How to Choose a Career After High School

The importance of teaching career choice cannot be overemphasized because it enlightens you about how to choose a career after high school so you may not, as a student, make the common mistake which many make in life. Although the act of choosing a career should not be delayed until after school, yet it is never said to be late even at then.

The reason why that is said largely owes to the fact that careers are what should have been recognized early in life. However, there are several factors to why the choice can be made exactly after high school. One of them is the uncertainties that follow the ample choice which children tend to have about what and what to do in the future. So, there is got to be some learning and patience to allow such child comes to full fledged understanding himself before the final decision.

Hence, many believe that making career choice is better executed exactly after high school. They believe years of high schooling should be to most students a composite of years of learning! On the contrary, others believe high school should comprise both learning years about career choice and of course the moment of the final decision.

Whether or not time plays a vital role in making career choices, this content has made effort to enlighten you about how to choose a career after high school and then stay put with it to when it blossoms and reaches expected heights.

Below are the what to do on how to develop and how to choose a career after high school as a young high schooler:

  • Check Your Experiences for Clues

Review your list of your experiences and accomplishments. Do you notice any themes?  For example, are you good at solving problems?  Enjoy technology? Enjoy fixing things or creating things from scratch? Do you often find yourself supporting people through difficult times?

Perhaps you are competitive. These are clues to the work roles that may appeal to you. Your goal is to create a list of interesting roles. Aim for three to five but a few more won’t be a bad thing!

  • Explore Your Options

Ask the individuals you meet with where they received their training and if they would recommend it. This can be a launching point for exploring your options on college and university websites. Some school also has a great site to explore if you are considering a skilled trade.

As you narrow in on the programs that seem to most closely meet your interests, arrange to meet a student advisor or program lead to learn more about how their institution and their program and staff can support your journey.

  • Look Out for Exciting Careers

Research the careers that you are considering. Write a profile for each, including job description, salary, educational requirements and job outlook. Realistically look at each profile and picture yourself performing the job duties. However, you have to consider all factors.

The best thing you can do here is find someone who is already working in the career you are interested in, and talk to them about their experiences.

  • Seek Second Opinion from Trusted Individuals

Certainly your family and friends can offer their opinions to help you reach a decision, but also reach out to your guidance counsellors at school, a program lead at the college or university you are considering.

Better still, contact organizations that can help or maybe engage in seminars or other Ministry of Education funded program to help students who are preparing for their post-secondary journeys prepare to make those next steps with purpose and confidence.

  • Participate in Career Tests

Take a career assessment test in which you answer a series of questions designed to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. These tests also consider different personality types for each individual. While career tests should not be your main source of decision making, you can use them as a tool to help you decide what career might match your interests.

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