List of Northern States Practicing Sharia Law in Nigeria

According to Wikipedia, the use of Sharia in Nigeria: Sharia plays no role in the judicial system. Sharia applies only in personal status issues (such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody), but otherwise the legal system is secular. Sharia applies in full, including personal status issues and criminal law.

The rules under Sharia categorizes all man’s acts into five distinct categories: obligatory, recommended, permitted, discouraged, and forbidden. The giving and receiving of interest, extremely risky investments, gambling, prostitution, and alcohol consumption are prohibited.

List of 12 Northern States Practicing Sharia Law in Nigeria

Nigeria is almost evenly split between a predominantly Christian south and a predominantly Muslim north.

What are the 12 States in northern Nigeria operating the Sharia system of justice? There’re 12 Northern States Practicing Sharia Law in Nigeria judiciary system of justice. The Sharia system in these states takes care of both civil and criminal matters involving Muslims. Only Muslims can be tried in Sharia courts in these states. The northern states where Sharia is practiced in Nigeria are:

    • Kano state
    • Katsina state
    • Kebbi state
    • Jigawa state
    • Kaduna state
    • Niger state
    • Sokoto state
    • Yobe state
    • Zamfara state
    • Bauchi state
    • Borno state
    • Gombe state

The Criticism of Sharia Law in Nigeria

The introduction of Sharia law has been criticized by some as violating Nigeria’s constitution stipulating for religious tolerance, according to which no religion is favoured or preferred above one another. There have been numerous revolts over the enforcement of Sharia, particularly in non-Muslim minorities living in states that implemented it.

  • In 2001, more than 95 persons died in a riot against the Kano state government decision to adopt Sharia law.
  • Due to hisbah enforcement, non-Muslims are forced to adhere to Islamic law in states that practice Sharia.
  • In 2020, trucks belonging to non-Muslims were targeted by the hisbah and bars were shut down after it accused proprietors of “immoral actions.”
  • Safiya Hussaini was condemned to die by being stoned for allegedly committing adultery in 2002 in Sokoto state, a northern state under Sharia law. She regained her freedom after a retrial.
  • Once found guilty, the Alkalis met out sentences in Sharia courts like limbs amputations for stealing in a public place, floggings, and capital punishment.
  • Insulting the Prophet Muhammad is a taboo and incures the death penalty.
  • In 2016, Abdulazeez Inyass was condemned to die for blaspheming against Mohammed and Islam.
  • There has yet to be a politician from the 12 northern states practicing Islamic Sharia law accused of stealing public funds that has been condemned by a Sharia court.

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