How to Use Convenience Time in a Sentence

Obviously, convenience means at comfort. To then merge it up, that is, mastering how to use convenience with time in a sentence can mean the moment that is right or appropriate for something to get done or to be. The perfect instance of comfort when all tentacles are freely spread and hinged to reply to the call of volition.

Conveniently, the common phrase at your convenience means quite what it implies in that it puts the decoder in a condition where there is no compulsion or external authority influencing his or her decision. It is absolutely a matter of his or her own choice or will.

Well, now discussing the laid-down strategies about how to use convenience time in a sentence or in our verbal construction of words, we shall be looking at whether we can merge the uses of time and convenience together in a single sentence or we can simply use these two words separately.

Time of Convenience or Convenient Time?

Learning how to use convenience with time in a sentence is learning the right English syntax in such a way that it will help you send home the right message or idea. However, below are various examples of sentences which dwell on the use of convenience and time.

We hope as you learn the uses of these sentences, you will be able to get conversant with the correct way of speaking or writing the phrase unlike the former wrong use!

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Convenient as Qualifier

Here are expressions where convenience can be better merged with time. Better when convenience is used as a qualifier before the nominal entity, time.

  • But I can come back at a more convenient time.
  • You just show up at an incredibly convenient time.
  • Sweetheart, not really the most convenient time for me.
  • Well, that’s a pretty convenient time for a camera malfunction.
  • – This was the most convenient time of day.
  • Or the killer could’ve put the body on ice until they found a more convenient time to dispose of it.
  • You two are just waiting for the convenient time to hand me back over to him.
  • Okay, then I’ll just tell Hector Matrick you’ll call him back at a more convenient time.
  • We’re quite fatigued, so if it’s not a bother, call back at a more convenient time.
  • It’s not a convenient time for me, Alex.
  • Do choose a more convenient time for quarrelling!
  • The debate will take place at a more convenient time, under more favorable conditions.
  • He said that he is willing to meet Prime Minister Sharon at a mutually convenient time.
  • Madam President, things rarely happen at convenient times and any crisis, by definition, is going to be inconvenient.
  • I would’ve been happy to come out and visit you at a convenient time.
  • Is this not a convenient time for you?
  • at a more convenient time for the club?
  • I will be very brief, Madam President. Moreover, I feel that this issue should be discussed in more detail, perhaps at a more convenient time.
  • He’s buying you… with this one thing at this convenient time.
  • Does he knock on doors and offer to come back at a more convenient time?

Convenience as Axiom

Convenience, even as a nominal form, can confidently be used as an axiomatic phrase that gives its meaning when used in conversations or expressions of any kind:

They may well find that patients will take their chances for the sake of convenience.

The internet giants have introduced hundreds of millions to the ease and convenience of virtual shopping.

Please return the sleeping bag at your convenience.

That was more important than his convenience or whether life was being fair to him or not.

Our future is in small convenience shops.

It warned some hospitals may be placing convenience ahead of patient safety.

Note: You may consult the British dictionary for a better understanding of the meaning and uses of the word.

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