Agronomy Definition in Agriculture.

Agronomy definition in agriculture concedes the fact that farming comes in different aspects and can be practiced in whatever dimension of needs it takes in relation to human survival. As agricultural practices are inseparable from human existence, the importance of getting to know the definitions of the various fields of agriculture deserves to remain emphatic so that you may have the consciousness of the diverse means by which humans maintain life and their environment.

According to the two Indian scholars, Ali and Kumar in 2016, the major focus of agronomy has been to design more effective new cropping sequences that assist in increasing cropping intensity or generate greater rotational benefits such as that for the major rice-wheat system in India. However, you should consider this perspective one out of more.

Another angle creates the perspective that associates the concept of agronomy to the application of science and technology from the fields of biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, soil science, water science, pest management and genetics to the improvement and management of the major food crops of the world. Simply put, because certain factors such as climate, roots, moisture, weeds, pests, fungi, and erosion can all pose significant challenges when farmers attempt to produce a plentiful harvest, agronomy preoccupies the farmers with agricultural information about how to grow and care for plants and soils in certain environments.

The above function places farmers on a platform where they have access to the multiplicity of crop production at the end of the day without being confronted with any challenge at all even though there is one.

Agronomy Definition in Agriculture.

The word ‘AGRONOMY’ originates from the Greek words ‘agros’ meaning ‘field’ and ‘nomos’ meaning ‘management’.

What then is agronomy definition in agriculture?

Following all standards, agronomy is the application of the information collected from various agro-related fields in the maintenance of crops, plants, and the soil in order to facilitate huge production regardless of several debilitating factors. The foregoing stresses that the agronomy knowledge assists cultivators to recognize the most suitable season for the cultivation of a variety of crops. It aids the identification and implication of suitable methods, in order to decrease the cost of cultivation and thereby increase the yield and profits.

More technically, agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants by agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, chemicals, recreation, or land conservation. Without doubts, it draws its lifelines from the well of research it has made on plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science over the years, and this has caused a major difference in the history of farming and agriculture in the world.

Agronomists study sustainable ways to make soils more productive and profitable. They classify soils and analyze them to determine whether they contain nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, as are vital for plant growth.

Roles Played By Agronomy in Agriculture
  • Agronomy fuels farmers with enough knowledge to know which season is the most suitable for the cultivation of a variety of crops.
  • Agronomy suggests the suitable methods to adopt in farming so as to decrease the cost of cultivation, thereby increase the yield and profits.
  • Agronomy also plays a major role in deciding the time, and amount of water to be applied on the field.
  • Agronomy, as an art of water and field management, helps in saving a lot of water in the present day water-scarce conditions, especially in India.
  • Agronomy introduces intensive cropping which is the proper utilization of space and time; thus, it helps in managing resources along with decreasing the hazards to the environment.
  • Agronomy plays a big role when it comes up with new technologies to manage scarce water conditions efficiently. The future of agriculture is mainly reliant on agronomy.
  • Agronomy science deals efficiently with the package of practices of different new varieties of crops in order to explore their full potential.
  • Managing the farm resources and utilizing them efficiently, in order to decrease labor costs could be made possible with the help of agronomy.
  • Proper management of farm animals and their products, e.g., milk and eggs, and maintaining the accounts of the transactions involved with the farming business is also an important aspect of agronomy.
  • Accessibility and application of chemical fertilizers have made the expanse of knowledge very crucial in order to decrease the harmful effects due to indiscriminate use and the loss in production due to the unscientific way of application.
  • Agronomy has also made it possible for us to maintain the ecological balance with the help of rational management of crops, livestock, and their fodder in an efficient manner.

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