The normal IQ level of child may differ going by the different reports provided to us by various studies. Well, the question of what is the average IQ that a child can have cannot be overrated; neither can it be underrated as it is believed that it is the child’s age and whole mannerism that may determine the level.
On the regular, a normal child is said to belong to an IQ level of 90-109. Just as when a person’s mental age is equal to his actual age, he is said to have an average IQ, so is the case with the child.
Determining a child’s IQ, intelligence quotient, can be challenging. Once you understand the basics of IQ testing and what the normal range is for children, you can better determine if there are concerns about how a child is developing and be better equipped to approach their growth to help them meet their full potential.
Whether high or low, normal or gifted, your child’s number isn’t everything. IQ is simply a number, which is based on one measure of academic intelligence. Labeling a child gifted or learning disabled can both cause stress if too much emphasis is put on the IQ over other areas of the child’s abilities and gifts.
Normal IQ Level of Child: What is the Average IQ
Though there are different average IQ scores for various age levels, the normal IQ level of child which is related to the question of what is the average IQ of a regular child is what we will be enunciating here in this content for you to gain advantage of.
General Overview
For children, IQ can range from 0 to 250, but averagely, the majority of children tested have IQ ranges from 80 to 120. Each IQ range has a classification.
IQ of 140-250
According to deep-seated research for this fact in its statistical analysis, an IQ of 140 and greater is considered genius
Read Also: The Best Career for Someone with IQ of 140
IQ of 120-140
120-140 is thought of as very superior intelligence.
IQ of 110-120
110-120 is considered superior intelligence.
IQ of 90-110
90-110 is normal or average.
IQ of 90-110
70-80 is a borderline deficiency.
IQ of 70-0
Below 70 is thought of as cognitively delayed.
An IQ test can show signs of giftedness or intelligence deficiencies. Each child is special is his or her own way. It is also suggested that instead of focusing solely on IQ scores, parents or guardians should encourage children to excel at their strengths and areas of interest they enjoy while paying attention to weak areas where need reinforcement.