List of Courses Offered at Atlantic University

Provided is the list of courses offered at Atlantic University for you, intending students who have longings to join the school in the next summer for its quality education.

Atlantic International University, Inc. is a private for-profit distance learning university based in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was founded in December 1998 as Atlantic University, Inc. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees including doctorates.

Sharing knowledge is a vital component in the growth and advancement of the society in a sustainable and responsible way. In order to contribute, Atlantic University is implementing an “Open Access” Initiative with academic work, select courses, scientific research, projects, and other scholarly work by students, faculty, and other contributors seeking increased access to Higher Education by making learning materials and research Publicly Accessible.

The primary goal of this page is to present AU’s open courses to the world. All courses on this page are free and open to the public without any requirements for registration or payment. These online courses are intended to be easily taken independently, without supervision or guidance at a pace defined by the user.

Each open course includes all necessary video conferences, lectures, course materials, and even tests. Tests are offered as a tool for the user at the end of each lesson to verify that learning, retention and comprehension of the material presented have occurred. However, the tests are optional and the full online course content and lessons are available at once to users.

Through Open Access, AU and other leading institutions through out the world are tearing down the barriers to access and use research literature and academic materials.

Atlantic University as an organization is interested in the dissemination of advances in scientific research fundamental to the proper operation of a modern society, in terms of community awareness, empowerment, health and wellness, sustainable development, economic advancement, and optimal functioning of health, education and other vital services.

AU’s  Mission and Vision  is consistent with the vision expressed in the Budapest Open Access Initiative and Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

List of Courses Offered at Atlantic University

Below is the long list of courses offered at Atlantic University:

Strategic Management Concepts

Strategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages. This definition captures two main elements that goes to the heart of the field of strategic management.

First, the strategic management of an organization entails three ongoing processes: analysis, decisions, and actions. That is, strategic management is concerned with the analysis of strategic goals (vision, mission, and strategic objectives) along with the analysis of the internal and external environment of the organization. Next, leaders must make strategic decisions.

These decisions, broadly speaking, address two basic questions: What industries should we compete in? How should we compete in those industries? These questions also often involve an organization’s domestic as well as its international operations. And last are the actions that must be taken. Decisions are of little use, of course, unless they are acted on.

Firms must take the necessary actions to implement their strategies. This requires leaders to allocate the necessary resources and to design the organization to bring the intended strategies to reality. As we will see in the next section, this is an ongoing, evolving process that requires a great deal of interaction among these three processes.

Human communication

The current study of human communication can be broken down into two major categories; rhetorical and relational. The focus of rhetorical communication is primarily on the study of influence; the art of rhetorical communication is based on the idea of persuasion.

The relational approach examines communication from a transnational perspective; two or more people coexist to reach an agreed upon perspective.

In its early stages, rhetoric was developed to help ordinary people prove their claims in court; this shows how persuasion is key in this form of communication. Aristotle exclaimed that, effective rhetoric is based on argumentation. As explained in the text, rhetoric involves a dominant party and a submissive party or a party that succumbs to that of the most dominant party.

While the rhetorical approach stems from Western societies, the relational approach stems from Eastern societies. Eastern societies hold higher standards for cooperation which makes sense as to why they would sway more toward a relational approach for that matter. “Maintaining valued relationships is generally seen as more important than exerting influence and control over others”.

Total Quality

Quality assurance (QA) refers to the engineering activities implemented in a quality system so that requirements for a product or service will be fulfilled. It is the systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes and an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention.

This can be contrasted with quality control, which is focused on process outputs. Two principles included in QA are: “Fit for purpose”, the product should be suitable for the intended purpose; and “Right first time”, mistakes should be eliminated. QA includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies, products and components, services related to production, and management, production and inspection processes.

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Strategies and Procedures Quality of Service

A customer may or may not also be a consumer, but the two notions are distinct, even though the terms are commonly confused. A customer purchases goods; a consumer uses them. An ultimate customer may be a consumer as well, but just as equally may have purchased items for someone else to consume. An intermediate customer is not a consumer at all.

The situation is somewhat complicated in that ultimate customers of so-called industrial goods and services (who are entities such as government bodies, manufacturers, and educational and medical institutions) either themselves use up the goods and services that they buy, or incorporate them into other finished products, and so are technically consumers, too.

However, they are rarely called that, but are rather called industrial customers or business-to-business customers. Similarly, customers who buy services rather than goods are rarely called consumers.

Others Are:

Administration and Management skills
Algebra with Applications
American Public School Law
Analysis of Materials
Basic Processes of Thought and Brain Gym
Benchmarking and CMR
Business Communication
Business Ethics
Business Opening
Business Policy & Strategy
Business Statistics
Coaching 1
Coaching and PNL
College Algebra 
Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation
Conceptual Review of the Universe
Conflict Management
Constructivism and Student-Centered Learning 
Consumer Behavior
Consuming Cultures 
Contemporary Social Problems
Cost Accounting 
Counseling Skills
Creativity and Innovation
Credit Management 
Critical Thinking
Distribution and Logistics
Early Capitalistic Theory
Earth and the Genetic Revolution
E-Commerce and the Internet in Real Estate and Construction
Electronic Commerce 
Elements of Change 
Essentials of Finance
Financial Management 
Financial Planning and Control
Financial Tools
Foundations for Modern Mathematics II
Fundamentals of Family Theory
Fundamentals of Math 
Fundamentals of Quality
Global Marketing
Grandmasters of Modern Mathematics III 
Greek Mathematics
Group Dynamics 
Health Promotion
Historical Review of Quantum Theory 
Human communication processes
Human Factor I
Human Factor ll
Human Growth and Development 
Human Resource Management
Ideas Foreign to Capitalism
International Management 
International Marketing 
International Studies 
Intro to Accounting
Introduction to Business Administration
Introduction to Culture Of Human Development 
Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Introduction to Marketing 
Introduction to science education
Investment Management 
Leadership and Direction
Life Project implemented
Management Theory and Practice 
Managing Costumer Service 
Marketing and Sales 
Marketing Plan
Marketing Research
Models Techniques Stress Management
Modern Behaviorism
Modern Capitalism
Numbers and the infinity
Online Business
Organizational Development
Organizational Psychology
Personalities explained through genetics 
Personnel Administration
Phenomenology and Multi-Dimensional Human Development
Political Science  
Practical Information Technology Management
Prime and Similar numbers
Principles of Accounting
Principles of Andragogy
Principles of Management 
Probability and Statistics
Project Management
Public Sector Marketing 
Public Speaking
Quantitative Methods 
Quantitative Research
Reasoning explained
Reengineering systems 
Research Methodology
Retail Management
Review of Quantum Theory
Safety and industrial Hygiene
School of Finance
Scientific Secrets for a Powerful Memory
Scientific Secrets for Self Control
Self Esteem and Human Relationship
Social and Molecular Review of Science
Socialist and Communist Theory of the Early 20th Century
Sociology & Organization
Sociology of Race Relations
Strategic Management
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning and Marketing
Strategy Directive
Student-Centered Learning 
The Art of war
The aspects of human personalities
The continued evolution of capitalism in the 18th and 19th century
The earlier science called psychology
The Foundation For Modern Mathematics II
The perception factor of psychology
The social aspect of psychology
Theories and Technique of the Interview ll
Theories and Techniques of the interview
Theories of Learning
Theories of Personality ll
Theory Pedagogical and andragogical
Total Quality

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