The Major Tribes in Bauchi State

This article is going to be listing out the major tribes in Bauchi state which you need to know. Bauchi is one of the famous northern states that have so many ethnic backgrounds to which it is related. In case you do not know many, the focus here is to bring you to knowing them one after the other.

Bauchi State is a state in the North-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria, bordered by Kano and Jigawa to the north, Taraba and Plateau to the south, Gombe and Yobe to the east, and Kaduna to the west. It takes its name from the historic town of Bauchi, which also serves as its capital city.

Of the 36 states, Bauchi is the fifth largest in area and seventh most populous with an estimated population of over 6,530,000 as of 2016. A key defining characteristic of the state’s landscape is Yankari National Park, a large wildlife park in southern Bauchi State that contains large populations of waterbuck, African buffalo, patas monkey, hippopotamus, roan antelope, and western hartebeest along with some of Nigeria’s last remaining West African lion, African leopard, and African bush elephant populations.

The Major Tribes in Bauchi State

Undoubtedly, what is now Bauchi State has been inhabited for years by various ethnic groups, including the Bolewa, Butawa, and Warji in the central region.

The Fulani, Kanuri, and Karai-Karai in the north; the Fulani and Gerawa in and around the city of Bauchi; the Zaar (Sayawa) in the south; the Tangale in the southeast; and the Jarawa in the southwest. Religiously, the vast majority of the state’s population (~85%) are Muslim with smaller Christian and traditionalist minorities at about 6% and 9%, respectively.

Let us look into some of the major tribes in Bauchi State for your knowledge.

Jukun Tribe

The Jukun people in Bauchi state are one people with other members of this tribe that are found in other parts of Nigeria. As a result of this, their customs are the same with the Jukuns in other states.

Farming is their major occupation while Christianity and Islam are the major religions of this people.  Over time, not much has changed about the culture of the Jukun people. Men and women from this tribe are known to tie wrappers. Food eaten by the jukun people are usually meals of Tuwo and soup.

Warji Tribe

Warji is both a tribe and local government área in Bauchi state. This tribe is one of the tribes under the Ningi Emirate. Also, its people migrated from parts of Plateau state.

As a result of the fact that the founding fathers of this tribe were Islamic scholars, this tribe is predominantly Muslim. Occupations include farming and trading. The Warji people have the same customs with the Hausas.These include dressing and food.

Waja Tribe

The Waja people are found in parts of Gombe. It is believed that these people migrated from Yemen in the Middle East. The Waja people are known for having lots of festivals, this festivals always mark the beginning of a new phase in this tribe. Some of these festivals include Swatka, Yikko, and Bakurau.

The Waja people are Muslims and are have farming as their major occupation. They have the same style of dressing with the Hausas.

Tangale Tribe

History has it that the Tangale people migrated from the Middle East in the 13th century. Prior to moving to their present location, this people settled in the Bornu-Kanem Empire.

The Tangale people are predominantly Muslims and have trading and farming as their major occupations. Men from this tribe put on Babban riga while women tie wrappers on blouse.

Kamo Tribe

The Kamo tribe, not Kano tribe, have five clans and believe they have their roots in Yemen. The Kamo people have a population of 38,000. They are predominantly traditionalists.

Farming and trading are some of the occupations of the Kamo people. Also, this people dress in ways that could make one mistake them for Hausas. Kamo meals are usually made from millet and maize.

Gera Tribe

The Gera people are found in Ganjuwa district in Bauchi state. This people claim to be migrants from Sudan. Although they are not Hausa, they speak a language that is very much related to the Hausa language.

The Gera people have a population that is predominantly Muslim. They have adopted the Hausa way of life. As a result of this, their dressing and foods are the same with those of the Hausas.

Geruma Tribe

The Geruma people are a people that are bound by the Sharia law. This tribe is made up of four villages. Although they have a language of their own, the Geruma people are beginning to embrace the Hausa language.

People from this tribe are predominantly Muslims and have farming as their major occupation. Geruma men put on Babban riga while women tie wrappers on blouse.

Hausa Tribe

The Hausa tribe is one of the major tribes in Bauchi state. They occupy a large area of the state and are also in control of the political and economic sectors of the state. As a result of the influence of the Hausas in Bauchi, lots of other smaller tribes have adopted their way of life and can be easily mistaken for Hausa people.

The Hausa people are considered industrious. Although this is most times on a very small scale, they are usually in charge of many small kiosks in different corners of the country. Islam is the predominant religion of this people while farming and trading are their major occupations. Men from the Hausa tribe put on flowing gowns known as Babban riga while women tie wrappers on blouses. Usually, the Hausa people eat meals that are made from millet, maize and rice. These crops are usually processed to make a meal called “Tuwo”. Tuwo is usually eaten with soup.

Fulani Tribe

The Fulani tribe is considered a twin tribe of the Hausa tribe. After the Hausa tribe, the Fulani people have the next highest population in Northern Nigeria. The Fulani people are majorly cattle rearers and also have a large population of their people as nomads. Due to the fact that the Fulani people are nomads, they can be found in every part of Nigeria.

Islam is the predominant religion of this people. As a matter of fact, people of other tribes believe the Fulanis lack tolerance for other religions. Men from Fulani put on Babban riga while the women tie wrappers on blouse and cover their heads with hijabs.

Ningi Tribe

Ningi is an emirate, a town, a local government area, and a tribe in Bauchi state. The Ningi tribe has a population of 501,912 people and occupies an area of 5,250 km square. This tribe came into existence in 1829 and has Islamic scholars as its founding fathers.

The people of Ningi are farmers and cattle rearers. Men from Ningi put on flowing gowns while women tie wrappers on blouses and cover their heads with hijabs. Meals are usually prepared from millet and maize.

Kariya Tribe

The people of Kariya occupy Ganjuwa local government area of Bauchi state. This tribe shares borders with Jigawa state and Gombe state. The people of Kariya have the Hausas and Fulanis as their neighbors. Farming, trading, cattle rearing, weaving, iron bending fishing and Black-smithing are some of the major occupations of the Kariya Tribe.

Women from Kariya put on wrappers on blouses and cover their heads with hijabs while the men put on flowing gowns known as Babban riga

Although few people in Kariya are Christians, majority of the people in this tribe are Muslims.

Polchi Tribe

The polchi people occupy Dass local government area in Bauchi state. They settled into this region way before the Fulani jihad movement. The Polchi people live 700m above sea level and are known for their double sided statues.

The people of Polchi dress like Muslims. However, they practice their traditional religion. Men from Polchi put on flowing gowns while women tie wrapper on blouses and cover their heads with hijabs. Meals are basically made from processed millet and maize.

Kirfi Tribe

Kirfi is both a local government area and a tribe in Bauchi state. The people of the Kirfi tribe occupy a landmass of 2,371km square and speak a language called Bure.

The Kirfi tribe shares a lot with the Hausa tribe. They have adopted many of the cultural values of the Hausas and as a result can be easily mistaken for Hausas. Farming is the major occupation of this tribe. Also, the Kirfi people are predominantly Muslims.

Karekare Tribe

The Karekare people number a Little over 400,000. They occupy Gamawa and Misau LGAs of Bauchi state and are predominantly Muslims.

Karekare men put on flowing gowns while their women tie wrapper on blouse and wear hijabs. Meals eaten by this people are usually made from millet and rice.

Kwanka Tribe

The Kwanka people speak the Kwanka language and have a population of about 40,000. They are close to the Saya, the Nga and Fyam peoples. Although polygamy is a norm among this people, the first wife enjoys more privileges.

The Kwanka people are Muslims and engage in farming. Meals consist of processed rice and millet.

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