How to Write Letter of Attestation

As a student, you will need to know how to write letter of attestation either for admission purpose or for any other academic or official reasons. A letter of attestation is always written to solidify somebody’s qualification for a certain office or access to a bigger institution.

A letter of attestation is a letter that is written or signed to confirm a statement, action or behavior. The writer is certifying that they personally witnessed to know someone or something to be true. Letter of Attestation for students admission can be written Your parents, Your spiritual leader, Your traditional ruler, Military personnel, etc. In law, it it is some form of testimony which is a form of evidence in which a witness makes a solemn declaration or affirmation for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact.

It could also mean the process of validating the integrity of a computing device such as a server needed for trusted computing. Generally, attestation letter is appreciated as some written substance that assists in the uplifting of someone, student, or something in form of some testimony.

Here is the step by step approach to how to write letter of attestation:

  • Stick to the Facts

An attestation letter should stick to the facts and content related to the matter of discussion without any digression or exaggeration.

  • Keep the Content Short and Crisp

An attestation letter has a singular purpose; therefore, there’s no need to extend the content of the letter beyond its limit. Keeping the letter short and crisp is suggested here.

  • A Formal Tone should be Maintained

An attestation letter is generally needed for paperwork or other official works of institutions and offices, especially where a certain level of authority is involved. You should write decently in a formal tone.

  • Avoid Making Blunders

A formal letter like this cannot have silly mistakes in grammar or spelling. Avoid making blunders to make an attestation letter absolute in nature.

How to Write a Letter of Attestation of Good Character

More Steps are:

  • Start the letter by clarifying your intentions to attest certain documents, certificates or behavior or as your purpose behind attestation may be. 
  • An attestation letter could also be written to request a certain person to attest your papers or other reasons. 
  • Give a little brief about yourself, your profession, and your position in the office. These details can be helpful for the reader to link them with 
  • Defining the purpose for attestation is a very integral part of the letter. You should clearly state why and what you wish to attest through this letter. 
  • The more you explain your circumstances for substantiating the purpose of attestation, the better it will be for the reader to be inclined with your situation. 
  • Following this, put a final statement to attest all the details you wish to attest through this letter. 
  • End the letter on a positive note and a cheerful thanks.

Sample of the Letter

[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address]

[Mention the contact details]

[Mention the date]



[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Mention the address of the recipient]

[Mention the contact details of the recipient]

Subject- Attestation letter

Honored [Mention the name],

My name is [Mention the name] and I graduated from your esteemed institution with a [Mention the name of the educational degree] in the [Mention the session] bearing [Mention the roll number] [Mention the registration number]. My performance was exceptional, earning a [Mention the name] of [Mention the result]. [Explain using your own words.] I’m searching for employment after completing my degree program that matches my training and experience.

Regarding this, I discovered a position with a company in the public sector that incorporates the attestation letter into their application procedure. [Explain your current state and circumstance]. I need an attestation letter that has been properly signed and stamped in order to apply for this position. This is a fantastic chance, and I am confident that my integrity and competence will help my university gain a positive reputation. [Explain your specifications]. The deadline for submitting applications is [Mention the date].

In order for the department to allow me one day off, I’m submitting this application to let you know that I require one day off and that I’ve sent you a letter via email. Please certify my letter by signing below.

Your thoughtfulness and prompt delivery of this letter will enable me to move forward with my employment application. I will be very appreciative of your concern and assistance for your former pupil.

My heartfelt thanks.


Thank you very much,


[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address]

[Handwriting signature]

[Mention the contact details]

[Mention here, if there is any post note to be given]

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