List of Documents FRSC Check During Stopover in Nigeria

Documents FRSC Check During Stopover  in Nigeria – FRSC is the Federal Road Safety Corps with responsibilities for the safety of all road users in Nigeria. FRSC was established in 1988 by Ibrahim Babangida, the military leader who was the country’s president at that time. It is the leading agency in the country when it comes to managing road safety.

Despite the various traffic management agencies that have been established in Nigeria, the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) is still responsible for ensuring the safety of road users.

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has advised motorists to avoid arrest by meeting the minimum safety standards. This is why these list of documents FRSC check during stopover  in Nigeria is very important. All motorists will be randomly picked to check for these minimum safety requirements in their vehicles.

The first documents FRSC check during stopover  in Nigeria are your driver’s licence, your vehicle documents  which must be in order, your fire extinguisher, jack, wheel spanner and caution sign, among others.

Another thing to put in mind is that “If they observe that your lights are broken, and all those things mentioned are lacking, your vehicle will be impounded and you will be made to restore it and get everything in order before its release.”

List of Documents FRSC Check During Stopover in Nigeria

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) is an agency that is responsible for overseeing road safety in Nigeria. Here are the list of documents FRSC check during stopover  in Nigeria:

  • Driver’s licence

A driver’s license is among the first documents FRSC check during stopover  in Nigeria. This is an official document permitting a specific individual to operate one or more types of motorized vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, truck, or bus on a public road.

  • Certificate of roadworthiness

A Certificate of Roadworthiness (also known as a ‘roadworthy’ or ‘RWC’) shows that your vehicle’s safe enough to be used on public roads. A roadworthy is required whenever a vehicle’s sold, if it’s being re-registered, and to clear some defect notices.

The document is issued after inspection by the Vehicle Inspection Office. It is a check of the vehicle to ensure that key components have not worn or deteriorated and that the vehicle is safe for normal road use.

  • Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguishers can be a small but important part of the car fire safety plan. They can save lives and property by putting out a small fire or suppressing it until the fire department arrives

It is a portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other material to extinguish a fire.

  • Proof of ownership

Being able to verify ownership enables you to exercise or defend your rights to that property in numerous scenarios, including when you wish to: Defend ownership in court.

It is a document that indicates the title or right to possession and use of the car by the individual

  • Insurance certificate

It is a document used to provide information on specific insurance coverage in this case, the car being driven by the driver.

  • Vehicle license

A vehicle licence is a document issued in respect of a particular motor vehicle and it is usually valid for one year.

  • C-caution sign

A C-Caution warning sign should be in every car. It is a type of sign which indicates a potential hazard, obstacle, or condition requiring special attention by the roadside. It must also be visible for other drivers to see even from a distance.

  • Expiry dates on tires

It is expected that the tires used in every car should be within a specified date, otherwise they will be seen as expired tires and the FRSC frowns at this.

  • Extra Tyres

Check all your tires for safety purposes. Do not use expired tires. They are likely to burst, especially when running in hot weather because the rubber component may have hardened and cracked

  • First aid kit

You may never know when you’ll need a first aid kit. It is required in a car and the FRSC will definitely request this.

  • Hydraulic

A driver could get stranded in the middle of nowhere and require hydraulics to at least get the car going till it gets to a qualified mechanic.

  • Extra Fan Belt

Fan belt challenges could be encountered at any point in time and a driver could get stranded due to this. The FRSC now requires that every car should have an extra fan belt just in case of unforeseen situations.

  • Razor blade

There are certain things that the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) requires that drivers in Nigeria should possess. Unknown to many, one of these is a razor blade. Not all vehicle drivers are aware that razor blade is part of items expected to be in their vehicles whenever they are driving.

No one prays to be involved in an accident, but prevention they say is better than cure. Here are reasons motorists should have razor blades in their vehicles as part of safety equipment.

  • Torchlight

If you are stranded at night without a Torchlight, it is nearly impossible for rescuers to see you. However, merely having a bright source of light can grab attention over vast distances. During emergencies, locating people who are in danger is half of the struggle. The driver could require this if a challenge is encountered with the car at night.

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