Types of Farming that are Most Common in USA.

Just like in every city and countries where farming is a compulsory venture, there are various types of farming that are most common in USA too. The Americans also practice diverse categories of agricultural enterprises in order to provide for their survival as a human community.

Farming is a common practice and a very fruitful one that remains essential even for human consumption. Some countries take chances of the importance of this primordial activity to improve on their economic conditions through export and import activities because farming is such a lucrative engagement that’s worth all the energy that should be given it.

You shall be needing to look into the different types of farming that are most common in USA, and that is why this article will discussing the different types of agricultural practices that are currently operated across United States of America.

Types of Farming that are Most Common in USA.

Purposefully, the intentions for going into farming are usually divided. Some long only practice subsistent or commercial farming. Below are the various types of farming that are most common in USA and what they are used for in terms of their economic significance to the development of the nation, America:

1. Rice Farming

One of the most important of the types of farming that are most common in USA is rice farming. Statistically, America is voraciously in love with rice as most of her states record higher rate of consumption weekly. Thus, rice farming is as necessary as the America in the USA.

For examples, each year, American rice farmers sustainably grow roughly 20 billion pounds of rice in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. Half of the rice crop is consumed in the United States, accounting for 80 percent of the rice consumed domestically.

2. Orchard Farming

Orchard farming is also very popular in America and almost all the states engage in this one of the types of farming that are most in USA. Cities such as Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, New York, etc. An orchard is an intentional plantation of trees or shrubs such as orange tree, apple tree, etc. that is maintained for food production. Starting an orchard for profit is a way to make a living on a very small acreage.

3. Ranching

Ranching is a very lucrative type among the types of farming that are most common in USA. It has to do with the rearing and selling of cattle. Since American consume much of meat, this type of farming is common in almost every part of the world and it is highly profitable.

4. Urban Farming

Urban farming has certainly developed by more than 30 percent in the United States in the past 30 years. This is simply because it has been estimated that urban agriculture can meet 15 to 20 percent of global food demand and as so, it remains to be seen what level of food self-sufficiency it can realistically ensure for cities. This type of farming refers to the cultivation, processing and distribution of agricultural products in urban and suburban areas.

5. Vineyard

This is another type of farming that’s generally practiced in USA following the fact that it is this activity that produces wine and the several juice and drinks taken across cities in America. Examples are the wine regions of Oregon with famous American Viticultural Areas like Willamette Valley, Southern Oregon, Umpqua Valley, Rogue Valley and part of Columbia Valley.

6. Poultry Farming

This also is one of the types of farming that are most common in USA and it is most lucrative for its large production of chicken, turkey, and all other varieties of poultry food and feed.

7. Organic Farming

In the U.S. and also across Europe, organic farming is generally more profitable because of higher prices and/or lower input costs than conventional farms. There were more than 14,000 certified organic farms in the United States in 2016, according to the latest available data from the U.S. Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting.

8. Micro Farming

Micro farming is small-scale, high-yielding, environmentally-friendly farming that is typically done by hand in urban or suburban regions. It is also widely practiced in US by individuals who are not supported by modern machinery or mercenary.

9. Hay Farming

In the US, hay forms an essential component of livestock feed and is grown in several states such as Texas, Kansas, California, and Missouri. Many of the states where vast quantities of hay are grown also have a vibrant livestock industry. Production of hay in the United States totaled 131.5 million tons in 2017, which was a result of 53.8 million hay acres harvested.

10. Dairy Farming

This farming practice is essential just like the rice farming or any other types of farming that are most common in USA. It is respected for its production and sales of milk and other essences to the community. There are 40,200 dairy farms in the United States, down from 111,800 in 1995. In 2017 the top five dairy states are, in order by total milk production; California, Wisconsin, New York, Idaho, and Texas. Dairy farming remains important in Florida, Minnesota, Ohio and Vermont. As much as it is expensive, it is also one of the most lucrative activities in the US.

Other types of farming that are most common in USA are:

11. Aquaculture
12. Dry Farming
13. Cooperative Farming
14. Apiary
15. Family Farming

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