Aims and Importance of Secondary Education.

Aims and importance of secondary education are quite not exhaustible owing to the underlying reality that the secondary education forms part of the academic foundation of the young learner throughout their formative years into adulthood. The secondary education is therefore necessary if the young child’s brain must grow to understanding the full stature of tertiary education.

Secondary education typically takes place after six years of primary education and is followed by higher education, vocational education or employment. In most countries secondary education is compulsory, at least until the age of 16. Children typically enter the lower secondary phase around age 12.

Sometimes a quality secondary education is enough to prepare the mind of the child for another level of education and oftentimes even for life. That is why the secondary education is second to the primary education which is also very necessary.

Aims and Importance of Secondary Education.

Hence, the need for you to start reading about the aims and importance of secondary education in order for you to understand the essence of this academic stage in the life of your wards and children:

1. Aims of Secondary Education
  • To help the child acquire necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for the development of the self and the nation
  • To promote love for and loyalty to the nation
  • To serve as promoter harmonious co-existence among the peoples of the world
  • To facilitate development mentally, socially, morally, physically and spiritually
  • To enhance understanding and respect for own and other people’s cultures and their place in contemporary society
  • To enhance understanding and appreciation of interrelationships among nations
  • To promote positive environmental and health practices
  • To help build a firm foundation for further education and training
  • To develop ability for enquiry, critical thinking and rational judgment
  • To develop into a responsible and socially well adjusted person
  • To promote acceptance and respect for all persons
  • To enhance enjoyment in learning
  • To assist in identifying the individual talents and develop them
  • To build a foundation for technological and industrial development
  • To develop into a self-disciplined individual who appreciates work and manages time properly
2. Importance of Education
  • Secondary education redefines the academic foundation of the child and helps clarifies elaborate knowledge
  • It also prepares you for working life by providing the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to enter the job market
  • The secondary education is a period of maturity in life when many young people get their first taste of independence
  • It exposes young learners to new ideas and teachings which will form the beginnings of what could be the start of serious careers
  • It gives them the clarity of vision on what career to embark on
  • It is the stage for self-discovery and understanding of the real purpose
  • The secondary education determines the child’s academic transition into higher academic stages in life
  • Due to its preaching and emphasis on vocational and leadership trainings, the secondary education assist in the development of skills that will see a child through in life
  • It incites the young learner’s interest in some specialized subjects
  • It is a means to engendering the sense of equality and impartiality in the teenagers
  • It empowers the girl-child to identify with the essence of her sex and rights

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