Biblical Meaning of Snake Dreams

Evident upon which the interpretation or the Biblical meaning of snake dreams is the discussion of what transpired in the garden of Eden between Eve, Satan and the serpent. It is unarguable that this is all spiritually interpretive. According to the Bible, out of the desire of the enemy to deceive Eve and Adam, he had to possess the body of the serpent, to harness its wise and shrewd attributes for his evil intent.

Snakes can harm, as well as dogs, lions and bees. Most animals are naturally harmful, but that doesn’t make them evil. In the physical realm, no animal is evil. It is what some of these animals represent spiritually that sometimes may be evil.

God created everything to be good—including snakes and every other wild animal. In the physical realm, like every other animal God created, snakes are innocent creatures. But when it comes to the spiritual, the symbol of a snake is often attributed to darkness and evil. This is due to certain reasons which you will learn as you read further.
One undeniably remarkable thing about snakes is that they are very wise (shrewd)—way wiser than many other animals. Even to the extent the Lord Jesus advised that we should be “as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

If you saw a snake in your dream, you may have become scared and confused concerning what is going on in your life. But I can assure you that there is no need to fret. Whatever plot the enemy has against you through snake dreams, it is thwarted now, in the Name of Jesus Christ!

Biblical Meaning of Snake Dreams

Dreams about snakes appear to both Christians and non-Christians. Very many people have reportedly seen snakes in their dreams—and most times—these dreams happen to be recurring. Snakes might have attacked Adam and Eve and won; it is not the case with us. By the help of the Holy Spirit, we will explore the Biblical meaning of snake dreams in subsequent light:

Snake is a Serpent

In the holy scriptures, God Himself declared the enemy as “an ancient serpent”—a cunning and evil serpent. Concerning the spiritual meaning of snakes in dreams, I’ll say that seeing snakes in the dream often confirms an ongoing demonic spiritual attack against the dreamer. The Almighty has given us the authority and power to trample upon the Serpent, his cohorts and his evil activities against launched against us.
  • Luke 10:19 KJV says: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Snakes are Potential Evil Attackers

Snake dreams, if not seriously prayed against, could bring bad luck, frustration, stagnation and setback in the dreamer’s waking life. The presence of evil brings nothing good. Dreaming about snakes often speaks of the presence of demons, witches and warlocks—together with their activities against the dreamer.
When one sees snakes in their dreams, this means that the enemy and his cohorts are out and working evil against them.

Demonic Presence

In every snake dream one sees, it is important to notice the particular location where the dreamer saw the snake in their dream. If it is a physical location (say a home or workplace) that you know, this points to demonic presence and activities within that location.
If you occasionally dream about seeing snakes in your family home, understand that there are evil family altars run by demons and serviced by evil human priests in that family. You have to be very prayerful in order to rise above and be victorious over their works.
  • Big snakes in dreams often symbolize high-ranking demons or occultists.
  • Seeing black snakes in dreams further confirms the presence of evil spirits or high-ranking human agents of darkness working against the dreamer.
The colour of snakes in dreams still do not determine which represents good and which represents evil. Whatever the colour may be, the moment a snake appears in your dream, it comes with an evil assignment.

Other Instances of Snake Dreams Are:

  • Getting Attacked By Snakes In Dreams
What does it mean to dream about snakes attacking you? If you saw a snake attacking you in your dream, this is often the sign of a direct and serious spiritual attack from the kingdom of darkness. Do not treat such dreams lightly.
A dream of getting attacked by a snake is often a sign that there are agents of darkness assigned to harm the dreamer by all means. The effects of getting attacked by a snake in the dream could be very destructive if such dreams are not prayed against.
  • Seeing Many Snakes In Dreams
If you frequently find yourself surrounded by many snakes in dreams or you always find many snakes around where you are in dreams, this means that there are very evil people around you and probably within your circle. They are always on the look out for the slightest opportunity to harm you. You should be careful, watchful and prayerful.
  • Dreaming About Snakes In Your Home
This speaks of an impending and serious spiritual attack and demonic presence. Agents of darkness have been assigned and released against the dreamer. In most cases, it is that, the evil spirits assigned against the dreamer are hanging around their home and waiting for the best opportunity to launch attacks and harm the dreamer.
In this case, home deliverance and cleansing becomes very necessary. If you saw this dream, you should fast and pray, then anoint your home. You can also get a powerful servant of God to come pray over and consecrate your home.
  • Killing a Snake in Dream
If you saw yourself killing a snake in a dream, this means that agents of darkness were assigned against you, but the Lord has given you victory. Victory over the demons, witches and warlocks assigned against a Christian often manifests as dreams of killing snakes.
This kind of dreams will always come to Christians who are very prayerful, and those who always confront the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare and midnight prayers.

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