Most Popular Essay Topics for High Schools 

Students often feel desperate and lost when choosing a theme for their articles. The topic is a vital aspect of writing. A compelling theme reveals the investigation goals and determines the simplicity or complexity of the discussion. Sadly, many students choose broad and poorly expressed topics that lack conciseness and show no clear sense of purpose. Let’s give you some great essay topics to get you started on different types of essays. 

The Process of Writing a High School Essay 

High school papers follow the introduction-body-conclusion structure. The introductory paragraph catches the reader’s attention, introduces the subject, and transitions to the body part. The body contains discussion points to defend and explain your argument. It includes views, explanations, evidence, rebuttal, and criticism. The conclusion wraps up your discussion and summarizes vital points. 

Writing involves researching, drafting, editing, and proofreading before the final submission. Please note that this is labor-intensive work for which not everyone has the time and energy. Students that don’t have the time hire custom essay paper writing services to write their essay paper or explore samples and choose an essay topic. After writing, ask your counselor or friend to examine your work and use writing tools to improve your article. 

The High School Essay Topic Selection Process 

College professors assign papers alongside the brief or instruction. It contains the subject, format, and other requirements. Therefore, the first thing to do is to read the instructions. In the absence of a theme, follow these steps to choose one: 

  • Brainstorm for ideas and make a list of fun subject areas. 
  • Narrow your subject area and choose something you are genuinely interested in. 
  • Choose a relevant, researchable, and important subject area.  
  • Select clear themes. 
  • Decide on a well-defined and well-phased theme that won’t give a double-barreled impression. 

Interesting High-school Essay Topics 

Below are common types of essays and good essay topics for high school and college: 

1. Argumentative topics 

Argumentative essay topics analyze literature and convincingly express opinions. Students or research paper writers examine different viewpoints, select positions, and use evidence to form an argument and defend it in their essays or articles. 

  • Should all people earn equal salaries? 
  • Is it good to make higher education free for all? 
  • Why is reading books better than watching movies? 
  • Should people donate their organs after accidental deaths? 
  • Does homework kill or help the desire to study? 

2. Cause-effect topics 

A cause-and-effect article evaluates and analyzes the relationship between two conditions and their consequences. Examples include: 

  • Explain the cause and consequences of floods in America. 
  • Examine the cause and effects of Australian wildfires. 
  • Examine how social media affects relationships. 
  • What are the results of domestic abuse on children? 
  • Explain the effects of acne on a teen’s life. 

3. Descriptive writing

Descriptive articles create a mental image of a subject. It describes an event, country, or individual using sensory data and utilizes several adjectives to convey meaning. They include: 

  • My earliest childhood memory. 
  • The most handsome man I have ever seen? 
  • The birthday I will never forget. 
  • The worst nightmare of my life. 
  • The favorite place in my city I recommend to tourists. 

4. Expository topics  

Expository writing examines a subject based on factual data and presents solid reasoning. It is the opposite of persuasive writing since it appeals to facts, not opinions. 

  • The events that culminated in World War II. 
  • What is the difference between a lie and a joke? 
  • Effective cancer treatments. 
  • How do bullies select their victims? 
  • Is Mars ready for habitation? 

5. Humorous topics 

A humorous essay aims to amuse readers rather than persuade or inform them. It is also called a comic or light essay. Examples include: 

  • The perfect plan is to lose all my friends. 
  • What would happen if animals ruled the world? 
  • You can outrun a bullet if you keep practicing. 
  • The best ways to be annoying on social media. 
  • Why are customers always wrong? 

6. Narrative topics 

Narrative writing tells a story based on the author’s personal experiences. The tale illustrates an idea and often includes characters and actions. 

  • The first time I broke the law. 
  • A memorable wedding I witnessed. 
  • If you could fly, where would you go? 
  • Describe your first virtual date. 
  • The process of cooking and eating my favorite meal. 

7. Persuasive topics 

The objective of a persuasive article is to convince or expose readers to a viewpoint or a cause. As a result, it focuses less on specific facts and more on opinions. 

  • Is the death penalty justifiable for violent offenders? 
  • Should we allow birth control for minors? 
  • Should we legalize pet euthanasia? 
  • Is it ethical for a rape victim to go for an abortion? 
  • Should the government ban sports betting? 

8. Informative topics 

An informative essay educates a reader on a subject. It defines a term, analyzes data, provides how-to instructions, and compares and contrasts an idea. 

  • The problem of poverty in my country. 
  • The effect of video games on the behavior of high schoolers. 
  • The origin of the Olympic Games. 
  • The signs of a true friend. 
  • How do automatic transmission cars work?

9. World history topics 

A world history essay studies human history across borders, including regions, movements, cultures, diseases, etc. 

  • Ancient and modern traditions of Japanese Yakuza. 
  • How did World War 2 change the world?
  • The history of the British Empire. 
  • Indigenous tribes of America. 
  • How the Great Wall of China was built. 

1o. Science topics 

Science articles address specific problems and follow standard academic essay writing. The writer analyzes a specific scientific problem and develops a solution based on factual information. 

  • Should states control the internet? 
  • How do machine learning and computer technology develop?
  • Does wireless communication affect the human body? 
  • The role of science in space exploration. 
  • Should we introduce a blockchain into the banking system? 

11. Geography topics 

Geography articles study the earth’s physical features and its atmosphere, and human activities in the environment. 

  • The impact of tropical fish harvesting on marine life. 
  • Human influence on climate change. 
  • Environmental effects of oil and gas exploration. 
  • The significance of taking care of the forests. 
  • Causes and effects of coastal erosion. 

12. Research topics 

A research essay provides information about a subject after researching it. The writer must use different sources to back personal observations, insights, and analyses. 

  • How do birds fly in bad and cloudy weather without getting disoriented? 
  • How do fruit and nut allergies happen? 
  • What happens to molecules when gas becomes plasma? 
  • Why are carbs bad for insulin-resistant people? 
  • Why is the skin on the face more sensitive to breakouts than other body parts? 


One of the fundamental steps in preparing an essay is to choose a subject area. Sadly, many students start on the wrong foot and give up halfway. An interesting educational theme encourages in-depth research and reveals the scope of the article at a glance. If it is too broad, narrow the scope, so you don’t lose your audience. In the end, the quality of the essay will depend on the subject area you decide on.  

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