How to Get Into Acting in Nigeria Nollywood

How to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood – It is no longer new that a good number of Nigerian youths search for how to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood or how to become  Nollywood actresses/actors.

Nollywood is Nigeria’s movie industry and has experienced notable growth in recent times. Nollywood movies are watched everywhere in the world, and the existence of movie streaming platforms such as Netflix and YouTube have increased the popularity and success of Nollywood actors.

If you are a talented you can get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood and build a successful career in Nollywood. You will become a celebrity and you stand to enjoy many benefits such as paid acting gigs, a huge fan base and endorsement deals. In this article you will learn how to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood and become a Nollywood Actor or Actress.

Why You Should Start Acting Career in Nigeria Nollywood

The Nigerian film industry, also known as Nollywood, produces about 50 movies per week, second only to India’s Bollywood more than Hollywood in the United States. Although its revenues are not on par with Bollywood’s and Hollywood’s, Nollywood still generates an impressive $590 million annually. Believing that if the industry is properly managed, a million more jobs could be created in the sector, the World Bank is currently assisting the Nigerian government to create a Growth and Employment in States project to support the entertainment industry, along with other industries.

The Nigerian film industry is undoubtedly helping create jobs in a country with an economy that relies mainly on oil and agriculture. Over a million people are currently employed in the industry, making it the country’s largest employer after agriculture.

How to Get Into Acting in Nigeria Nollywood

There’s no one way to become an actor or actress. But these are the most common steps on how to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood and become a Nollywood Actor or Actress:

1. Identify yourself and do your research

The best practice to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood is to first ask yourself: Is this acting going to be a career or a hobby? If the answer is career, then do your research and find the best mentor out there to start you off right. During your intensive training, start watching a lot of television series and figure out where you fit in the Nigerian film industry, then get some photos that represent what you are selling and put yourself out there. And practice. Build your credits and demo reel. When you feel ready to book and your package is together, look for representation. Keep practicing and studying during your entire career until you are consistently working each job.

2. Attend acting schools and classes

Attend acting schools and classes is a good idea if you’re looking for how to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood.

Acting classes range widely in terms of content, time commitment, and price making them the best option for most aspiring actors.

Research what classes are offered in your state, city in Nigeria, audit a few promising options, then pick the teacher and technique that speaks to you. Then, stick with the class for at least five months. “If you love it, then continue, and when you can, add an improvisation and a commercial class or audition technique to see if you are interested in another area of acting.”

3. Get acting coaches

Coaches are an important  if  you’re aiming to get into acting in Nigeria Nollywood. They could stand-in for other training methods. Especially if you’re trying to get into acting with no experience. They will teach you the basics of movement and using your voice effectively.

4. Study theater 

Studying  theater degree can right for every upcoming actor aiming to join Nigeria Nollywood. Although it can be incredibly expensive, and they’re never a guarantee of success. But it can help you forge important connections, instill the value of hard work, and allow you to further hone your craft. Degrees can be particularly helpful if you want to become a stage actor in Nollywood.

5. Attend Auditions

Audition is the fasted means of letting producers spot your talent without delay. Look for legitimate auditions and avail yourself to it, who knows, that may just be your breakthrough!

There are no formal educational requirements for actors, but audition and training is a good place to start. If you’re planning to be a Nigeria Nollywood actor,  consider getting  audition programs; otherwise, local acting classes are the best choice for most people.

Submit to auditions and casting calls. Early in your career, you’ll find these through word of mouth and online casting platforms.

As you audition and land more roles, you’ll acquire better footage for your reel and better parts to list on your résumé.

6. Get signed by an agent

Having examined yourself and believed you are truly talented, your next and possibly final step is to approach a Legitimate Talent Agency in Nigeria and let them test you out.

Most of them may require that you register with some amount of money, so it will be a waste of fund if you are not really talented and go ahead and register.

But if you are really talented in acting, no agency would want to trade the opportunity of discovering a star except if they too are not talented at spotting a star when they see one.

The experience you’ve built up will help you impress an acting agent and get representation. With an agent in your corner, you’ll have access to bigger projects and meatier roles.


It’s important that you’re prepared for the reality of this business: As a Nigeria Nollywood actor or actress , there’s no guarantee of success in the traditional sense. Sure, making it big is about talent but it’s also about having good luck and the right connections.

That’s why it’s vital to make sure you’re in show business for the right reasons. “Often actors are mainly focused on questions like, ‘How do I get representation?’ or ‘How do I get work?’ but perhaps the first question to ask oneself, if one is just beginning, is ‘Why do I want to act?’” If it’s about the work and the process, terrific; if it’s about becoming famous, that is a far more elusive goal and one which will lead to disappointment, most likely.

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  1. Innocent Blessing

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