Functions of a Firewall and How Firewall Work

What is a firewall? Firewall term began its reference in the network world in the late 80s. Internet was fairly new then, and this term was being referred to as a firewall constructed in a building for shielding people. A firewall in networking works in a similar pattern. Today, it is the first line of defense for any network.

It is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. It blocks unwanted traffics and permits wanted traffic. It creates a safety barrier between the private network and the public internet. There are many hackers and malicious traffic available out on the internet. It may try to penetrate a private network to cause harm. A firewall is a key component to prevent this.

The Main Types of Firewalls

  • Hardware firewalls

A hardware firewall is kept in place to protect you from a global network, which is the Internet. It is an untrusted source of network, and for the safety or any device or server a hardware firewall is a must.

Hardware firewalls provide network-wide protection against any malicious activity or harm to the system. An expert is required to set up a hardware firewall for an entire network as it involves multiple complexities.

For big organizations, functioning globally a combination of other firewalls is with a hardware firewall to provide the best security.

  • Software firewalls

A software firewall is required to function on the system level. The granularity of control is more when compared to a hardware firewall. Individual computers or networks require in-depth scanning to protect each device.

This requires installation in each system so that all the programs can be tracked for security. The best example of this is the antivirus installed on personal PCs.

It protects each system with defined threats. A software firewall can be customized as per the user requirement. Deep scanning is performed on each system.

This firewall can scan based on content. One drawback of the software firewall is that it might not be supported in every system.

An example to understand both are: An organization wants to block Instagram in all the office laptops. A hardware firewall will block the direct link to Instagram, but only a software firewall can refine the content and block all the links providing indirect access to content related to Instagram.

What Are the Functions of a Firewall?

In the era to technology today, a firewall is very essential for every network. It can be a home network, small organization, or massive ones. For any organization, a firewall is the most important tool. It has many computers, networks and servers involved. One can implement a firewall in either hardware or software form, or a combination of both. The firewall prevents unauthorized internet users from accessing private networks connected to the internet, especially intranets.

A Firewall is a device set-up between an organization network and the web. It acts as a filter between the source and the destination. This is a part of the first few setups by any organization to mark it as the base structure. Once a firewall is set at this level, further modifications and implications can be done based on the system requirement.

The functions of a firewall include: As a Network Security Post. All traffic that enters or exits the network must go through a firewall as a security post that will conduct an inspection. Every time a traffic occurs, the firewall will try to filter the traffic in accordance with the security that has been determined.

It also prevent valuable information from being leaked without knowing. For this one function, many firewalls are installed for File Transfer Protocol (FTP), so that every data traffic is controlled by a firewall. In this case, a firewall is useful to prevent users on the network from sending valuable confidential files to other parties.

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What Are the Firewall Techniques

A firewall technique is usually classified as follows:

  • Packet filtering

This technique is used by a firewall to filter and scan based on the data packets received. Apart from the header, packets are processed based on network and transport layer, normally referred to as Layer 3 and Layer 4. A packet-filtering firewall creates a filtering table that carries the information on valid and invalid packets. Once a connection is made, all the approved packed will be sent and received without any obligations. To secure data on a higher level, packet filtering is used with a combination of other firewalls as this filters data only on the package level. The level of scrutiny should be more when it comes to organizational data.

  • Circuit-level gateway implementation

In a connection where a link is required between the trusted client and the untrusted host, a circuit-level gateway is implemented. It verifies the legitimacy and establishes a connection. The gateway creates a virtual tunnel between the network. Once the connection is done a table entry is made and from then onwards the listed entries are allowed to connect. It sends and receives data without further filtering.

  • Acting as a proxy server

A proxy server works on the application level (Layer 5). Along with the header, this firewall also scans the data. It verifies the keywords of the data and confirms if the user is authentic or not. The best example of this level of security is the user name and password. No matter which site we are using, we need to register before we do any kind of transaction. it is passed through a safety layer which is HTTPS and then the user is identified based on the ID and password provided. Network security is administered such that on a valid user can access data in a secured session (https://), if any invalid user tries to access with wrong ID and password, the request will be dropped immediately. Another example is when any of our emails go to the spam folder, in this scenario also keywords are verified. Deep scanning is done before any packet is sent to the internal database.

Another essential part functions of firewall is that firewall is a part of the security strategies, it also involves a mix of internal and perimeter routers. The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) can be a global internet address or a private address. It depends on how you configure your firewall. This is where you will find the HTTP, email, and other servers.

A network-based firewall is a combination of hardware and software. It is placed between the private network and the public internet. A network-based firewall, unlike a software-based firewall, protects the whole network. This can also be a stand-alone product or a part of the router system. It can also be deployed on the service provider cloud infrastructure.

To secure the network, The functions of a firewall can be categorized into:

  • Methods used to secure data as it transits a network.
  • Methods which regulates what packet may transit the network.

Another kind of firewall is software-based. These are installed on our systems. It protects only the computer it is installed on. Most antivirus programs are bundled along with a host-based firewall. Most organizations use a combination of a network-based and host-based firewall as it will provide the maximum security to the network.

How  Firewall Can Prevent Attacks?

A firewall prevents attack by filtering the network data. It determines the rule – if the packet can enter the network. The network administrator can define the firewall rule in the Access Control List. These rules can also be customized.

The administrator not only decides which packet enters the network but also what can leave the network. Firewall rules can be based on IP address, domain names, protocols, programs, ports, and keywords.

All messages entering or leaving the intranet must pass through the firewall. This examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria of the access control list.

For example, if a firewall of a company filters packets based on IP address, the access control list will have the details of the IP address that will be allowed or denied entering this network. It will reject all the network coming from the IP address mentioned in the denied section of the access control list.

How Router Firewall Work?

A firewall is an add-on feature to any router among its other security features. As shown in the above diagram there are two types of routers installed in any network set-up. Perimeter Router is provided by the internet service provider.

It is your connection to the outside world. This router redirects the packets sent from the internet as well as checks the authenticity of it; if it is allowed as per the access control list or not. The Internal Router is the core layer and key to the hub. It connects the LAN to all remote systems.

This is the layer of security that performs the traffic direction as well as protects the system from malware. It determines the packet’s destination and routes it to the next best hop, but at the same time confirms if the packet is authorized to enter the network or not.

To give any network the maximum possible protection against any harm, a combination of router and firewall is considered as the best option.

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