Things to Avoid When Writing an Argumentative Essay

Things to avoid when writing an argumentative essay > When writing academic papers, students confront one of the most difficult challenges. As a result, many people still believe that writing is a skill that must be developed via practice.

To write an argumentative essay, a student must explore a topic; gather and assess information; provide a perspective on the topic, and do it briefly.

The argumentative essay and the explanatory essay may be confused at times. The argumentative essay varies from the explanatory essay in the amount of pre-writing (invention) and research that it requires. A student who seeks academic help can buy argumentative essay help online to boost their results.

 It is typical to give an argumentative essay as a capstone or final assignment in first-year writing or specialized writing classes and requires extensive, meticulous research. 

Things to Avoid When Writing an Argumentative Essay

Having a basic understanding of academic writing rules can help you avoid many problems lurking while writing argumentative essays. The following are things to avoid when writing an argumentative essay  and things to stay away from while crafting an effective argumentative essay.

1. DON’T start a remark with statements such as, you believe, or think. 

These terms merely help to undermine the statement. My apologies for your point of view. ” I believe” or, “I think” anything unless you are quoting or paraphrasing. ” Education is the answer to countless problems,” rather than “I believe that education is the key to many problems,” is the correct revision. The second statement is more assertive and powerful.

2. Avoid writing an essay with no evidence to back up.

In your line of work, an argument based only on emotions is unlikely to succeed. Regardless of what your field considers legitimate proof, there is no escaping it: You need evidence. Certain people can utilize their own life experiences as proof; these people tend to be high-ranking professionals or those with a unique perspective. However, these persons are usually well-established in their respective fields of expertise. Make use of evidence when you establish yourself.

3. Do not have an unclear or weak thesis statement.

An argumentative essay must have a clear thesis statement since it outlines the position you want to take throughout your writing. Having an unclear or ambiguous thesis statement will make it difficult for you to prove it and make it difficult for your readers to comprehend what you mean. A decent essay requires a compelling thesis statement. It’s the line on which the remainder of your paper will dangle. It needs to express a viewpoint and be as detailed as possible. 

4. Don’t Steal or plagiarize.

Plagiarism is defined as stealing somebody else’s work or ideas and posing as if they are your own; it is a serious violation. Academic institutions have rigorous plagiarism regulations and employ a variety of plagiarism-checking techniques to ensure that your work is original. When you commit a crime, you won’t be able to walk away unscathed. So don’t try to trick your professors by claiming that something sounds like it was written by you when it was written by someone else.

Ensure you’re not rewriting a full article or a piece of an article as you own. Instead of putting together your ideas and analyses, you’re simply rephrasing someone else’s thoughts in a different sequence. To be considered an expert in your field, you’ll need to conduct extensive research to back up the claims you make in your essay.

5. Do not conclude abruptly or without thought. 

There must be an exact match between the two assertions in order for a conclusion to be effective. However, it is possible to become bogged down in your arguments and reach a conclusion that is at odds with your premise.

It’s not unusual for students to write in their papers, “Ends abruptly.” Students often focus on gathering information and citing sources for their research papers that they neglect the critical role that a well-written conclusion plays.

Your initial statement or arguments may need to be rewritten in these situations. Another thing to remember is that the final portion of your paper should not contain any fresh ideas.

6. DON’T skimp on proofreading and editing.

One of the most prevalent mistakes in academic papers is word misuse, which may be spotted using a spell-checker. To spot all errors in one read-through is also tough. For punctuation errors and grammar, conduct a second read-through of your essay after checking for excellent paragraph organization, concentration, and flow. To facilitate the process, slow down your reading. This makes it simpler to spot mistakes.

Avoid using contractions, or if you must, use them correctly. You’re the same as you are. There is they are. Your Subjects and verbs should be in agreement. Be on the lookout for ambiguous or illogical statements (A sentence is correct if there’s a subject and a verb).

When writing an essay, always use the third-person pronoun (he/she/it/they). Avoid referring to yourself or others in the first or second person when writing an essay. 

7. Avoid mistakes in Citation.

Many scholars have never completed a research paper and don’t know anything about the MLA or APA style standards for in-text citations, references, or lists of sources. Many teachers who assign essays require students to follow the principles and will deduct a considerable number of points if they don’t.

Unless your professor expressly asks for a different format for your bibliography, you should use the MLA style for academic writings. Check out this webpage for a comprehensive list of MLA citation guidelines. Be careful with your bibliography. Writing a unique analysis of your issue should be the most difficult element of your essay. The bibliography follows a formula and is simple to complete correctly.


An argumentative essay should avoid all the above-mentioned, but most importantly, the thoughts and ideas should flow coherently and logically. Carry out the necessary research and give credit to all your sources. 

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