5 Pitfalls to Avoid for a Quality Essay

Pitfalls to Avoid for a Quality Essay – You have a ton of assignments and essays due, and you are running out of time. This is almost every college student’s headache. Essay writing can be very strenuous and overwhelming, especially if you don’t understand the basics. Every student desire a good grade and a boost in academic performance. Nothing hurts like when you receive your paper from your professor, and all you see are negative remarks alongside your essay.

5 Pitfalls to Avoid for a Quality Essay

Here are some of the mistakes to avoid when writing your essay.

  • Unclear thesis statement

A thesis statement is usually your assignment instructions that you rewrite and customize to fit your perspective on the required topic and should always come at the end of your first paragraph when writing an essay. Most students usually get it wrong because they need help understanding the topic they are writing about. An excellent understanding of your prompt will ensure that you have a very clear and precise thesis statement.

  • Failure to proofread your work

You are done writing your essay; now what next? Do you forward your work to your professor or take your time reviewing your piece to check for errors? Submitting an article, you haven’t gone through will constantly subject you to lower grades since you might miss out on minor mistakes. Always revise your work to check on your content and format. Revising and editing are always part of proofreading. Editing will help you deal with minor issues such as grammar and spelling. 

  • Assuming the need for writing help

Assignments can be very overwhelming. You start your exams in two days, and your essay is due the day before the exam. With all the studying and pressure on you, you need help thinking straight. Don’t be ashamed to seek help from a professional writer; several agencies and sites, including the best essay writing service reddit, offer such services. These writers from various sites will help you get a quality piece on time for your submission.

  • Having too wordy sentences

Too lengthy sentences with many phrases and words make it hard for the reader to follow. A perfect essay should be one in which, when presented to a reader, they can notice sentence variety, making it easier for them to understand your reasoning. You should avoid using lengthy sentences and simplify them into shorter simple sentences for easy understanding by your audience. With continuous practice, you can easily make this mistake a thing of the past.

  • Plagiarism

When writing essays, always use different sources and conduct proper research to support your argument in the thesis statement provided. Because you are using ideas from other authors who conducted previous research, do not paraphrase their work, it’s always good to reference your work. Most professors use tools to check if the work you are presenting has been previously shown in any other institution or on the internet. It is always advisable to reference your work and avoid plagiarized texts. Plagiarism is a severe educational offense with dire consequences, including failing a class and expulsion from school. 


Practice makes perfect; the more you write essays, the more you improve your writing skills and the more you also avoid these mistakes and become a professional writer, and your grades keep soaring. If you are having problems with your paper, always remember to seek help and tips on essay writing from friends or even consult with your professor. Several online sites, such as the best essay writing service reddit, could guide you or link you up with a professional who could help you write your essay.

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