Best Sunday School Topics for Adults

One of the very effective ways to override spiritual limitations in church is by using the best Sunday School topics for adults who are strongly rooted in the religious services of the church. It is also very affordable, at least to the men of the cloth who are behooved with the responsibility of teaching these topics.

The bottleneck however is that many adults in church just as the teenagers and the children have been so crushed spiritually that it might be difficult convincing them or changing some of the choices they’re already glued due to too much affiliation to the world.

Paul told us to change from the inside out, not be led by worldly success and prosperity. The truth is, transformation itself is not switching from one to-do list to another. Instead, we replace the works of the law with the fruit of the Spirit as instructed in the Bible.

Nonetheless, even in the face of these challenges, there are ways by which the preacher can better turn dried leaves into new wines without much struggle of course. Some of these ways is first by regularly treating the best Sunday school topics for adults. Secondly, the delivery of these topics must be entertaining as well as dramatic in the sense that it is replete with interesting illustrations.

Well, it is dead argument to accept that the role of relaying mundane topics or discussing boring sermons to the pew can do anything as close to exciting them. That is why the decision of always rooting for the best Sunday School topics for adults must be at the center of the decision-making administration of the church every Sunday. Below are some of these tenable topics:

  • Freedom in Christ

God has given all of us freedom from the greatest bondage: sin. We are all living in God’s kingdom; we should embrace that we are free from condemnation. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).

  • Spiritual Gifts

God has blessed every individual with a specific spiritual gift. You can start by studying 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 8 to differentiate spiritual and natural gifts, delve into self-analyzing what gifts God has bestowed upon you, then learn how to ask Him for new gifts to increase the glory you give to Him (1 Corinthians 14:1).

Read Also: Spiritual Purpose of Church: Why Do People Go to Church?

  • Identity in Christ

Identity in Christ gives us confidence and awareness of who we really are in light of our Creator. We are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), and embracing that will transform the way we view and act in the world.

  • Relationships

Investing in healthy, meaningful relationships with our parents, spouses, children, siblings, friends, and more is foundational to the Christian life. Our relationship with God should reflect the way we manage relationships with others.

  • Cultivating Perseverance

Running with perseverance means we have to fix our eyes on Christ, find the joy set before us, and endure all the challenges with Jesus as our example. You can break this topic down into smaller sessions to discuss it in light of career, family, and health.

  • Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is real. The father of lies will attempt to destroy us with doubt and fear, but Romans 8 says that we have the Holy Spirit within us. Believers have been given the weapons they need (Ephesians 6:8-10) to fight off temptation and lies.

  • Money and God

The Bible says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10). God encourages us to be less selfish with money (2 Corinthians 9:6), so it won’t take hold of us.

  • Parables

There are nearly 40 parables spread out in the Bible, many of which are repeated more than once. Start by reading through Matthew 13, which already includes six parables in one chapter.

How to Plan Sunday School Topics

  • Pick ideas that would be suitable for your Sunday school curriculum. You should also come up with objectives and takeaways for each of those lessons. To do this, you’ll have to be familiar with the Bible, understand the Scripture in light of your own experience, and respond in faith to God’s teaching.
  • Expand the meaning of the Bible verses you’ve chosen. You can take a systematic approach where you cross-reference to other parts of the Bible, use a grammatical-historical method to understand the context, and other ways to properly interpret figurative language whenever necessary.
  • Take your material to the next level by conducting further research. Your goal is to find appropriate, supplementary information to solidify your lessons. We suggest that you look at Bible dictionaries, concordances, commentaries, and all other additional resources to strengthen and beef up your Sunday school lessons.
  • Organize your materials in a logical, sequential manner. Start with foundational lessons, then dive into more niche lessons.
  • With your outline now ready, fill it with all the information you’ve gathered, including any discussion questions and illustrations you might want to have. You can either take a deductive, top-down approach to the lessons or an inductive, bottom-up method instead.
  • Check your work. Avoid making the lessons too broad, elaborate, or disconnected from the biblical text itself. You can even conduct a run-through where you have other trusted Christians review your work before you start using it officially.

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