Meaning of Verbal Communication and the Advantages

Communication that takes place when people are engaged in a face-to-face conversation, dialogue or discussion, telephone and mobile phone exchanges, and written forms of sending and receiving messages like e-mails, letters, memos, minutes of meetings, press releases, contract documents, reports etc is referred to as verbal communication.

Everybody  uses words to express ideas to another person and these words. Verbal communication is divided into two and it include written and oral (spoken) communication.

Oral (spoken) communication uses pauses and stress on particular words, while written communication depends on the established laws of grammar and punctuation.

Organisations thrive on daily verbal communication as each department strives to meet targets. Workers and managers exchange ideas and information, execute the briefs from the clients, and interact with people external to the organisation using words.

The first form of communication for business transactions is oral. Businessmen and women walked long distances and met in caravans to strike business contracts. Today, organisations employ both in internal and external communication.

Advantages of Oral Communication

  • It makes quick or on-the-spot exchange of ideas, feelings, opinions and information possible.
  • It is employed in initiating and growing interpersonal
  • The combination of sight and sound allows transceivers to gain from both verbal and non- verbal stimuli.
  • It allows for immediate feedback which helps participants to communicate their understanding toone-another.
  • Transceivers can seek clarifications immediately they get the messages.
  • Oral communication is employed in settling conflicts and maintaining harmony in the workplace.

Disadvantages of Oral Communication

  • It is prone to many errors and irrelevances.
  • It is not in permanent form and therefore not for record purposes.
  • It can be distorted and denied.
  • Oral communication is not always admissible as evidence in the law court.
  • Parties to a contract know that it is of little weight.

Advantages of Written Communication

  • It can be reproduced and spread across geographical areas.
  • It conveys complex messages and useful for explaining difficult processes.
  • It helps organisations to keep records of their transactions.
  • It is an important basis for contractual agreements.
  • The chance of distortion is greatly reduced.

Disadvantages of Written Communication

  1. Opportunity for immediate feedback is greatly reduced.
  2. It makes message modification or correction difficult once it is produced
  3. It is an expensive means of communication where participants are not within the same geographical location.
  4. It is usually formal and strict thereby lacking warmth or affection of interpersonal relationships.

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