The World’s Tallest Man in History.

Although Robert Pershing Wadlow was the world’s tallest man in history as at June 27th 1940s, another man has recently been discovered to be one of history’s tallest male human beings given the measure of his height that was compared to Wadlow’s. Robert Wadlow, being the tallest man, was born around 6:30 a.m. at Alton, Illinois, USA on 22 February 1918 and died at 1:30 a.m. on 15 July 1940 in a hotel in Manistee, Michigan, as a result of a septic blister on his right ankle caused by a brace, which had been poorly fitted only a week earlier. It was indeed a tough time for him.

Robert’s greatest recorded weight was 222.71 kg  on his 21st birthday and he weighed 199 kg at the point of his death in 1940.

The World's Tallest Man in History.

His daily food consumption was 8000 calories. It is three times more than the amount recommended for average-sized male humans. It was recorder that when he was 9 years old, he lifted his father Harold F. Wadlow, who’s the Mayor of Alton, up the stairs of the family home. His father was 5 ft. 11 in and also weighed 77 kg.

His shoe size was a huge 37AA (47 cm long), he had an arm span of 2.88 m (9ft 5.75 in), and his hands measured 32.4 cm (12.75 in) from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.

“The doctor says I won’t get home for the….celebrations”

That was his last utterance from the struggle he had with death on the hospital bed. It was so sad he didn’t yet make it home truly. However, he made it to the sky where his real home is. How so sweet that he left an unforgettable record for himself and that is being the world’s tallest man in history. No one that has been born after him has ever been able to compete with his height.

Robert Pershing Wadlow’s kind is indeed rare!

The World’s Tallest Man in History.

The world has seen different tall people since outset. This article has been able to garner at least the list of the last 10 tallest male human beings dating back to a century now 100. Even as we have said earlier that none of these tallest men has ever beaten Robert Pershing Wadlow. Here are the list of men that could be tagged as the world’s tallest man in history, though none was or is as tall as Robert (1918 – 1940):

 Name                                                                 Height by Centimeter                                          Year of Death

1. Robert Wadlow (from America)
2. John F Carroll   (from America)
3. Sultan Kösen     (from Turkey)
4. Bernard Coyne  (from America)
5. Don Koehler      (from America)
6. Suleiman Ali Nashnush (from Libya)
7. Xi Shun              (from China)
8. Radhouane Charbib (from Tunisia)
9. Edward “Ted” Evans (from UK)
10. Haji Mohammad Alam Channa (from Pakistan)


The most recent of all the world’s tallest man in history is Sultan Kösen. He was born the 10th of December 1982. He was a Kurdish farmer who held the Guinness World Record for tallest living male at 251 centimeters, that is about 8 ft. tall. He is also to be tagged the world’s tallest man in history as he had proven by natural quality deserving of the honor.

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