Best Channels for Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an electronic means that is instrumental to the advertisement of businesses and reaching an overall wider customer base. It is a very efficient platform that enables business owners and individuals garner huge customer outreach by creating new and unique frontiers for the success of your product and services. Given these great benefits, we shall be discussing some of the best channels for digital marketing that you may remind yourself of the many possibilities that lie before you.

But before discussing some of the available channels, you deserve to know the impactful influence digital marketing may have on your service, product and business as a whole.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Here are the copious benefits you will have to yourself if you take the chances digital marketing provides:

  1. Constant online presence
  2. Cost-effective
  3. Provides instant and highly measurable results
  4. Delivers an excellent return on investment (ROI)
  5. Provides a straight communication route between you and your customer
  6. Reaches potential customers during the early stages of the buyer’s journey
  7. Can interact with targeted audiences in real time
  8. Highly targetable
  9. Offers personalization capabilities
  10. Has a global reach

Best Channels For Digital Marketing

In case the way to manage your business in such manner as to be able to answer the question of how to bring in many fortunes or profits to it through getting that wide customer base that will measure up to the possibility of your dreams and vision, here are some of the best channels for digital marketing for you to recognize:

1. SEO

Search engines send traffic to websites in two ways: paid clicks (which is what we just covered in SEM) and organic traffic. Organic means that you are not paying for the placement or the click itself, but instead, it was the search engine algorithm that decided that your website was relevant to the search performed by the user.

To ensure that you rank as high as possible for all those search queries relevant to your business, there is a whole marketing specialty called Search Engine Optimization (or SEO), whose practitioners stay on top of the latest changes and best practices enforced by Google and other search engines.

SEO is not easy, it’s very changing by nature, and the most important thing to know about it is that the traffic you get today is not guaranteed. Google could make a major core update to its algorithms, and your organic traffic could drop 60%. This had once happened many times, one of the last and most talked about being the Medic Update in August 2018).

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most important digital marketing channels because it has the highest ROI of any marketing tactic, according to LYFE Marketing. It can get as much as a 3800 percent return. That’s $38 in revenue for every $1 you spend. About 20 percent of companies are seeing an ROI of $70 to $1 spent.

Email marketing delivers highly relevant content to a subscriber’s inbox in a non-invasive way. Email campaigns are an excellent way to increase your customers and sales. Also, it empowers you to get in touch and stay in touch with your customers, by informing them of upcoming events, other services or new product offerings. Be sure to have an updated email list, personalize the emails and incorporate a clear call to action to improve click through rates.

One of the top ways to engage a customer or potential customer and increase traffic to your website, is through an email newsletter. You can maintain engagement through ongoing email newsletter communications, either weekly or monthly, and offer valuable information to convert or increase your customer base. Newsletters should inform your target audience about the latest news, updates and tips.

3. Search Engine Marketing/Pay Per Click Advertising

One of the most effective digital marketing channels for increasing patronage through digital marketing is SEM, also known as search engine marketing. SEM drives traffic to your website and helps you grow your audience through campaigns based around specific keywords, which are the terms that people search on Google when looking for a service or product that you offer.

The main difference with other marketing channels is that you know what the users are looking for here (you even can know the terms they just introduced in the search engine). So, make sure that your ads are relevant to what they want. This way, you will reduce the cost of acquiring customers since Google makes it cheaper for more relevant ads to get the click.

PPC refers to Pay Per Click advertising, which most people use as a synonym with SEM, even when you could be paying per click not coming from searches in search engines. For example, you could pay for a click coming from an app or websites that are using display ads to monetize their work through Google Ads.

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4. Google Ads

Google Ads is the most popular Search Ads and PPC platform through which effective digital marketing. It started as Google AdWords, a way to advertise for keywords on Google Search. As you may know, Google is the most used search engine, with a market share of more than 90% in most countries (China, Russia and South Korea being the only important markets where Google is not the most used search engine). With time, AdWords (now Google Ads) also included Display campaigns (where you can place image or text ads in any of the websites that belong to the Google Display Network), Shopping Campaigns, and Video Campaigns.

Google Ads is a huge platform with lots of features and a somewhat challenging interface. To help you make the most of its most powerful features, you can use 3rd party integrations, such as Orbital Ads, the NLP and AI-powered platform that helps you manage complex Search campaigns, making complicated processes such as structuring your campaigns, finding new keywords, or improving your quality score, a breeze.

5. Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising is the platform that lets you reach the audience of the Bing search engine. Bing is second in popularity only to Google in a large number of countries, and advertising on Bing may be a cost-effective way to reach a large number of users. Microsoft Advertising offers some automation capabilities that are on par with those provided by Google Ads. Here at Orbital Ads, we are one of the leading 3rd party integrations for applying automation to your Microsoft campaigns, no matter how big.

6. Video Marketing

Video marketing means using video platforms for reaching your audience (YouTube being the most popular platform, and Twitch being the trendy option for reaching younger audiences). As with any social network, you may decide to gain visibility organically by creating your channel and publishing content compelling for your audience, or you may use paid options to ride on the popularity of existing channels and videos.

7. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the practice of creating and publishing content in your website that is useful for the audience you want to reach, such as guides and how-tos, with the hope it will attract traffic from search engines, social networks, word of mouth, etc. Instead of reaching out yourself to potential buyers, you let the buyers come to you.

Like SEO, it takes time. If not done right, it has one major flaw compared to more direct advertising: conversion rates may be quite low, as not everybody interested in knowing about something will be a potential buyer. It’s easy to attract traffic to the top of your funnel, but not so much to the bottom of it.

8. Social Media Marketing

The latest social media marketing statistics show that 73 percent of marketers believe that social media marketing has been somewhat effective or very effective for their business. Social media, like search engines, offer two ways of reaching your potential customers: paid and organic. Organic social media means trying to get your customer’s attention by showing up in their social feeds (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, or whatever the latest social frenzy is). Unluckily, most social networks have limited the organic reach of publication by brands, as they ned brands to invest in their paid marketing services.

Paid social media means using Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, or Linkedin Ads to pay for clicks, engagement, or even impressions in your target audience’s feeds. Some of them may have an extensive reach and lots of segmenting options, but remember, you never impact your audience when they’re looking for whatever you offer (as it’s the case in search engine marketing). Instead, you are interrupting your audience in the middle of their leisure time or when they’re trying to talk to their friends and family.

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