Easiest Science Experiment You Can Do with Salt

Well, one of the results of man’s consciousness of things around them is the discovery of the easiest science experiment you can do with salt. This however is from the time man has begun to ask questions about the useful of the particles available to them. Science is no doubt a cradle from where the human environment gains its looks and of course its development.

Even as we grow up as kids, up to this age, there are some things which we would term as magic just because it surpasses the scope of our mental grasp. But the good news is, most of these unorthodox scientific discoveries do work and produce the expected results,

The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained is what is termed science. Thus, some of the experiments that we grow up to see our parents do with salt cannot be said to be wrong or unscientific if they actually are real and verifiable as against the imposition of false theories.

The new knowledge in science is not only advanced by research from scientists who are motivated by curiosity about the world and a desire to solve problems but that thy are also advanced by ordinary men who were only curious as to what obtains and what does not in their immediate environment.

Nonetheless, contemporary scientific research is highly collaborative and is usually done by teams in academic and research institutions, government agencies, and companies.

The practical impact of their work has led to the emergence of science policies that seek to influence the scientific enterprise by prioritizing the ethical and moral development of commercial products, armaments, health care, public infrastructure, and environmental protection.

Below are the evidences of the easiest science experiment you can do with salt be it at your home or office or anywhere possible. Try them today!

1. Freezing

Another way to show kids that salted water has higher freezing point, is to put a cup of water, and a cup of salted water in the freezer, and check back regularly every 10 minutes, and keep record on which one freeze first. More than likely, kids will see that the cup with just water freezes faster than salted water.

Here’s How:

  1. Measure 1 cup of cold water into each of the Styrofoam cups. Measure 1 tbsp. of salt into 1 cup, then mix well with spoon. Leave the other cup alone; do not add anything to it. Put both cups in the freezer for 10 minutes. Set a timer if you want. Hand out pencils and paper to all the children.
  2. Pass a small plastic bowl to each child. You might want to make some ice cubes ahead of time and put them in a zippered freezer bag. Depending on how many kids you have, give them at least two ice cubes for each bowl. Have each child sprinkle salt on the ice cubes and watch them melt. The reason is that salt lowers the freezing point of water. It will freeze, but it has to be colder than the freezing point of unsalted fresh water. Put the bowls aside and ask the kids to write down what they saw and observed so far.
  3. Pull out the two cups in the freezer when the timer goes off. You will find the cup with the plain water has started to freeze. The cup with the salt will not freeze because it has lowered the freezing point of the water. Ask the kids to write their observations about the experiment on the paper you provided. Tell them to keep the paper for notes on the next experiment.

2. Painting

This awesome salt painting science experiment is a great way to explore about simple concepts of science such as absorption. Pre-schoolers and home schoolers find this experiment a great way to learn science concepts. If you are looking for a simple science and art project, this experiment needs to be researched.

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3. Floating

This science experiment with salt also teaches kids why it is easier to float in ocean water. This experiment expand from the floating egg experiment, and visually show kids that salted water is heavier. This  very colorful experiment further explores the density of salt vs. water, from a different angle.

In addition to water and salt, kids also see that oil is lighter than water. Here’s How:

  1. Pass out the bowls and teaspoons to every child. You will need a bowl or bowls that hold at least 2 cups of water. Make sure you have enough salt boxes for everyone to share and participate in the experiment. Fill every bowl with 2 cups of cold water.
  2. Provide each child with a rock, marble, apple and an egg. They will add salt to the bowl one teaspoon at a time to find out how much salt is needed to make the object float. Have the children start with the egg because it takes about 9 tsp. of salt to make it float. Tell them to write their observations of the experiment on a piece of paper.
  3. Let them try the apple next. It will take about 12 tsp. of salt to make the apple float. You may want to tell them it will take several teaspoons to float these heavy items. The last items for the children to float should be the rocks or marbles. It will take about 10 tsp. to make the marbles float and about 14 for the rocks.
  4. Use other items such as pencils, pens and balls. The density of the item will determine how much salt you need to float it. Adding salt happens to make the water denser, so an item floats because water becomes denser than the item. Ask the children to record how many teaspoons of salt it takes to make each item float.

4. Water Density

Experiments with salt and water can help a second-grader learn about the density of water. Objects that are less dense than water float while those with higher densities sink. Adding salt to water can change its density. To demonstrate this, start with two medium-sized bowls.

Fill each bowl halfway with water. Add about 6 tablespoons of water to one bowl. Add items such as coins, marbles, pencils, pieces of fruit and small rocks to each bowl, one at a time. Note which items float in plain water and which ones float in saltwater.

If the items sink in saltwater, add more spoonfuls of salt until they float, and then record how much salt was required. This lesson should show that adding salt to water increases the water’s density and makes items more likely to float.

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