3 Tips On Choosing Edtech From A Primary Teacher

Primary teachers face a real challenge in today’s time to capture the attention of their young pupils as over-exposure to digital devices has reduced attention span and the overall ability to concentrate. Edtech however is a game changer in schools as well as following up on lessons at home because it focuses on digital content delivery, remote interactive learning, and varied online resources of knowledge.

Tips On Choosing Edtech From A Primary Teacher

Choosing Edtech from a primary teacher is a tough process for any school manager. Education technology or Edtech  refers to the software, digital products and processes intended to support teaching and the day-to-day management of education institutions. Edtech, as it is often used as a management or student monitoring and testing tool, here are a few tips on choosing the best and most effective Edtech from a primary teacher:

  1. Edtech Should Improve Communication Mechanisms Not Replace Them

Communication is everything when a primary teacher is teaching or communicating material to young children. Children at the primary level are not as advanced as their middle school counterparts so they need both an imaginative and an effective means of retaining key concepts. The main purpose of Edtech is to improve and facilitate communication so be wary of using any program or software that distances you from your students even if they are using it at home. 

The correct education technology focuses on what each student has to offer and what their individual aptitude and strengths are. Edtech which is the right fit for the primary level should ideally be interactive as well as accommodate customization of activities and questions for different students. Teachers that use bullet points or generic slides for example lessen the chances of gainful communication between them and their students. 

  1. Requirement-Based Edtech Instead Of Trendy 

Edtech is a burgeoning industry so understandably the market is forever churning out new programs, digital products, forums, and software. As a primary school teacher, it takes a real eye to determine which Edtech product is a good fit for the requirements of your class. These requirements are understood in the light of the teacher’s own skill and experience and it is vital to not simply purchase and implement a new program simply because it is marketed well. Many Edtech companies do provide trial versions for schools and teachers to test out before they invest fully in the program. 

Before taking on a new Edtech program consult across the primary teachers’ network in schools other than your own to learn about their experiences with it. Any number of valid complaints may come to light such as low quality content, unclear font, or exercises that are too advanced for the age group specified. In many cases, children may simply learn best from content they can hold such as items made from a 3d sublimation heat press that allows printing on t-shirts, mugs, and any fabric or other material. 

  1. Employ Edtech Comprehensively

Edtech when used should be applied most comprehensively in the lives of students. As their teacher, inquire about their ability to access its components at home and give them homework and assignments citing the program as the main resource to use for information as well as to ask questions or submit work. Keep feedback and communication channels open so students can reach out if they are having difficulties or cannot understand a certain set of tasks. 

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