan’s blessings:

In stead of sleeping all day, or in stead of working all day, while you wait for the evening (iftar), one very good way to take advantage of this precious and sacred month/season is by always spending every hour praying.

In every hour, you must find or spare some time to face the Lord (Allah) in order to discuss your pains, needs, and requests with Him.

Given its righteousness and holiness, the HOLY month is supposed to be crisis-free in terms of spiritual connection. So it is important that every Muslim stays smart enough to just grab the uncommon chance and PRAY to the Lord for breakthrough, deliverance, and answered prayers.

Stay smart today and grab your positive results!

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